Good sleeping pills to knock me out

Thanks @chchtwo I have also tried all the meds you list, but not Trazadone. I will definitely be on the lookout for it as I too suffer with insomnia.

@2earls, Trazadone knocked me out and woke up the next morning with a hangover.  Yuck.  But a lot of sleeping meds I've been prescribed have that affect on me! 

I already have a hard time getting going in the morning so I don't want to end up taking something to sleep AND something to wake up. It's still worth a try in case it affects people differently. 

Oh, to only be young again! 

@2earls, Trazadone knocked me out and woke up the next morning with a hangover.  Yuck.  But a lot of sleeping meds I've been prescribed have that affect on me! 
Trazadone does have a nasty hangover effect on me too. I'm supposed to be taking 100mg at bedtime so I break them in quarters.

GABAPentin And or Baclofen should work well and do for Me and they are short-acting let Me know if you want more info on that will check back in on this thread for reply if you do or not. 

I have tried Gabapentin and it doesn't agree with me. Have not tried Baclofen. Is it the same kind of drug or something totally different?  Yes, I know I am being lazy when Google is my friend, but in case you check back I'm taking the easy route.

Had Gabapentin and Neurontin prescribed to me for nerve problems and they both made me weird with a capital W.

@2earls baclofen isnt like those other two. It is an rx only gaba b agonist, as is phenibut and ghb works on the ghb receptors and a weak agonist of gaba b.

i haven’t had baclofen but gave heard good things, and it wouldnt have the same Weird effects as the two voltage gated calcium channel drugs (gabapenti n and pregabalin), even though those are based off the gaba structure, same as baclofen, they should have an entirely different method of action. So far as i know, its worth a shot, and it could help pain symptoms as well

Also, as far as I know, the gaba b agonists don’t build tolerance as much as gaba a ones do, so though they aren’t as “recreational”(phenibut begs to differ on this and i feel like it must have a more complicated method of action than just gaba b), they don’t accumulate tolerance as bad.

currently doing research on flumazenil for reveral of gaba a tolerance though, which I’m sure many in this board would be interested in.

I sure I've made a post about Trazadone previously on this thread but I've  taken Trazadone as an anti depressant which also has the added plus of having sedative properties.They did have sedative properties but I felt them particularly sedative the next day when at work rather than during the night.This was why after a very short time on them I HAD to stop using them as they made the task of driving  the nxt dey VERY dangerous indeed🤤.


Ps I take zopiclone to help me sleep if I REALLY need to sleep,although I wouldn't recommend using it on an nightly basis as like all sleep meds they loose there effectiveness and they have addictive issues as well.. 

Everything Myalias said is spot on Baclofen works on GABA-B Receptors and despite using 60MG of Baclofen every night with the GABAPentin to help me sleep (It's NOT advisable to mix downers like this though) and I don't feel the same like literally a knockout effect from the Baclofen 40-60MG anymore will just give you nausea.

  I used to use GABAPentin recreationally but tolerance to the "Weird" recreational effects increases faster than other drug tolerance known about. I still get the Therapeutic effects for some reason the tolerance diminishes the effects a bit but they are still working after literally over 5 Years of daily use and I don't seem to experience withdrawal from Baclofen. I have read some people do experience withdrawal but even if you do experience it that is it really is not that bad at all but GABAPentin some people get withdrawal I personally don't but the people that do experience GABAPentin or Pregabalin withdrawal I have read it very very bad. 

I am prescribed 20MG baclofen every 4 hours (80mg daily) and 1200MG GABAPentin 3x a day I use the GABAPentin 1200-1500MG Dose with a second dose 1 Hour after that and the "weird" feeling goes away with tolerance to GABAPentin doing certain things like taking it with food for one of many things somehow increase it's absorption even though it seems to just literally pass right through the body they don't really know much at all about how GABAPentin works. 

  GHB effects GABA-A and I believe Phenibut Effects GABA-A but mostly it effects GABA-B but Baclofen only has an effect on the GABA-B Receptors and even in the 20MG Prescribed Dose with my Tolerance it will make me drowsy to an intolerable level if I take it during the day time. It seems all the negative side-effects caused by GABAPentin specific example is the horrible dry mouth it used to give me. 

