Is living with a benzo habit outweigh the anxiety?


May 15, 2020
I grew up quite shy and by the time I was a senior year in high school I developed pretty bad social anxiety. My mother at the time didn’t believe these kids of medication would benefit me. Even suggesting celexa which made my anxiety much worse to the point of stuttering and sweating through my shirt during a job interview. 

unfortunately lead me to dabbling in alcohol and Things spiraled quite a bit a I checked myself into a 7 month in stay rehab to clean myself out. The next year was great and I started a new job and tried my hardest to stay off most substances, marijuana excluded. 

the sad thing is with this pandemic my anxiety is right where it was, would going to a psych doctor and explaining my situation help? Or would I he looked at as a long time addict who can’t be handled around this meds. I see suboxone clinics everywhere now, I don’t see helping individuals honestly trying to better themselves is so looked down on. 

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No, anxiety should be treated. If you want to use Benzos recreationally cool, but do it safely. Don't do it to escape your anxiety. Do it for fun. Withdrawals of Benzos are for lack of better term, terrifying. Also it has side effects, like poor memory. My 2 cents.

Definitely visit a psychiatrist. Also, be ready to help yourself. Only boldness can deliver from fear. You have to change your maladaptive though patterns. Workout resistance training, and do cardiovascular endurance workouts too. Anxiety is not a thing that has to stay forever.

@TheQuest couldnt have said it any better myself... some people do it for fun have too much fun and whoops 1 year gone by with 3 mg daily usage taper time lol... so folks don’t do that either!!! 

know your limits 

Thanks for the responses I’m making an appointment next week to get checked out. I see all this xan craze and I don’t get it, I’d rather have a val or kpin that’s much more lasting and less intoxicating. Hopefully something will work out 

@Kooter This is just my experience. When I went to rehab in 2019 I had been taking high dose benz0s for 10 years. I was diagnose as having a panic disorder and I had gotten worst with time. Before I ODed and got sent to rehab, I had developed severe agoraphobia, had panic attacks regularly and my was just not worth living (The overdose may have been intentional). After I went through the withdrawal, by the way, I also went through opi0id and stimulant withdrawals at the same time, they were a piece of cake compared to benzos, I had a seizure the day before I was suppised to leave. And it the depression and anhedonia the next few months was really bad. But since late 2019, since I stopped the drrugs, I haven't had a single panic attack, in fact I haven't had any moment of what I used to consider high anxiety. Transpiration, palpitations, feeling of throwing up, difficulty breathing, those were a constant part of my life and they're gone.

I know this is not the case for all, but in my case my @ddiction and longterm use of benzos gave me so much anxiety I got diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. It ruined my life for years. One of the theories is the clonazep@m had a short half life in my system so I was in constant withdrawal, but I also took d1azep0m, bromazep0m, @lprazol0m, l0razepam and cl0tiazepam at different points and it didn't really make a difference. I remember when 2mg of clon@zepam started feeling like nothing, and then 4, I took 20mg  a few times just trying to feel some relief. And it was the benz@s all along.

Benz@z are super effective in clearing the symptoms of anxiety, but it only works as long as you have them in your system and if you use them more than a couple months you're stuck with them. And they lose their effectiveness rather fast, then you have a sense of panic that can't be stopped with medication. And we know that longterm they cause depression, if you're not currently addicted to them, don't think about taking them longterm, if you think it's bad now, just add a benz@ habit and to me, that meant suicidal. Benzos are great for panic attacks and other acute uses, they were not made to be used daily for years. I ended up needing 600 mg of effex@r (On 450mg now) but it actually works, I don't need to take care of anxiety symptoms because my anxiety simply doesn't get that high. It's very tempting to think about taking v@lium or x@n@x every day, but think about this, what are you going to do 6 months or a year after you start taking them, when they no longer work but you need them no not get even worse.

