Hey everyone,
I would like to answer some questions that keep getting repeated, hopefully it will save everyone some time and effort.
1. Please contain the following information in a single email; once you decide to place an order. first, the amount you are sending, what product and how many, your choice of shipping, the tracking number for your payment, and most important, where do you want me to send it? Also, I always ship no signature required. If you really need me to ship phedx or upeeS, I can do it but it does cost more. Just let me know.
2. preferred payment is CIM. If you are in a bind and absolutely need something to go out the same day, i will take paypal cash card. I have had people think that is the same as sending money to me via paypal and its not. You have to physically go purchase a mycash paypal card at a local retailer such as cvs, dollar store, etc, you load the amount you want to send, then email me the 10 digit pin number from the back of the card. The maximum i can receive daily is 500.00. Its first come first serve. When sending payment, you can send it any carrier of your choice as long as you provide a tn. It is best for both parties to know 100%, when the payment arrives. I will ship same day as payment arrives, I always provide tracking.
3. You guys have to let me know what brand and size of benzzz to carry, i am happy to do so, but i need to know the majority census for what is popular.
4. Last, thank you all for your interest.