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I ordered some unusual item from p
I don't know if I can post what they were, both one or two were  featearued under the new limited stock lift. and i dont want to jump to conclusions but it seems like: PLOOP SOLD ME ENTIRELY FAKE PRODUCT

I spent all night trying to pill identify them and best i could come up with was vietnamese knock off benzos. 

PM me for more formal information on what products.

Edit: but these were just samples, everything esle was top knotch

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I ordered some unusual item from p

I don't know if I can post what they were, both one or two were featearued under the new limited stock lift. and i dont want to jump to conclusions but it seems like: PLOOP SOLD ME ENTIRELY FAKE PRODUCT

I spent all night trying to pill identify them and best i could come up with was vietnamese knock off benzos.

PM me for more formal information on what products.
My PM is not going through for some reason. You could try PMing me? Or if its supposed BZ products, you could just post what they were, if you feel comfortable doing so.

I ordered some unusual item from p

I don't know if I can post what they were, both one or two were  featearued under the new limited stock lift. and i dont want to jump to conclusions but it seems like: PLOOP SOLD ME ENTIRELY FAKE PRODUCT

I spent all night trying to pill identify them and best i could come up with was vietnamese knock off benzos. 

PM me for more formal information on what products.

Edit: but these were just samples, everything esle was top knotch
 Hi H. Hope that gave you the happy tingle.

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Well by everything else being top knotch i mean the two other items i ordered work fine, havent tried one and i took all of the other two i ordered and barely felt a thing

walter i will try pming you, for some reason mine isnt working eithr

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My PM is not going through for some reason. You could try PMing me? Or if its supposed BZ products, you could just post what they were, if you feel comfortable doing so.

Well by everything else being top knotch i mean the two other items i ordered work fine, havent tried one and i took all of the other two i ordered and barely felt a thing

walter i will try pming you, for some reason mine isnt working eithr
Let me try and initiate a PM to both of you and see if I can connect the two of you up on my end. Not sure what to make of the PM's not working for you guys, but we can give the old 3 way party line a try. Check you inbox in a second, or if it fails, I'll post the results.

UPDATE: Just tried to PM you and Heisenberg ronix, and the error message I'm getting indicates that the PM feature isn't functioning on your account. I'll get with Admin this evening and see if we can't get it fixed for you. I'll be in touch once I hear from Admin.

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MP process very simple.. look for the MPK with the eBay and PayPal logo on it (7-11, Rite-Aid, etc.). Bring to register and load the amount of cash you need for your order + the ~$4.95 for the card. Scratch off back of the card after purchase is complete, you reveal a 14 digit activation #.

That's the number you give to your vendor for payment. Boom, done.
Man, thank you sir! I just got through the greendotMPK thread and I still wasn't quite getting it. I was thinking that maybe you had to buy 2 separate cards, one to load and one to put the money on. The grndot web site had me thinking that if I couldn't find a name or company on their drop-down list that accepted MPK, then I couldn't use it for payment. I damn sure wasn't going to email Ploop to ask him some sh*t like that. I just recently got a list and he had some very specific instructions with it concerning email. Thanks Heisenberg!
I ordered some unusual item from p

I don't know if I can post what they were, both one or two were  featearued under the new limited stock lift. and i dont want to jump to conclusions but it seems like: PLOOP SOLD ME ENTIRELY FAKE PRODUCT

I spent all night trying to pill identify them and best i could come up with was vietnamese knock off benzos. 

PM me for more formal information on what products.

Edit: but these were just samples, everything esle was top knotch

What you got was a sample for free? Or you paid for it?  Did you try it at all? If not, saying something is fake seems like you're jumping the gun.

I'm going to take a Ploop plunge this morning and am wondering what item Ronix is talking about as I want to order one item that I would consider unusual but can't mention it in the open forums. I tried PM Ronix but his PM feature still isn't working. I think I got through on Heisenbergs though. If anyone knows the item Ronix is talking about please PM me.

