Oh Yeah , I did the chargeback b4 the time ran out, It was that M and D kept telling me that it was on the way the because of the way of sending the stuff was being held by the big brothers. so they led me on saying give it a month and we will reship. Bla bla bla.. Well you know i am a customer of four years so i thought they wont Fudge me. Well I got fudged out the product but not the charge. I'm glad you got the order though.Hi, AK. Holy crap, if you placed a CC order in Feb and have not rec'd, do a charge back today. (Reason, goods not rec'd as promised) Palmira can't fight that charge back because they won't have a signed POD showing you rec'd the goods. It's one thing to give these guys maybe 3 weeks, because of the issues they claimed they were having with the shipper and their country's customs dept., but 6-8 weeks, get that charge back in ASAP, get your dollars back before you lose your opportunity to do so. Just my opinion. Makes me wonder why/how I got my last cc order so damn fast, I really was expecting it to take 2-3 weeks to get here if at all, which is why I also kept it small. Would have thought they would catch up on older cc orders (maybe also part of the delay in ship) before they took new ones and shipped them. Hope it works out for you. S-
Just b'cause you see this name as a newbie doesn't mean i am one, by the way why you taking it so damn personal when i wasn't talking to you. If you been on here long enough you know that some of them come here to read up on them selves and what we say about them. so "yes" they do come on here to uplift there status to us. in newbie member forms. so take one of them chill pills you got and chill the hell out. i don't know you and wasn't talking to you. This is why i don't like using my real member's name. b'cause people like you are looking to start crap and then make us lose our rights to speak in these forums.and another thing how can sum1 with 8 posts talk shit about newbs wtf is with that if you dont have the sense to do a chargeback in 2 or 3 months dont take it out on low post users ive been a reader for a lot longer than ive been a member or started posting