Palmira Drugstore

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Hi, AK.  Holy crap, if you placed a CC order in Feb and have not rec'd, do a charge back today.  (Reason, goods not rec'd as promised)  Palmira can't fight that charge back because they won't have a signed POD showing you rec'd the goods.  It's one thing to give these guys maybe 3 weeks, because of the issues they claimed they were having with the shipper and their country's customs dept., but 6-8 weeks, get that charge back in ASAP, get your dollars back before you lose your opportunity to do so.  Just my opinion.  Makes me wonder why/how I got my last cc order so damn fast, I really was expecting it to take 2-3 weeks to get here if at all, which is why I also kept it small.  Would have thought they would catch up on older cc orders (maybe also part of the delay in ship) before they took new ones and shipped them.  Hope it works out for you.  S-
Oh Yeah , I did the chargeback b4 the time ran out, It was that M and D kept telling me that it was on the way the because of the way of sending the stuff was being held by the big brothers. so they led me on saying give it a month and we will reship. Bla bla bla.. Well you know i am a customer of four years so i thought they wont Fudge me. Well I got fudged out the product but not the charge. I'm glad you got the order though.

and another thing how can sum1 with 8 posts talk shit about newbs wtf is with that if you dont have the sense to do a chargeback in 2 or 3 months dont take it out on low post users ive been a reader for a lot longer than ive been a member or started posting
Just b'cause you see this name as a newbie doesn't mean i am one, by the way why you taking it so damn personal when i wasn't talking to you. If you been on here long enough you know that some of them come here to read up on them selves and what we say about them. so  "yes" they do come on here to uplift there status to us.  in newbie member forms. so take one of them chill pills you got and chill the hell out. i don't know you and wasn't talking to you. This is why i don't like using my real member's name. b'cause people like you are looking to start crap and then make us lose our rights to speak in these forums.  


So you think they are back on track or yours was just a lucky hit?

Every one listen don't WU them or Moneygram them. remember what was happening to our other members that where sending WU to pakistan. they were getting stuck left to right, up and down. Mass rip off orgy. At least with the CC you can cover your ass. I tell you if they go all the way WU i will never even think about dealing with them ever again. Just my advise. 

Thanks for replying @dvz I did some more clickin' around and it seems it's just the two products I was after the most, they don't have any/enough stock of so will not add to basket... which is annoying, but at least it actually says so, so I'm not left paying/waiting or getting ripped. They also don't seem to the the quantities available to purchase other various meds in the bulk section.  

Is this a common thing, things being out of stock a lot? (....and then getting re-stocked and available to add to cart?)

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yep, I was using the same/correct link.

Could anybody tell me if you've received orders lately (via c/c) and are OUTSIDE of the US?

(pm if you like, also interested in what that they are stinging us intl. folk for payment, if it has been discounted also or if it's still ridiculous, are they still sending via the same method as before?)

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Sorry phone acting up. With cc orders yes I think they are starting to pull

The orders back together. Several others whos word I trust received

This week in timely fashion. Keep orders small cc only and pay close attention on people's cc orders. WU bullshit was FUBAR from

Get go & I dont get wht people kept going for it when first

Reports indicated dont fucking do it. I will be making another

Small cc order soon. Will advise. Enjoy the weekend everyone.


Never seen the reports about  there PREVIOUS attempt to scam using WU/MG.    Anyways I just sent Them a message    threating them stating that i am going to report there site to VISA and MASTERCARD since its illegal to use there services for Illegal Drugs.       I think they will have no choice but to refund me than..      Waiting for a reply. I  am giving them 24 hours     I dont give a shit if its a weekend.      My money back or Good buy palmira for good sorry but they were great  getting  orders in 3-4 days.    Its just so sad now

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Never seen the reports about  there PREVIOUS attempt to scam using WU/MG.    Anyways I just sent Them a message    threating them stating that i am going to report there site to VISA and MASTERCARD since its illegal to use there services for Illegal Drugs.       I think they will have no choice but to refund me than..      Waiting for a reply. I  am giving them 24 hours     I dont give a shit if its a weekend.      My money back or Good buy palmira for good sorry but they were great  getting  orders in 3-4 days.    Its just so sad now
Nice going dude... " am going to report there site to VISA and MASTERCARD since its illegal to use there services for Illegal Drugs." That's really going to help your situation let alone help all the others out. Real bright.

