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how is the shipping time with this vendor to the US? are there any concerns when dealing with customs coming from south africa? i am also contemplating an order from this place, maybe the Pax vals. seems they are getting some good reviews here and the price is right, Bob Barker!. are there still individuals who haven't received "sent" orders? i think i am gonna ask for some sort of sample to get things started. i'll see what happens...

I think if too much info is on this post no body will be using top10 as there is a PM system on this site that can be used to tell each other details such as what has been ordered and where it is coming from. Don't wanna shoot people down but just delivery dayes and received dates would be good and helpful to people thinking of ordering from top10 details such as what has been order how it is packed and where it is coming from should really be kept to a minimum and PM each other for help or advice.

Just an opinion as at the end of the day if we want these excellent services to continue we need to help the organizations as much as they help us to stay in business and especially the ones with prices as cheap as this. If we take a small cheap order loss it is worth one every so often, not a lot I hoe though LOL, but compared to what other sites charge I would rather lose from top10 than AMC. Dunno rambling know but just think peeps!!!! We al need these services or we would not be using them and we need these forums too so lets keep em safe from prying eyes!!!!!

I agree with jamass 100%. If we want this little gem of an IOP to last, best keep sensitive details strictly to PM's and email exchanges. Too much information posted publicly will no doubt result in the end of that site as we currently know it.

And for the life of me, why do people feel the need to post what they ordered - especially if it's "naughty" stuff. Bragging rights? Pure stupidity?

Just to let you know, I have yet to receive an order from this IOP. But, If it ends up going under due to some of you blabber mouths on here, Lord help me from chucking you into my Ditch and roasting your sorry ass over my fire pit.


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Im still learning on the forum, it seemed like the norm to post your "details" if it can be edited let me know!

anyways I agree with you bolth Jammass and DITCH I'll think twice before posting sensitive info like that

Thats cool with me dude think a lot of people on these forums just need ro realise that too much info can get into the wrong hand in the main roo,ms just let people know time frames for receiving things and for other details of if people want to know other details just look at the ammount of posts people have made, which will give you an idea of experience and PM everyone is on here to help each other and the IOP's we use.

I think it is also about the senior members learning the junior ones too as even though we have moderators they can not be everywhere all of the time. Just keep the peace peeps LOL!!!! Keep these little gem IOP's too cause they are mega cheap at mo and thats good cause most are rip offs when it comes to price cause they know they can get away with it which is annoying to the highest!!!!!

Im still learning on the forum, it seemed like the norm to post your "details" if it can be edited let me know!

anyways I agree with you bolth Jammass and DITCH I'll think twice before posting sensitive info like that
PM sent

Not to give any info away..and I'm certainly not bragging--promise. (anyways, who brags about stuff like that?) These are NOT, I repeat, NOT for me(that must be said, as I can imagine the comments, "aren't you taking enough xanax? "do you wanna be a total zombie dude?" thnx for those comments...) girlfriend is new at this, but her doc left the country, so she's kinda screwed. are the Nitrazepam? Anyone? Bueller?

The 1st time she does this, she should get something worth her while. As well, she was already taking these.

Any help would be great. Pm if ya don't wanna share on the board.



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Hello people received today.

Ordered 21/4

Mailed 23/4

Received 28/4

Just waiting for order number two now LOL!!!

Hmm was wondering if the products they sell in Caps are actually real and good quality also curious about the pills that just look like skittles?? any body with some info on this site please PM

how is the shipping time with this vendor to the US? are there any concerns when dealing with customs coming from south africa? i am also contemplating an order from this place, maybe the Pax vals. seems they are getting some good reviews here and the price is right, Bob Barker!. are there still individuals who haven't received "sent" orders? i think i am gonna ask for some sort of sample to get things started. i'll see what happens...
Don't mean to be a bitch, but maybe you could edit out the place it ships from??? Pretty please, for all our sakes. we'd hate to lose these guys.



WalkingSunshine said:
Hi @ Emma! Most of their benzos have been been good to go. Nitrazepam is not a rare med, so shouldn't need to be faked by many. B/c of this I would say they are good to go even though I have not ordered that med before. This site's shipping time is super fast for an IOP like the post above me shows. If you go with them be sure to update us on order. /default_smile.png
Thanks so much.

I will let you know when I receive.

Ordered April 25/12 still waiting (obviously)

Let ya'll know when they show up ( a few items, so probably a few packages)....


Don't mean to be a bitch, but maybe you could edit out the place it ships from??? Pretty please, for all our sakes. we'd hate to lose these guys.


Ahem, @emmma,

You quoted Oblivionzgoat post, with the result that even if he amended his original post, the sensitive information is still on this forum. Might I suggest that you go back and amend the quote in your own post #152 ?

Just saying... /default_rolleyes.gif

Take care,


Ahem, @emmma,

You quoted Oblivionzgoat post, with the result that even if he amended his original post, the sensitive information is still on this forum. Might I suggest that you go back and amend the quote in your own post #152 ?

