Trazadone does have a nasty hangover effect on me too. I'm supposed to be taking 100mg at bedtime so I break them in quarters.@2earls, Trazadone knocked me out and woke up the next morning with a hangover. Yuck. But a lot of sleeping meds I've been prescribed have that affect on me!
Be very careful with trazadone. I found it knocked me out but man oh man did I have a short fuse. I stopped as I was truly appalling and got into my girlfriends grill and went berserk. Had her crying and I felt awful about it. Luckily I have never been violent to the faintest sex but I got so close.Thanks @chchtwo I have also tried all the meds you list, but not Trazadone. I will definitely be on the lookout for it as I too suffer with insomnia.
That’s very enlightening about benzos and no R.E.M. sleep. I am benzo dependent so I will start the Ashton manual taper. I’m on morpheus slow release and amitriptyline plus I have a biological chemo drug, infused called Rituximab. I have Wegeners granulomatosis, surgery to fuse L5 and discectomies at L4/3. Also ulcerative colitis but the biological drug has helped with that. I rattle when I walkHey @Jools that’s a difficult one to answer without knowing your past experience with sleeping pills. Overtime the more you use the less effective they become. So if you took someone who had never taken a nitrazepam in their life gave the four they’ll sleep like death for a good eight hours. Many of us have built up a tolerance where they cause a paradoxical effect and benzos will not put you into a REM sleep. Try restricting your use to once or twice a week or a taper to ‘reset’ and the drug will become more effective again.
I limit my use to the above but I’ve always had problems sleeping longer then four-five hours at a time even as a teenager through to a very active bb competitor and business owner working 70 hour weeks.
It could also be linked to your low test levels as there’s evidence to suggest it causes mild sleep apnea however they do not know why. On the other hand extremely high levels of test have been show to have the same effect so take that with a pinch of salt. I’m going to sound like a dr but dietary changes and exercise can dramatically impact your sleeping pattern. Lower your caffeine intake and even if you aren’t interested in working out go for a long walk.
I’ve always found nip@m as the best sleeping tablet if I take them straight before bed I’ll get a good 5 hours with the cocktail I mentioned earlier in the thread but I rarely do that anymore (the cocktail bit) or with blues for a really nice high and peaceful sleep. You could try that but be careful with the codeine levels. You should know your tolerance if you’ve dabbled in the past.
You’ve not had an easy time of it mate. And you’re welcome anything I can do to help but they are some serious conditions so I’d always follow the docs advice first and foremost.That’s very enlightening about benzos and no R.E.M. sleep. I am benzo dependent so I will start the Ashton manual taper. I’m on morpheus slow release and amitriptyline plus I have a biological chemo drug, infused called Rituximab. I have Wegeners granulomatosis, surgery to fuse L5 and discectomies at L4/3. Also ulcerative colitis but the biological drug has helped with that. I rattle when I walk. I did have a very bad experience that triggered this sleep crap. Long story but I fell for an extremely ill woman, thought she was the one then was played until around 6-7 weeks ago, when I found out she has been sectioned and is borderline personality. She had many more hanging onto her, no fool like an old fool mate. Screwed my entire summer up and I’m only just starting to leave the house again. Suffered depression before but not this crippling anxiety. At one point, I asked my GP if I could be placed in a unit.
Thankfully, I am now fighting back. Thanks for the help