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I ordered the Empacod once, it worked well. Never tried the hydro or anything else pain wise, not so sure that I will.

Ordered/Shipped : Jan 13

Received: Jan 23 (10 days to NE US)

Thanks for the concern Robin Hood,

No no I ordered those maybe late december and I still have most of them left. I rarely need them. Yep apap is a killer.

Be aware they are really T2's as they only have 20mg of codeine and they are the only ones I would trust too. Their homemade codeines are not good IMO and some think they might be trams. I tried the 60s and would not get them again.  

I've had good luck with deliveries other than an order from 2-22 which is likely seized or if I am lucky late or lost. I want to reorder but I'm kinda stuck in limbo land hoping it is late. I did not see all the new sample packs that day or my order and probable loss would have been larger. 

I give a thumbs up to the benzo and Z items.

Cool. I thought you had meant 3 different sample packs. Hopefully that Empacod will help with your migraines. I've been curious as to how effective those are from here, look forward to hearing your feedback.

Those are the only pain med I'd trust from here as they aren't in cap form and have an imprint.
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To add to this little cavalcade,  I'll be adding my own review of Bromezepams and Oxazepams in the next few days, along with my first attempt with Nitrazepams.  I'll try to space out the tests to avoid tolerance and any withdrawal issues.  (Benzo withdrawal is the devil, itself)  

Robin I checked out that site you mentioned above just being curious. But how much more info and opinions does a person need? There is so much out there it's confusing and the reliably is in question too. I am happy staying right here, got everything I need and like you said honest unbiased information.The people are friendly too.Thanks everyone.

I hadn't been on these forums in a while.

I was surprised to see top10meds at the top of the forum. 

I'm not going to come on here and bash the company completely as apparently its done decent if they have this many posts about them. 

I haven't read through the post much. I might have a few months ago when I originally decided to order from them though. 

Is this the site that offers insurance if you purchase the insurance?

I saw on their site their supposed success rate, and was curious about the insurance anyways, but I ordered the bromazepam, and I believe a small order of Tamazepam. The package had never come, I waited at least 25-30 days before contacting them, them saying wait a little longer. I was ok with that, I've ordered from a place or two that went well into over a month. Sure enough the order never came, and without insurance they didn't help me at all. Which I guess is understandable, and insurance might be a good idea for a company with people possibly scamming or saying they didn't recieve when they did or something, but it left a bad taste in a my mouth. 

I was going to start a fraud investigation with my bank, but given the legality of the whole thing I decided saying it was a vitamin company or something sounded kinda suspicious. I decided to cut my losses. 

I hadn't been on these forums in a while.

I was surprised to see top10meds at the top of the forum. 

I'm not going to come on here and bash the company completely as apparently its done decent if they have this many posts about them. 

I haven't read through the post much. I might have a few months ago when I originally decided to order from them though. 

Is this the site that offers insurance if you purchase the insurance?

I saw on their site their supposed success rate, and was curious about the insurance anyways, but I ordered the bromazepam, and I believe a small order of Tamazepam. The package had never come, I waited at least 25-30 days before contacting them, them saying wait a little longer. I was ok with that, I've ordered from a place or two that went well into over a month. Sure enough the order never came, and without insurance they didn't help me at all. Which I guess is understandable, and insurance might be a good idea for a company with people possibly scamming or saying they didn't recieve when they did or something, but it left a bad taste in a my mouth. 

I was going to start a fraud investigation with my bank, but given the legality of the whole thing I decided saying it was a vitamin company or something sounded kinda suspicious. I decided to cut my losses. 
De top of the forum has nothing to do with good or bad, new replays go always to the top.


Did you happen to order/ have your's sent out ~Jan 21-23rd by chance? I saw on two similar but differently located forum satleas about 6 or 7 people who ordered around the 22nd area and have received absolutely nothing yet- No LL, nothing. I'm sorry for that happening bro, I know that feel all to well (I imagine 99% of us do) but hey, you never might just show up.

C'mon though NEVER turn an *heavily used and mostly reliable* IOP into a bank for bank fraud / failure to give goods that you ordered (the meds).