@Kooter This is just my experience. When I went to rehab in 2019 I had been taking high dose benz0s for 10 years. I was diagnose as having a panic disorder and I had gotten worst with time. Before I ODed and got sent to rehab, I had developed severe agoraphobia, had panic attacks regularly and my was just not worth living (The overdose may have been intentional). After I went through the withdrawal, by the way, I also went through opi0id and stimulant withdrawals at the same time, they were a piece of cake compared to benzos, I had a seizure the day before I was suppised to leave. And it the depression and anhedonia the next few months was really bad. But since late 2019, since I stopped the drrugs, I haven't had a single panic attack, in fact I haven't had any moment of what I used to consider high anxiety. Transpiration, palpitations, feeling of throwing up, difficulty breathing, those were a constant part of my life and they're gone.

I know this is not the case for all, but in my case my @ddiction and longterm use of benzos gave me so much anxiety I got diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. It ruined my life for years. One of the theories is the clonazep@m had a short half life in my system so I was in constant withdrawal, but I also took d1azep0m, bromazep0m, @lprazol0m, l0razepam and cl0tiazepam at different points and it didn't really make a difference. I remember when 2mg of clon@zepam started feeling like nothing, and then 4, I took 20mg  a few times just trying to feel some relief. And it was the benz@s all along.

Benz@z are super effective in clearing the symptoms of anxiety, but it only works as long as you have them in your system and if you use them more than a couple months you're stuck with them. And they lose their effectiveness rather fast, then you have a sense of panic that can't be stopped with medication. And we know that longterm they cause depression, if you're not currently addicted to them, don't think about taking them longterm, if you think it's bad now, just add a benz@ habit and to me, that meant suicidal. Benzos are great for panic attacks and other acute uses, they were not made to be used daily for years. I ended up needing 600 mg of effex@r (On 450mg now) but it actually works, I don't need to take care of anxiety symptoms because my anxiety simply doesn't get that high. It's very tempting to think about taking v@lium or x@n@x every day, but think about this, what are you going to do 6 months or a year after you start taking them, when they no longer work but you need them no not get even worse.
I’m not currently addicted physically but I have been in the past, seizures and all. How did the Effexor help? I was prescribed it but SSRI drugs scare me, Celexa made my anxiety so bad I would sweat through my shirt and stutter. Maybe I’ll give it any hydroxyzine another shot

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@Kooter Antidepressants in general are the recomended longterm treatment. The thing with SSRIs is that because of negative feedback sometimes they backfire and cause anxiety, you have to find what works for you. I tried over 30 medications for my bipolar disorder, it's a slow process. I know a lot of people take pr0zac for anxiety, it's usually the first med doctors try for anxiety. Also buspir0ne is an non-addictive alternative to benzos. Preg@abalin and g@bapentin sometimes do wonders with anxiety, a friend of mine was taking 5 mg klon0pin with no improvement, tried a moderate dose of preg@balin and huge improvement. Some people do well with tricyclics, it's just trial and error.

Oh and if ohysical symptoms are too much, bet@-bl0ckers are pretty effective at reducing them. People usually take them for job interviewes, performing in front of an audience, that kinda thing. The situation you mention, sweating and stuttering in a job interview, that's exactly the scenarios for which people take them.

But trust me as someone who went through most pharmac3uticals available trying to find  one that worked for me, taking benzos longterm while having an anxiety problem is about the worst thing you can do. Even if you went for it, they wouldn't prescribe you the moderate potency long lasting benz9s that at least can work for a decent amount of time (Cl0bazam, chl0rdiazepoxide, cl0razepate, k3tazolam), you'd get x@nies or at1van or something like that. B3nzos should be either drugs of last resource or used for short periods usually when the patients starts on an antidepressant to provide relief until the other medication starts working. Go to a proper doctor that will actually treat you, not kickstart your addiction.


