Yeah I roll in a... Honda! /default_smile.pngYes sir! The Wookie rolls in the 3 point star as well! S-Class, W220 chassis.
Yeah I roll in a... Honda! /default_smile.pngYes sir! The Wookie rolls in the 3 point star as well! S-Class, W220 chassis.
Lol! Funny!!
I'm also waiting on an order from the 11thAnybody receive anything from the 11th? I was hoping for something in my box when I got home today but no luck.
I would like to roll in something like this.. In my dreams!!
LOL thank you my furry friend! you are much too kind... lol i have been mighty busy as of late and such forth. glad to be back amongst thine DBG brethren. /default_smile.pngOG, my intellectual, silver-tongued brother from another mother, where hath thou been hiding?! If thou hath been lurking, then you know that things are back to a lighter, more social and spirited nature around these parts these days, more akin to the DBG of old, so I trust that, time permitting, I can expect more of your witty shenanigans that I have come to know and love, no?! All kidding aside, it's truly a pleasure to see you again my good man. Truly a pleasure indeed. Heisenberg, now my fellow moderator, and I were just discussing you the other day in fact, hoping against hope for your return. And just like that, thine self emerges from the shadows. The Gods of the inter-webs and chemically enhanced living have smiled upon us indeed this very day!
hello, deniseI switched host server/domain a year ago on my site and it was painful - sales rep misinformed me host fully supported my software but it didn't - required adjustments beyond me. Had to pay SMF specialist to come in & make adjustments, get my site to function properly on that server - server's support people didn't even know how!
(I was pretty far into the process going by online manual/looking up terms (LOL) one step at a time for 2 days, so I felt pretty good about what I did accomplish, since I'm computer-challenged. Expert came in, tweaked, zipped, all that other tech stuff)
It took more than 1-2 days to just switch servers - I'd say operating ok by end of week. I was pretty po'd site sales rep said it supported SMF software - it kinda does, but not normally or efficiently.
I don't have access to many of things I went to that server for, so I'll be moving again next summer. Not looking forward to it! But I survived first time & tech said I almost had it, would have if different server, friendly to SMF. That boosted my confidence to try it again next year with SMF tech backup if I need. It's like a 1st grader doing calculus as far as I'm concerned.
Point being - I agree with poster above that it may be longer than 1-2 days to 'sort things out'. To do it right and have proper or more? security so they don't show up as underground.
Wonder if their bank account involved or compromised by domain action? If so, they have to change financial account, TT used cc, and may take more time to hook up with VISA etc after change name/server host?
I haven't seen anyone mention if TT might have to change bank accounts, etc after identified as selling meds w/o script.
Think they will?
Even if takes a while, if TT just makes it back - their customers will be waiting (sounds like processing/shipping part not affected)
Let's all just send positive thoughts that way - no, I'm not kidding. Scientific research has shown that concentration, that just looking at an object - causes changes at the quantum physical level and beyond. Whether you believe it or not, your thoughts can draw negative to you or positive. You can have an effect on things in your immediate surroundings and further.
(Skeptics - it can't hurt to try it. No negative thoughts. ALL positive thoughts that T10 will quickly and safely return.)
@OG Could you explain the 'server switch causing irreparable damage'? (surely they had a back up copy)
It's more for me, since I plan to switch server hosts next yr when contract runs out with them.
You can PM me more info about this instead of taking up thread space, if you respond. Thank you.
Read back a few pages; ongoing, known, and heavily discussed problem.Hello,
Love TTM. However the website is gone. IDK if its server is down. ANYONE know anything?
Thanks for any info.
we have no idea what youre talking aboutHello,
Love TTM. However the website is gone. IDK if its server is down. ANYONE know anything?
Thanks for any info.
HA HA HA HA HA HA You catch on quickly!we have no idea what youre talking about
I've had it take a couple days for their charges to show up on my card. Sometimes after the ship date they supplied. They probably weren't able to process payments immediately after site went down. Who knows. You may get a free one or they may charge your card when they get things sorted out.c01234 said:Hi,
I ordered just before the site was out of service, on 19/07.
The last mail I received from them was on 19/07 too :
"Your order has been updated to the following status:
New status: Mailed"
However, since then, my credit card wasn't charged and the site is now down.
I was thinking it would be ok for my command because I ordered before the website problem but since I wasn't charged I'm wondering if :
- they sent my command and will charge my credit card later (or maybe there is a huge delay with my bank because I live in Europe and they charged me but I can't see it for now).
- they didn't sent my command, that explains why my credit card wasn't charged, and they won't send my command anyway since they seem to have problem with their site and stuffs ?
Your help would be very helpful
Thanks guys
I ordered very late 7/18 and my cc company initially denied but after I called on 7/19 they released payment. Funny thing was in between me ordering and me finalizing the transaction with the cc company, I received an order update saying "mailed" in two different letters. I thought it was odd that they would just send me, a new customer, an order based on the honor system. So either they are very trustworthy or that email update was a bit hasty. I simply do not know. Regardless, my card was charged immediately after I approved the funds on the phone.c01234 said:Hi,
I ordered just before the site was out of service, on 19/07.
The last mail I received from them was on 19/07 too :
"Your order has been updated to the following status:
New status: Mailed"
However, since then, my credit card wasn't charged and the site is now down.
I was thinking it would be ok for my command because I ordered before the website problem but since I wasn't charged I'm wondering if :
- they sent my command and will charge my credit card later (or maybe there is a huge delay with my bank because I live in Europe and they charged me but I can't see it for now).
- they didn't sent my command, that explains why my credit card wasn't charged, and they won't send my command anyway since they seem to have problem with their site and stuffs ?
Your help would be very helpful
Thanks guys