Now the exceptions that I would understand are if some shadyarse / perhaps newer IOP that doesn't have a customer base yet, nothing but a shill's feedback, and who just send you frackin' nothing (usually the selective scammers) then yes definitely. That's bad business. Also if you get sent bunk medicine. Otherwise, esp with now ordering 3/4 times from TTM myself, before finalizing your order you agree that if you don't buy the insurance then you inevitably fall into that 6% chance of not hetting it then: you're SOL

my friend /default_sad.png.

Definitely think it's healthy think  o move on and live to IOP another day though bro. I DO know that feeling of checking the mail every every day for almost 40 days 1 or 2 years ago and it is AWFUL when one doesnt arrive, that isnt including an LL I've gotten before too. SO I know and I'm sorry for ya. WE ALL +know+ THAT SHITE FEELING. No doubting that . . .

My last order which took 10 days to the mid-atlantic region:

Purata 30s (oxaz):                    7/10    (good, potent...found out prob not my VERY fav benz or best for my anxiety tho :/)

Sandoz Bromazepam:               9/10   (excellent!fresh.  wish I could find those frick'n 6mg lexo bars somewhere)

Betapams (had before):          10/10   (as good, fresh, and reasonable as always..all is good with me)

Overall they did a good job once again, this week may order again...although super tempted to mix it up with the updated Palmira. Always loved their turn around time before I stopped ordering maybe a year and a half ago.

Back to zee Topik: I seriously am curious if anybody, from an order from TTMo, has ordered

  • Either the brand or tranqipam version of Lorazepam
  • The Normission / Restoral (Temazepam)
  • Broncleer Cough Syrup
  • The Midazolam
And of course how quality were they.

Thanks guys, good luck to anybody waiting. My 3 orders to the mid-atlantic / north east USA seems to have an average of between 7-13 days thus far.

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De top of the forum has nothing to do with good or bad, new replays go always to the top.

Yeah I know, but I meant with it at the top and with 31 pages, they have definitely made a name for themselves. 

Did you happen to order/ have your's sent out ~Jan 21-23rd by chance? I saw on two similar but differently located forum satleas about 6 or 7 people who ordered around the 22nd area and have received absolutely nothing yet- No LL, nothing. I'm sorry for that happening bro, I know that feel all to well (I imagine 99% of us do) but hey, you never might just show up.

C'mon though NEVER turn an *heavily used and mostly reliable* IOP into a bank for bank fraud / failure to give goods that you ordered (the meds).

Now the exceptions that I would understand are if some shadyarse / perhaps newer IOP that doesn't have a customer base yet, nothing but a shill's feedback, and who just send you frackin' nothing (usually the selective scammers) then yes definitely. That's bad business. Also if you get sent bunk medicine. Otherwise, esp with now ordering 3/4 times from TTM myself, before finalizing your order you agree that if you don't buy the insurance then you inevitably fall into that 6% chance of not hetting it then: you're SOL

my friend /default_sad.png.

Definitely think it's healthy think  o move on and live to IOP another day though bro. I DO know that feeling of checking the mail every every day for almost 40 days 1 or 2 years ago and it is AWFUL when one doesnt arrive, that isnt including an LL I've gotten before too. SO I know and I'm sorry for ya. WE ALL +know+ THAT SHITE FEELING. No doubting that . . .

My last order which took 10 days to the mid-atlantic region:

Purata 30s (oxaz):                    7/10    (good, potent...found out prob not my VERY fav benz or best for my anxiety tho :/)

Sandoz Bromazepam:               9/10   (excellent!fresh.  wish I could find those frick'n 6mg lexo bars somewhere)

Betapams (had before):          10/10   (as good, fresh, and reasonable as always..all is good with me)

Overall they did a good job once again, this week may order again...although super tempted to mix it up with the updated Palmira. Always loved their turn around time before I stopped ordering maybe a year and a half ago.

Back to zee Topik: I seriously am curious if anybody, from an order from TTMo, has ordered

  • Either the brand or tranqipam version of Lorazepam
  • The Normission / Restoral (Temazepam)
  • Broncleer Cough Syrup
  • The Midazolam
And of course how quality were they.

Thanks guys, good luck to anybody waiting. My 3 orders to the mid-atlantic / north east USA seems to have an average of between 7-13 days thus far.
Yeah I know, I'm not a big fan of blabbing about a reliable IOP that did me wrong to ruin it for everyone else, but at the time I wasn't sure how reliable they were. No, it was before January, I believe it was some time in late october/early november. 