I have suffered from severe social anxiety ever since junior high. I was put on Celexa also when I was 15 and my parents caught me buying Xanax from South America. I’ve been on every antidepressant their is an they have never helped more than a tinge. I was prescribed Diazepam 10mg 3x a day. I was on this for 6 years with great success. This was the only benzo (that a Dr would prescribe) that I did not build a tolerance too and continued to work through those 6 years just as it did when I started (a bit of tolerance developed, but they still worked as needed). Benzos like Xanax and etizolam I would take for a month and I would have to be taking 5x the amount, with little to no effect anymore. Once my dr cut me off of Valium because I had a bout of severe depression and went into the hospital for it for about a month (even though I NEVER abused my diazepam or threatened to overdose with them, she cut me off). This is when I sought my own help online. I found Phenazepam from a Russian website. All the horror stories people have heard or written about Phenazepam are wrong (if you are taking them medicinally), these stories come from irresponsible people trying to get high or messed up. It actually worked superior to diazepam for my personal social phobia and I only needed 2mg 1x a day. Well that train has left because just recently the USA has impose some ban or whatever it may be that they will not ship Phen over here anymore. I then switched to Flutoprazepam, which metabolizes into Norflurazepam where it’s gets most it’s medicinal effects. It works about the same as and lasts long. I need to take 2mg 2x a day now. I am one who takes these only for my anxiety, need a long acting benzo, and also need them daily. If you are too like me and need them for panic disorder and not just panic attacks. This is the guidance I would give you.

Hope this helps! 

I read all these responses and they are so right, I'd beg someone with anxiety to work out, avoid stimulants, etc. I have a long list. I was put on Klonopin when I was 17. I took it off and on. By the time I was 24 I was taking it but it wasn't helping. If I was going to be around people I would drink. But Alcohol would leave me with a full blown panic attack the day after I drank. I got pregnant with my 2nd child and I stopped taking my Klonopin and Paxil. YES with my first child they told me I could take both. I didn't take either while I was pregnant and by the time I had my 2nd child they figured out that Paxil caused birth defects. So at 24 I stopped taking my klonopin, I went in for my 1st appointment and I wasn't sleeping, didn't want to eat. My Blood Pressure was thru the roof, my OB told me I couldn't stop taking klonopin while pregnant, My baby came out healthy and HUGE. Since then I've tried to go off klonopin 4 times. After 10 years I had violent seizures, I still do so my doctor writes my script. I have to live my life around my Klonopin. I wouldn't wish this on ANYONE. Taking Benzo's for years doesn't end well. I don't feel anything, it just keeps me from getting sick and having seizures. One time I went off and was on 1500 mg of Gabapentin a day. I wish I had stuck with that and tapered off. Now the only thing similar to taking my anxiety are my pain meds and I WILL NOT abuse them. I just thought I'd add to the comments, sharing my experience. I have ways to cope with my pain (truck hit me and my husband on our Harley on a sunny day with no helmets on, my husband tried to take the brunt of it) So now I do get pain meds and at times they make me feel so happy and pain free, no anxiety. And I know that I can't take them every day or my tolerance will build up. At times I feel like I'm just waiting to run out of Klonopin and the Violent Seizure will be the last, or my blood pressure going so high I have a stroke. I get anxious about my anxiety medicine all the time. It doesn't feel like I'm fully living. Just thought I'd share my experience so others will know what not to do. But one other thing, Anxiety is just as bad as Diabetes or High Blood Pressure, doctors still brush off Anxiety as if it's not a medical problem. Don't be afraid to speak up or tell others. 

Many of us are living the life sentence of benzodiazapines. Mine started with panic disorder. I was left on the medication for fifteen years. A serious case of malpractice. The doctors take no responsibility and try to throw you in detox. I have to treat myself now. You're not the only slave with an uncertain future. My future scares me beyond measure. Thank you for sharing with us. 

Unfortunately, no. At least not personally at this time, or any for that matter, in the last 15 years. Also was diagnosed and prescribed a benzo. Learned that less was more for managing anxiety but it should've been short-term and integrated some other, more coping skills/therapy for any real possibility of overcoming or "curing" the anxiety. Guess there's just more $$$  and job security in treating returning customers than any altruistic intent to truly help their "customers."