Man, thank you sir! I just got through the greendotMPK thread and I still wasn't quite getting it. I was thinking that maybe you had to buy 2 separate cards, one to load and one to put the money on. The grndot web site had me thinking that if I couldn't find a name or company on their drop-down list that accepted MPK, then I couldn't use it for payment. I damn sure wasn't going to email Ploop to ask him some sh*t like that. I just recently got a list and he had some very specific instructions with it concerning email. Thanks Heisenberg!
No problem, its super easy. I'll PM you back in a sec.

Man, this is terrible. I sent my order today but it looks like it got kicked-back or some s*hit. When I check my sent messages it's there but no content, with the word "undefined" where the message should be. Same thing in my in box. I hate to re-send with how he is about emails but I don't know what else to do. Anyone else have this problem? I'm gonna try and hang in there for a bit and see if I can get any feed-back from you guys about this. Anyone who can give me some info would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for being naive about this but I've never had a sent email come back to me like that. My computer skills are lacking. I thought I saw someone mention this early in the forum but I can't seem to find it.

hooter1 said:
I don't know what you're using but goog chrome does this frequently. If you're using something different, you can pm me what the browser is and I'll see what I can see, but you can be 90% sure your message did not go through
Thanks for getting back to me I really appreciate it. It is google but not google chrome. I can't PM you because I'm not on your list. I think everything is okay now I'm glad I waited. I sent the order 21/2 hrs ago and after an hr or so after I sent it came back into my sent/inbox with the above problem, showing only "undefined" where the message would normally be. What was worrying me too was it showed up in my drafts also (+3) when their was no reason for it as I hadn't saved anything to drafts. Now, after 2 1/2 hrs have passed it has appeared again in my inbox but this time all the details are showing and the complete message/order. I forgot to check my sent box before I (whew, I just checked it's in my sent box now too, complete). Thanks man, getting back to me kind of calmed my nerves. I've had emails not complete before but always got the message "did not send, could not complete" back. Guess I'm a little antsy right now but everything appears okay. Thanks again. AK
My emails have bounced back a few times with ploop, just sent an order and it didn't come back. Maybe try again or ask him politely if he received your order

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My first order with Ploop is on it's way.  He sure is a chatty fellow, isn't he? /default_biggrin.png

I ordered some unusual item from p

I don't know if I can post what they were, both one or two were  featearued under the new limited stock lift. and i dont want to jump to conclusions but it seems like: PLOOP SOLD ME ENTIRELY FAKE PRODUCT

I spent all night trying to pill identify them and best i could come up with was vietnamese knock off benzos. 

PM me for more formal information on what products.

Edit: but these were just samples, everything esle was top knotch

Hi.  I just received my most recent order from ploop.  Everything was great as usual, the only thing I dislike is that he does not send a TN even after asking for one a day after my order email was sent.  Oh well, it has always came so I guess I can live with that lol.

But yes, I also received 1 of the pills that you are referring to (it starts with a k).  I thought it would come in powder form so I was surprised when a pill fell out.  Also I couldnt find ANY info on the entire internet about this pill.  But after looking up the dosage for "kay", the 20mg that is in the pill is a very small dose, so I am not sure that it is FAKE just that I did not get enough to "break-thru" to the buzz side if that makes sense.

In conclusion, ploop still rocks.

My emails have bounced back a few times with ploop, just sent an order and it didn't come back. Maybe try again or ask him politely if he received your order
hooter1 said:
Sure you can. Here is how you PM a person who isn't on your friends list and who has a hidden profile.  Hover over their name in a thread and you'll get this popup with the option to send message. And.......done.

Thanks for the information, much appreciated. My edginess got the best of me yesterday and I did re-send my order with a polite message. He emailed me this morning and said "no worries, mate" your order is pakd and going out this morning I will send TN after 10pm EST.
He informed me that their are a few others on the forum that have experienced this same problem with emails being kicked-back but the vast majority are having no problems. He was quite nice and prompt about the whole matter and I'm glad I re-sent.........