Robin Hood said:
Dxero thats great.....................Thats what makes this forum different than the other run of the mill forums. Take for instance If you say one bad thing about a particular IOP (that I wont mention) they will actually ban you. /default_ph34r.png

Here at DBG we actually give out unbiased opinions so that others can make an educated decision on their own.

I will be waiting on the Oxazepam review as I have never tried them.
i think you got that mixed up theres a hell of a lot of reviews here for a place that has homemade meds, and pages of shills

Did you happen to order/ have your's sent out ~Jan 21-23rd by chance? I saw on two similar but differently located forum satleas about 6 or 7 people who ordered around the 22nd area and have received absolutely nothing yet- No LL, nothing. I'm sorry for that happening bro, I know that feel all to well (I imagine 99% of us do) but hey, you never might just show up.

C'mon though NEVER turn an *heavily used and mostly reliable* IOP into a bank for bank fraud / failure to give goods that you ordered (the meds).

Now the exceptions that I would understand are if some shadyarse / perhaps newer IOP that doesn't have a customer base yet, nothing but a shill's feedback, and who just send you frackin' nothing (usually the selective scammers) then yes definitely. That's bad business. Also if you get sent bunk medicine. Otherwise, esp with now ordering 3/4 times from TTM myself, before finalizing your order you agree that if you don't buy the insurance then you inevitably fall into that 6% chance of not hetting it then: you're SOL

my friend /default_sad.png.

Definitely think it's healthy think  o move on and live to IOP another day though bro. I DO know that feeling of checking the mail every every day for almost 40 days 1 or 2 years ago and it is AWFUL when one doesnt arrive, that isnt including an LL I've gotten before too. SO I know and I'm sorry for ya. WE ALL +know+ THAT SHITE FEELING. No doubting that . . .

My last order which took 10 days to the mid-atlantic region:

Purata 30s (oxaz):                    7/10    (good, potent...found out prob not my VERY fav benz or best for my anxiety tho :/)

Sandoz Bromazepam:               9/10   (excellent!fresh.  wish I could find those frick'n 6mg lexo bars somewhere)

Betapams (had before):          10/10   (as good, fresh, and reasonable as always..all is good with me)

Overall they did a good job once again, this week may order again...although super tempted to mix it up with the updated Palmira. Always loved their turn around time before I stopped ordering maybe a year and a half ago.

Back to zee Topik: I seriously am curious if anybody, from an order from TTMo, has ordered

  • Either the brand or tranqipam version of Lorazepam
  • The Normission / Restoral (Temazepam)
  • Broncleer Cough Syrup
  • The Midazolam
And of course how quality were they.

Thanks guys, good luck to anybody waiting. My 3 orders to the mid-atlantic / north east USA seems to have an average of between 7-13 days thus far.
Yeh, I'm also curious about the quality of their Midazolam(Dormicum), & their Temazepam Eggs. If ANYONE has tried either one of these products, then Please post a review about their quality. Also, anyone who's ordered an Amp of "K", then please let us know "Discreetly" about its quality, & how "Stealth" their packaging was.

Thanks in advance, N-Pain 


Well I think I'm down and out yet another $80. It's been around a month since placing my last order of codeine with these guys and still no package. But hey at least they are somewhat upfront, they have continually warned me about ordering caps- as they are harder to conceal and they do make it crystal fucking clear about ordering at your own risk and their no-reship policy. I think I have to bow out from ordering anymore of their codeine/tramadol products for now. I'm liking the reviews on the Bromazepam and Oxazepam, so maybe I will give them a whirl when I have some spare cash. I've never had any issues with receiving their vals.

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Don't want to double post, but I ordered for Z-meds (hope that's not too much info) on 2/14.

Mailed on 2/15

And yet to receive...I know we had a federal holiday last week which might be slowing things down. It's only been 12 days total (which seems average for South CA). I just have a bad feeling about it. I'm going away on Friday for a few days. Assuming it doesn't come in before I leave, do you think I should hold my mail at a local post office until I get back so I don't have my nosey roommate opening my letters/packages/etc. while I'm gone?