  I seriously hope I did not make any typos and that this post makes sense since for some odd reason for what ever reason a post that has been made can only be Edited for so long after it was made. 

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@2earls if gaba made you weird avoid trazadone. Traz screws me up big time, racing heart, smashing headache. Off label use for sleep but I haven't heard anyone say it works. 

Insomnia is the worst. good luck!

I was really just out of it, like my mind wasn't with me. I stubbed out my cigarette directly onto the bedspread because I "thought " there was an ashtray there. Put away the TV remote in the refrigerator. Looking back I was worse off behaviorally than any drug I have ever taken. Think I had my wits about me better when I was hallucinating on LSD. At least I KNEW it was a hallucination and then I was just a dumb highschool freshman.

Anyway Gaba was bad for me and my boyfriend agreed that the chance of burning down the house could not compete with any health benefits from it. Sometimes when I take Ambien it reminds me of it a little bit.

Ambien puts me to sleep great, but I don't stay asleep. Benzos are better especially the longer lasting ones like Valium. Just can't take them a lot because I am scared of getting a new habit.

I wouldn’t recommend this all the time but there’s a cocktail I used to make with solpadeine max (codeine paracetamol otc med) cold water extract (use your codeine tolerance as a guide of how much)  so you’re just left with the pure codeine dissolve it in some fruit juice or something similar as it’s quite bitter and wash it down with some blues you’ll sleep like a dead body. I occasionally still do this and be okay to hit the gym at 6am the next morning. 

Thanks @chchtwo I have also tried all the meds you list, but not Trazadone. I will definitely be on the lookout for it as I too suffer with insomnia.
Be very careful with trazadone. I found it knocked me out but man oh man did I have a short fuse. I stopped as I was truly appalling and got into my girlfriends grill and went berserk. Had her crying and I felt awful about it. Luckily I have never been violent to the faintest sex but I got so close. 

Can anyone please give any advice on why I am only sleeping around 4 hours and I now never dream, for around 5 months now. It’s driving me crazy and, I’m sure, not good. R.E.M. sleep heals. I’m at my wits end 

Hey @Jools that’s a difficult one to answer without knowing your past experience with sleeping pills. Overtime the more you use the less effective they become. So if you took someone who had never taken a nitrazepam in their life gave the four they’ll sleep like death for a good eight hours. Many of us have built up a tolerance where they cause a paradoxical effect and benzos will not put you into a REM sleep. Try restricting your use to once or twice a week or a taper to ‘reset’ and the drug will become more effective again. 

I limit my use to the above but I’ve always had problems sleeping longer then four-five hours at a time even as a teenager through to a very active bb competitor and business owner working 70 hour weeks. 

It could also be linked to your low test levels as there’s evidence to suggest it causes mild sleep apnea however they do not know why. On the other hand extremely high levels of test have been show to have the same effect so take that with a pinch of salt. I’m going to sound like a dr but dietary changes and exercise can dramatically impact your sleeping pattern. Lower your caffeine intake and even if you aren’t interested in working out go for a long walk. 

I’ve always found nip@m as the best sleeping tablet if I take them straight before bed I’ll get a good 5 hours with the cocktail I mentioned earlier in the thread but I rarely do that anymore (the cocktail bit) or with blues for a really nice high and peaceful sleep. You could try that but be careful with the codeine levels. You should know your tolerance if you’ve dabbled in the past.     



Hey @Jools that’s a difficult one to answer without knowing your past experience with sleeping pills. Overtime the more you use the less effective they become. So if you took someone who had never taken a nitrazepam in their life gave the four they’ll sleep like death for a good eight hours. Many of us have built up a tolerance where they cause a paradoxical effect and benzos will not put you into a REM sleep. Try restricting your use to once or twice a week or a taper to ‘reset’ and the drug will become more effective again. 

I limit my use to the above but I’ve always had problems sleeping longer then four-five hours at a time even as a teenager through to a very active bb competitor and business owner working 70 hour weeks. 

It could also be linked to your low test levels as there’s evidence to suggest it causes mild sleep apnea however they do not know why. On the other hand extremely high levels of test have been show to have the same effect so take that with a pinch of salt. I’m going to sound like a dr but dietary changes and exercise can dramatically impact your sleeping pattern. Lower your caffeine intake and even if you aren’t interested in working out go for a long walk. 