I grew up quite shy and by the time I was a senior year in high school I developed pretty bad social anxiety. My mother at the time didn’t believe these kids of medication would benefit me. Even suggesting celexa which made my anxiety much worse to the point of stuttering and sweating through my shirt during a job interview.

unfortunately lead me to dabbling in alcohol and Things spiraled quite a bit a I checked myself into a 7 month in stay rehab to clean myself out. The next year was great and I started a new job and tried my hardest to stay off most substances, marijuana excluded.

the sad thing is with this pandemic my anxiety is right where it was, would going to a psych doctor and explaining my situation help? Or would I he looked at as a long time addict who can’t be handled around this meds. I see suboxone clinics everywhere now, I don’t see helping individuals honestly trying to better themselves is so looked down on.
Honestly, for me I’d rather be on benzos that not. I’ve tried practically everything under the sun from grass, to therapy, getting a degree, a service dog, and yoga. Only thing that helps is meds, tattoos, acupuncture, and working out for me. Other than that, I’m the person thinking 20 steps to fight, or just overall stressed.
Same as above. Other than a benz, no other medication has really helped with my social anxiety. And I'd rather have the chance of addiction/dependency on alp or whatever b3nz0 I would be taking.. rather than not being able to talk to anyone and end up in a crippling cycle of depression/anxiety ending up in isolation.

Other than gabapentin which seems to make talking just really easy no other medication or supplement has been beneficial. SSRIs have been rather detrimental effects on me rather than helping at all in my mental health struggles.

Of course as Lucifereatspi mentioned, exercise did wonders for meof course with depression and anxiety. I just have a really difficult time getting started jogging or any kind of exercise when I'm down and out.

THC/CBD was actually quite beneficial helping me getting motivated to begin jogging when I was in pretty good shape a few years ago. I need to get started back honestly on physical aspects.

Good luck to anyone struggling with anxiety or depression. Take care all.
No, I actually toughed it out for years. After catching the virus a couple times it ramped up about 6 weeks after. I was having chest pain. Went to a cardiologist. Stress test, echo, their verdict was anxiety/panic attacks. I have adhd, ptsd, and anxiety. Not a combination. Dr's want to treat. The anxiety along with the hyperfixation and time-management issues kinda go hand in hand.

So, the best I out of pocket dr I can find, whom did many clinical trials on some of the ssri's we have and he's not fond of them. Put me on 4 mg of klon. Helps a lot. Intrusive thoughts are still there. Gotta be vigilant with impulse control. One thing about klon is it has a tendency to make you speak whats on your mind. Not always the best thing. Something else about it is some days I only take it once, I've had days I forgot to take it at all and didn't feel off or anything.
Xan u used to feel weird on and in fact had a grand mall seizure when I stopped taking it. Didn't know my name, age, or where I lived. 5 minutes later and I would have been driving.

I've always preffered Diaz so far as elevated mood is concerned but after many years, klon is what's up apparently
Thanks for the responses I’m making an appointment next week to get checked out. I see all this xan craze and I don’t get it, I’d rather have a val or kpin that’s much more lasting and less intoxicating. Hopefully something will work out
Man I wish I was like you. Unfortunately, my drug addicted brain loves Xanax more than anything in the world. Currently only on Klonopin but I think about Xanax all the freaking time.
For anyone that hasn't tried it yet, I would highly recommend ketamine infusions for depression and anxiety. Did wonders for my depression and anxiety. Took away and cravings for xanax or alcohol for about 90 days. I do still use benzos on an as-need basis but when I feel like i'm starting to go overboard and my benzo use is getting outta control, I go back in for maintenance infusion of ketamine and I'm good to go. Wash, rinse, repeat - that's my life right now and it's working pretty well for me.

Also, there are some publications that indicate ketamine therapy can help with benzo withdrawal. This stuff is all still being researched so take it for what it is.
For anyone that hasn't tried it yet, I would highly recommend ketamine infusions for depression and anxiety. Did wonders for my depression and anxiety.
My primary was supposed to set me up with this. Had me go to a neuro beforehand. Then I had a surgery and it kinda became sidelined
For anyone that hasn't tried it yet, I would highly recommend ketamine infusions for depression and anxiety. Did wonders for my depression and anxiety.

Hi do you mind what state you had this done in? I have always been curious with ketamine/psychedelic treatment of depression/anxiety.
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