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Thanks for replying @dvz I did some more clickin' around and it seems it's just the two products I was after the most, they don't have any/enough stock of so will not add to basket... which is annoying, but at least it actually says so, so I'm not left paying/waiting or getting ripped. They also don't seem to the the quantities available to purchase other various meds in the bulk section.  

Is this a common thing, things being out of stock a lot? (....and then getting re-stocked and available to add to cart?)
Yes, it's normal when they get low on an item to get a message, and you can't add it to the cart. As you said, that's a good thing in the long run. When this happens to me I tend to order something I might not always get, or order in a different mg configuration.

I wouldn't say it's super common, usually happens during their wobbly periods, or when they are hit with huge orders from a lot of people. I don't like to police how people order, but those folks who order massive quantities of something at a time, leave little fleabags like me out in the cold. Anyway, I digress. Generally they get restocked fairly quickly. Just keep checking back.

Never seen the reports about  there PREVIOUS attempt to scam using WU/MG.    Anyways I just sent Them a message    threating them stating that i am going to report there site to VISA and MASTERCARD since its illegal to use there services for Illegal Drugs.       I think they will have no choice but to refund me than..      Waiting for a reply. I  am giving them 24 hours     I dont give a shit if its a weekend.      My money back or Good buy palmira for good sorry but they were great  getting  orders in 3-4 days.    Its just so sad now
Read back what you are threatening to do. Read it slowly. Now think. THINK REALLY HARD who this is going to reflect on besides Palmira. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, you haven't thought hard enough. I hope I caught you in time.

Never seen the reports about  there PREVIOUS attempt to scam using WU/MG.    Anyways I just sent Them a message  threating them stating that i am going to report there site to VISA and MASTERCARD since its illegal to use there services for Illegal Drugs.       I think they will have no choice but to refund me than..      Waiting for a reply. I  am giving them 24 hours     I dont give a shit if its a weekend.      My money back or Good buy palmira for good sorry but they were great  getting  orders in 3-4 days.    Its just so sad now
"it's just so sad" is right. I understand your frustration but you didn't even use a cc to order so how is it logical to report them to cc companies?. You sound quite young and thus likely impulsive. Please think before you act.

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Read back what you are threatening to do. Read it slowly. Now think. THINK REALLY HARD who this is going to reflect on besides Palmira. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, you haven't thought hard enough. I hope I caught you in time.
You mean if I tell the teacher I was too stoned to do my homework, I'll get in trouble? Won't she just be mad at my dealer?

Well, hell....


"it's just so sad" is right. I understand your frustration but you didn't even use a cc to order so how is it logical to report them to cc companies?. You sound quite young and thus likely impulsive. Please think before you act.
What I don't understand you. I've used a Credit card and a debt Card over the past few years with Palmira. Just used one 2 weeks ago.  Its There new system for Western Union and money gram that seems to be the way they scam people. THe products they offer with those systems are much better.   I don't understand what your talking about all of my statements show The companies name and  Location.   

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What I don't understand you. I've used a Credit card and a debt Card over the past few years with Palmira. Just used one 2 weeks ago.  Its There new system for Western Union and money gram that seems to be the way they scam people. THe products they offer with those systems are much better.   I don't understand what your talking about all of my statements show The companies name and  Location.   
Hi.  Person A purchases illegal goods from a company.  Not a person from out of the back of a van, but an actual company.  Person A has multiple paper trails of making these purchases.  Person A then attempts to make a purchase from this same company in a new way the company offers.  New way of purchase has no recourse should goods not be delivered.  Person A tries new way, pays and does not receive goods.  Said person states will report company to various entities and LE.  Now if this were Best Buy and the goods were flash drives as an example, Person A (or anyone here reading this forum or using this company) has no issue.  However in the actual scenario, person A has been an active participant in multiple felonies.  Ratting out the company does not absolve person A of their commission of multiple felonies.  Person A likely gets arrested if they follow the course of action they state they intend to take.  Person A should have paid attention to what a ton of people said about not trying to purchase the goods the new way, but rather stick with the old way that offers person A protection in the event their goods do not arrive.  Bottom line, IMHO, you didn't pay attention, got sucked in and you got burnt.  Sucks.... absolutely.  If you just were venting when you stated what you intend to do, OK, I get it, sucks to get screwed.  It's happened to me more than once over the years.  But in this game you have chosen to play, it's a risk that is a given!  No matter how many times you have had things go perfectly, if you stay in this game it's a matter of when, not if, you will get screwed like this.  It will likely happen to you more than once.  Either be willing to accept that as a rule of the game or don't play.  But if you actually did what you said you did, that's pretty sad because you're not sitting at the kids table here and you're fucking with people who have a real, legitimate need for a source for these types of goods.  Grow up, take it as a lesson learned, be more careful in the future and leave it at that.  Just my nickel on it.  Also, even though it was there for the reading like a neon sign in the dark of night, I am truly sorry for you that you got screwed by the WU scam.  Take care and don't rat out.  S-

