Zonked last words, sent to me moments before ban via PM....
Do you have a fucking problem with me
Aside from the fact that you failed at using a question mark, let's find out......
Im not here for trouble im here for friends
OH, well considering that this is a drug "advise" board and not a dating site............
Although, I will add that making new friends is great, no matter where you are.
so keep your fucking shit off my posts they dont concern you
First he would have to keep his fucking shit out of your thread, but we'll look past that knowing what you meant, the problem is, is what you said is also flawed. What you post in the OPEN FORUM is everybodys business! Unless you are given more control over the fuction of the board, to the point that you can close threads and give only yourself permission to post in that thread, it is fair game.
Of course it's only polite not to hijack and totally derail a thread someone started with a particular subject or theme, but it happens all the time, usually unintentionally......usually.
Some of my threads, for example, are born for the specific purpose of being hijacked, in the right spirit, it's fun sometimes.
or am i asking You mind your own shit fuk bag U fuk with me Ill hit u twice as hard u prick ........
HOLY SHIT private gump, punctuation, ffs. I'm not sure what a shit fuck bag is, but it sounds kinky.