I'm not panicked about whether or not its going to come, but if it's going to be late, I don't want my roommate sniffing around my packages.

The no TN thing makes things much more difficult that I thought...I'm totally in the dark about the where abouts of my letter.

Anyways, just wanted to vent. See what the average shipping times were to southern CA and if others have received orders mailed on 2/15.

Just trying to learn the ins-and-outs of the process, so I know what to expect. So far, this thread has offered a wealth of information. Just curious about recent transactions, etc. 

Thanks everyone—by the way, everyone here is really helpful and I appreciate that. It's great to have an outlet like this /default_smile.png

I received my package on 2/25! Exactly 10 days transit time.

I ordered the Mylan generic x and in my opinion they're just as good as the Mylan generics in the us. 10 says shipping, excellent communication, awesome packaging and quality meds. Need I say more? I will be ordering from them in the bear future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@HikesWithaGSD I guess that means we both ordered at the same time. Should I worry that my letter is lost in the cross hairs? I'll wait another week just to see.

I guess it's not so much about when you order, it just depends on how far away the ultimate shipping destination is. Haven't given up, bu until I recieve anything, I'm just going to go with AMC /default_smile.png

Thanks to a heads up from a friend I ordered 4 different sample packs of some hard to find meds from them today. I also paid the 20% extra for insurance just in case. I'm sure my buddy wouldn't steer me wrong but getting an email signed "Dick" made me feel a little uncomfortable. Their policy of stressing no guarantees also made me leery. Call me strange but whenever a site makes you agree that you are buying without a promise of getting anything it makes me think I might not get anything.

Thanks to a heads up from a friend I ordered 4 different sample packs of some hard to find meds from them today. I also paid the 20% extra for insurance just in case. I'm sure my buddy wouldn't steer me wrong but getting an email signed "Dick" made me feel a little uncomfortable. Their policy of stressing no guarantees also made me leery. Call me strange but whenever a site makes you agree that you are buying without a promise of getting anything it makes me think I might not get anything.
Well its a fair concern but if I was their lawyer I would make them put every disclaimer in the book to try to stave off as much trouble as they could.  That probably includes not being involved in what they're involved in general but you can't protect everyone from everything.  I'm 1 for 1 with them myself and hoping to be 2 for 2 by the beginning of next week.  So I can somewhat support them.  

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@slzzper: I def wouldn' worry yet. Mine shipped on the 13th and got it on the 23rd. I've had one take 14 days and judging by ship times the NE US gets their packages a little quicker, prob as all airmail from ZA goes to the UK or Belgium, etc. and then finds it way to NY I believe.

If it shipped the 15th then today is your 14th day...I wouldn't start worrying for atleast several more days. Hope you get it today / saturday /default_smile.png.

I'd like to try the midazolam as well, just so pricey for a 5 hour semi-coma haha. The temazepam jellies are just too much at TTM cost-wise, as much as I love them I could get the 30mg caps cheaper. GL all . . .

Also @High Tide : Hahahaha! A few times he forgot the comma so /I immediately read it as "Best regards Dick". Think was my first order w/ TTM..needless to say I lost a little confidence there hah.

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Thanks to a heads up from a friend I ordered 4 different sample packs of some hard to find meds from them today. I also paid the 20% extra for insurance just in case. I'm sure my buddy wouldn't steer me wrong but getting an email signed "Dick" made me feel a little uncomfortable. Their policy of stressing no guarantees also made me leery. Call me strange but whenever a site makes you agree that you are buying without a promise of getting anything it makes me think I might not get anything.
Ordered: Feb. 14

Shipped: Feb. 15 and 18

Received: Feb 26 and 28

When I placed my first order with TTM last summer, they didn't have all those "no guarantee" disclaimers that you had to agree to. The no reship, no refund policy was spelled out pretty clearly in their "Terms", but I guess TTM wanted to make it absolutely crystal that the customer assumes all the risk. Can't really blame them for wanting that little extra protection. Over the years I've seen too many reliable IOP's lose their ability to accept C.C. payments because of  mostly unwarranted chargebacks. I say "mostly unwarranted" because I don't believe that a seized shipment is a good enough reason to do a chargeback. But that's just my opinion. /default_smile.png

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!