Hold your horses guys. No need to insult and scream at one another. There's obvious misunderstanding happening between the two of you and it's unfortunately caused some anger.
One suggestion, before you post in anger, wait at least 10 minutes and make sure what you have to say adds to a solution rather than making it worse. Remember, we are all supposedly here to help one another. Some of us require more patience than others. I know for myself, I'd rather settle a problem through PM than have the some members of the forum get the wrong impression of what I'm really like. (Though I must admit, Sister Troubadour has tested my nerves lately)
As for obvious fraudsters and rip off artists, we need to highlight them out so can be they can be stopped - once we have adequate suspicion/proof . But for people who are just plain naive, poor at expressing themselves through text, and/or mentally challenged (such as Sister Troubadour), please give them a break and don't be so fast to insult them personally or make them feel unwelcome.
Make love, not war.