Hi.  Person A purchases illegal goods from a company.  Not a person from out of the back of a van, but an actual company.  Person A has multiple paper trails of making these purchases.  Person A then attempts to make a purchase from this same company in a new way the company offers.  New way of purchase has no recourse should goods not be delivered.  Person A tries new way, pays and does not receive goods.  Said person states will report company to various entities and LE.  Now if this were Best Buy and the goods were flash drives as an example, Person A (or anyone here reading this forum or using this company) has no issue.  However in the actual scenario, person A has been an active participant in multiple felonies.  Ratting out the company does not absolve person A of their commission of multiple felonies.  Person A likely gets arrested if they follow the course of action they state they intend to take.  Person A should have paid attention to what a ton of people said about not trying to purchase the goods the new way, but rather stick with the old way that offers person A protection in the event their goods do not arrive.  Bottom line, IMHO, you didn't pay attention, got sucked in and you got burnt.  Sucks.... absolutely.  If you just were venting when you stated what you intend to do, OK, I get it, sucks to get screwed.  It's happened to me more than once over the years.  But in this game you have chosen to play, it's a risk that is a given!  No matter how many times you have had things go perfectly, if you stay in this game it's a matter of when, not if, you will get screwed like this.  It will likely happen to you more than once.  Either be willing to accept that as a rule of the game or don't play.  But if you actually did what you said you did, that's pretty sad because you're not sitting at the kids table here and you're fucking with people who have a real, legitimate need for a source for these types of goods.  Grow up, take it as a lesson learned, be more careful in the future and leave it at that.  Just my nickel on it.  Also, even though it was there for the reading like a neon sign in the dark of night, I am truly sorry for you that you got screwed by the WU scam.  Take care and don't rat out.  S-
Very well put. I keep telling them forum after forum but its like they don't take heed to what we say. Now you going to run to the law and guess who is going in for being stupid. I got F**ked for an order and was able to chargeback because i used common sense. Roll back and see how many times i have warned about WU orders. You bit the bullet but that does not mean you have to be a rat. I took my loss and didn't go running to "the man" to sink these peeps. If you got stuck over some cash you sent WU its your fault. Thats why i hate when folks start naming the suppliers and there form of delivery on line so every one can read it. No wonder they are not being as they once were. Its b'cause they don't trust no one any more. DGSB I think we should have this forum closed  so no other stupid fools sink the only ship still riding the storm. If you know what i mean. 

Its like being a crackhead and you get a bad dealer who sells you ivory unscented soap and when you get burned what you going to do? call the cops and say that the you were going to buy crack and they sold you soap instead/? Not that i know anything about stiffing peeps with unscented ivory soap but just making a  The point is this . Move on and don't throw stones if you live in glass houses.  

Its like being a crackhead and you get a bad dealer who sells you ivory unscented soap and when you get burned what you going to do? call the cops and say that the you were going to buy crack and they sold you soap instead/? Not that i know anything about stiffing peeps with unscented ivory soap but just making a  The point is this . Move on and don't throw stones if you live in glass houses.  

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Nice going dude... " am going to report there site to VISA and MASTERCARD since its illegal to use there services for Illegal Drugs." That's really going to help your situation let alone help all the others out. Real bright.
THERE CC orders are back on track ordered 4-4 on a Wednesday reced tracking 4-8 On MONDAY-- PRODUCT RECD 4-9 I KNOW MANT OTHERS ARE THEIR CCORDERS;' BUT THE WU/CC IS A SCAM DONY RHJN THIS SITE BECAUSE OF THE NON CC ISSUES.........................

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!