Although I would highly recommend that unless your sure your email got kicked-back, I wouldn't be emailing him just to see where your order is at in processing or trying to get a TN immediately. I know that can be a very hard thing to not do at times as I just went through it. Just trying to be respectful. Thanks guys on the board! I will update when I get my letter, Fri or Sat.

I got a TN last night and he informed me that it would most likely be the last TN he sends me when I order as, in his words,( "I don't normally send out TN's anymore as I have too many bloody emails to send out, no offense, please don't take it as such").

It's tracking fine and I should have it in an hour or so and I will report back. Providing "B" doesn't have some weird problem (what are the chances of THAT happening!!)

The only reason I got a TN is because I live in an unusual area and he was trying to figure out how long for my area, most likely for the future benefit of others who have the misery of living in this Gawd forsaken place I call home.

I'm posting this so the others here who haven't received a TN can hopefully stress a little less and know he's not just blowing you off on purpose...........damn! Wish them dark beige would get here.

So I really angered ploop by talking about his products, some of which are not listed on the product list for some reason, and by calling his products fake. This was entirely wrong of me, he offers nothing that is not listed on his product list currently and all of his products are 100% pharmaceutical grade. No big "bathtub batches" like J's diaz. 

Ploop is the real deal and I feel so terrible that I might have turned away any potential customers with my previous incorrect comments.

Let me begin by saying: I AM 100% WRONG, PLOOP DOES NOT SELL FAKE PRODUCTS.

Long story short, my first time taking the substance I ordered rom P, so I didn't know what to expect. I went to all my friends houses, spilled shit everywhere, made an ass of myself in public A FUCKING LOT. and I got my car towed because I didn't know where I was, just that I needed to park. Basically, I barely remember 2 days of my life because I was so stupid to take all 10 that I had ordered and thought were not working.



Hopefully this makes ploop a little more willing to deal with me.

If not my next step is to delete my account I guess. Ploop just has too good of deals and turnaround time and a wide selection of products all from within the US, I can;t lose him!

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Sent: 10/24

TN: 10/24

Received: 10/25

I only ordered the 5-one-two. Quality was excellent. Only one small draw-back was I was short #6 on my order. But on the positive side I also received samples of:

10mg Int'l V ; blue, no imprint or score. Quality excellent

5mg Int'l V ; yellow, imprint: dosago, or something close to that. Scored. Quality excellent

2mg Int'l Klon ; white, imprint A.N.H.P scored with 2 underneath on same side. Haven't tried it yet.

Although I would probably would have preferred to receive the full Qty. Of five-one-2 I was not disappointed because of the quality of the samples. I know they look a little weird and some have no imprint or logo that can be easily identified (if at all) and a bit more bitter taste than their US counterpart, the correct flavor is definitely there and the effect is spot-on.

After crunching the numbers I only came out with a $2.00 overcharge. I give the benefit of the doubt for an honest mistake and possible mistakes in my wording of the order/message (Who, Me???) taking into account a mistake I made in the identifying numbers of my primary order. Considering the quality of the primary order and the quality of the samples and the fact that if I had intentionally made the order as I received it, I would have still been quite pleased. A $2.00 short fall in my book would have to be the absolute stupidest reason to NOT do business with this guy while I'm sitting here enjoying my meds. I think the best reason I like doing business with this guy is I'm not forced to have to limit myself to one med because of minimum order requirements per med and gives me a chance to sample items that I might not be able to do otherwise with other vendors. I give him a 10 out 10 stars and highly recommend him. Have a good weekend all. Can't wait till I have another chance to report on this one!

After crunching the numbers I only came out $2.00 short on the whole transaction. I give the benefit of the doubt for an honest

mistake and possible mistakes in the wording of my message/ order (who, ME???) Taking into account a mistake I made in indentity

Sorry about somehow pushing two paragraphs of my message to the bottom. I bumped or clicked something by mistake while I was writing and had a helluva time getting the message pushed back together so it didn't take up this whole page.

Stupid Stupid Computer! I better go to bed now.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for