I’ve always found nip@m as the best sleeping tablet if I take them straight before bed I’ll get a good 5 hours with the cocktail I mentioned earlier in the thread but I rarely do that anymore (the cocktail bit) or with blues for a really nice high and peaceful sleep. You could try that but be careful with the codeine levels. You should know your tolerance if you’ve dabbled in the past.     


That’s very enlightening about benzos and no R.E.M. sleep. I am benzo dependent so I will start the Ashton manual taper. I’m on morpheus slow release and amitriptyline plus I have a biological chemo drug, infused called Rituximab. I have Wegeners granulomatosis, surgery to fuse L5 and discectomies at L4/3. Also ulcerative colitis but the biological drug has helped with that. I rattle when I walk 😂.  I did have a very bad experience that triggered this sleep crap. Long story but I fell for an extremely ill woman, thought she was the one then was played until around 6-7 weeks ago, when I found out she has been sectioned and is borderline personality. She had many more hanging onto her, no fool like an old fool mate. Screwed my entire summer up and I’m only just starting to leave the house again. Suffered depression before but not this crippling anxiety. At one point, I asked my GP if I could be placed in a unit. 

Thankfully, I am now fighting back. Thanks for the help

Try googling Bluelight Blocking Glasses and the Computer Program Called F.lux. Bluelight specifically from Computer Monitors or even a light bulb will stop ALL Melatonin Production essentially in as little as 40 Minutes and it starts in 2 Minutes say if you wake up for a drink of water and turn the light on. There is a bunch of reasons why Sunlight makes us Alert and wakes us up more this is just one of those reasons. 

I have noticed a huge difference in how sleepy and tired I become when using these bluelight blocking Glasses compared to not using my Bluelight Blocking Glasses. I admit they are not exactly comfortable wearing for the recommended 2-3 Hours a night before sleeping to help you produce Melatonin more of it naturally compared to just using external Melatonin Pills which too high or to low of a Dose will make it less effective... in fact too high of a Dose which from what I Read any higher than 3MG of Melatonin will actually make it harder to fall asleep compared to 1MG give or take maybe 0.5MG of a Dose is what one should be using for best Results but it varies from person to person. I typically just take 3MG of Melatonin on the Nights I know I will fall asleep and say need to Reset my Sleep Schedule when my Sleep Schedule gets all out of whack. 

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gonna second the use of f.lux. sooooo helpful for sleep.  i also have orange/amber lights in my bedroom that emit no blue light so i dont have to wear the blueblock glasses around the house.  cant recommend it enough!

That’s very enlightening about benzos and no R.E.M. sleep. I am benzo dependent so I will start the Ashton manual taper. I’m on morpheus slow release and amitriptyline plus I have a biological chemo drug, infused called Rituximab. I have Wegeners granulomatosis, surgery to fuse L5 and discectomies at L4/3. Also ulcerative colitis but the biological drug has helped with that. I rattle when I walk 😂.  I did have a very bad experience that triggered this sleep crap. Long story but I fell for an extremely ill woman, thought she was the one then was played until around 6-7 weeks ago, when I found out she has been sectioned and is borderline personality. She had many more hanging onto her, no fool like an old fool mate. Screwed my entire summer up and I’m only just starting to leave the house again. Suffered depression before but not this crippling anxiety. At one point, I asked my GP if I could be placed in a unit. 

Thankfully, I am now fighting back. Thanks for the help
You’ve not had an easy time of it mate. And you’re welcome anything I can do to help but they are some serious conditions so I’d always follow the docs advice first and foremost.

We’ve all been there ma man Don’t let anyone drag you down like that, the most important person is yourself and your own well being. She may have felt like the one at the time but look at it this way you caught her out after a couple of months before you were in super deep. Just focus on yourself and getting to a place where you feel healthy (relative to your condition) and healthy in your own mind. Sometimes the GP can become a crux you need to find it in yourself to forgive and move on. The only person you’ll ever need in the world is yourself, you are of the greatest importance and when that ‘one’ does come along she’ll enhance what you have already built. 


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  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!