No luck at all, avoid this vendor until he sorts out my issue! This is big it was a $600 order. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure the Alg he sent me were fake! But you guys can tell me I'll post pictures later.
I am so upset at Juan... all he needs to do is send my order, it's pretty simple! He will not do it!
I'm sorry you're having problems but $600 is not a big order.
Ive yet to run across or hear of fake ALG -- though that doesn't mean they don't exist. But have you tried one? You, or most people if they have any familiarity with rox, should be able to tell by trying one. 3Omg is 3Omg (unless you're IVing it, in which case I can't help you). I don't understand your "pretty sure" language. Either they are or they aren't.
Here is a way to tell if they're legit or not: Don't take ANY 0piates/0piods for 12 hours (or however long it takes you to begin to experience significant WD) and then take one of your questionable ALG. This is a for-sure way to tell, in my experience. (Unless you're totally 0piate/0id naive in which case DO NOT do this as it could be dangerous.) But otherwise it is a good way to tell.
If it's any reassurance I recently received ALG and although they looked slightly odd (mainly the scoring) they are very much legit.