Just saying... /default_rolleyes.gif

Take care,

LMAO! thank you, guinevere! that is a very good point! in fact, even if i wanted to edit my post i cannot due to it being much too late now. the only savior for this or my mistake seeing how so sensitive some people are is the admin, they are the default that can change my post and not me. in fact, i believe the place this vendor ships from has already been mentioned on either this thread or another...

with all of this criticism i have been reading about not posting any "sensitive" material besides order date, ship date and received date along with reviews kind of makes me chuckle. it is all laced with honest hypocrisy. i am not trying to be rude or snippy or anything but if i am not mistaken certain people complaining here have indeed in the past even at most have posted "sensitive" material other than posting, and receiving dates here on this same thread IE substances ordered and such forth. stem all the way back to the begining. please do not judge if you do not fully know your actions, that is called ingnorance. please put forth a little more intelligence. and by all means, "those without sin cast the first stone!"

i would if i could change my post but it is in the hands of the defaulted administration as i type. i am sorry if i have made anyone uncomfortable. have a great day/nite all. :)

LMAO! thank you, guinevere! that is a very good point! in fact, even if i wanted to edit my post i cannot due to it being much too late now. the only savior for this or my mistake seeing how so sensitive some people are is the admin, they are the default that can change my post and not me. in fact, i believe the place this vendor ships from has already been mentioned on either this thread or another...

with all of this criticism i have been reading about not posting any "sensitive" material besides order date, ship date and received date along with reviews kind of makes me chuckle. it is all laced with honest hypocrisy. i am not trying to be rude or snippy or anything but if i am not mistaken certain people complaining here have indeed in the past even at most have posted "sensitive" material other than posting, and receiving dates here on this same thread IE substances ordered and such forth. stem all the way back to the begining. please do not judge if you do not fully know your actions, that is called ingnorance. please put forth a little more intelligence. and by all means, "those without sin cast the first stone!"

i would if i could change my post but it is in the hands of the defaulted administration as i type. i am sorry if i have made anyone uncomfortable. have a great day/nite all. /default_smile.png
Hello @OblivionzGoat,

You probably have not noticed, but my last post was addressed to Emmma, not to you. I was kind of pointing out the irony of quoting a post containing sensitive information while asking you to edit your original post. /default_tongue.png

Of course, you cannot edit a post quoted in somebody else's post; but the poster who quoted you, in this case Emma, could have edited her quote. But as you said, it's now too late.

This being said, it is of course not the end of the world, or, should I hope, of TTM's world either. No need to alert admin.

And you are right, the country from which TTM ships has been mentioned before on this thread and on other forums. Still, it makes some members uncomfortable to see it mentioned again after it's been buried in the previous pages. I'm among those members.

Details on packaging also make us cringe. And I'm not talking about adjectives such as loose or blistered.

And yes, there is something bold about posting that one has :

ordered on Nov. 13, 2015 - 2 vials of "a schedule 1 drug", 200 schedule 2

and 90 schedule 4

sent on Nov. 14

and received on Nov. 21.

Yes, this thread is the place to compare shipping times, review customer service, quality of the medication received. Why else would this forum exist? However, some products should in any case never be mentioned on any thread discussing a specific vendor. There are other forums where one can share their reviews of obviously mainly recreational drugs.

None of that is mentioned in DBG's rules. So you can qualify this an opinion, whether you consider it enlightened or not, but please do not call it honest hypocrisy. It is very offending. /default_sad.png

You are asking me : "please do not judge if you do not fully know your actions, that is called ingnorance. please put forth a little more intelligence. " in a sentence you started with "i am not trying to be rude or snippy" .

I even perused through my posting history, and nowhere did I find that I wrote about what some of us like to call "sensitive information". So why the insults ?

Obviously, you felt hurt and you're lashing out. But I don't see how I deserve to be the scapegoat here (no pun intended).

Yes, I do use of lot of smilies. I love them. Inner child coming out ? Who knows ? I find that they really help translate my feelings. I never use them to be sarcastic nor hypocritical.

And when I end my post by an expression such as "Take care". I really do mean it.

So, lets bury the hatchet and DO take care /default_wink.png


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Hello @OblivionzGoat,

You probably have not noticed, but my last post was addressed to Emmma, not to you. I was kind of pointing out the irony of quoting a post containing sensitive information while asking you to edit your original post. /default_tongue.png

Of course, you cannot edit a post quoted in somebody else's post; but the poster who quoted you, in this case Emma, could have edited her quote. But as you said, it's now too late.

This being said, it is of course not the end of the world, or, should I hope, of TTM's world either. No need to alert admin.

And you are right, the country from which TTM ships has been mentioned before on this thread and on other forums. Still, it makes some members uncomfortable to see it mentioned again after it's been buried in the previous pages. I'm among those members.

Details on packaging also make us cringe. And I'm not talking about adjectives such as loose or blistered.

And yes, there is something bold about posting that one has :

ordered on Nov. 13, 2015 - 2 vials of "a schedule 1 drug", 200 schedule 2

and 90 schedule 4

sent on Nov. 14

and received on Nov. 21.

Yes, this thread is the place to compare shipping times, review customer service, quality of the medication received. Why else would this forum exist? However, some products should in any case never be mentioned on any thread discussing a specific vendor. There are other forums where one can share their reviews of obviously mainly recreational drugs.

None of that is mentioned in DBG's rules. So you can qualify this an opinion, whether you consider it enlightened or not, but please do not call it honest hypocrisy. It is very offending. /default_sad.png

You are asking me : "please do not judge if you do not fully know your actions, that is called ingnorance. please put forth a little more intelligence. " in a sentence you started with "i am not trying to be rude or snippy" .

I even perused through my posting history, and nowhere did I find that I wrote about what some of us like to call "sensitive information". So why the insults ?

Obviously, you felt hurt and you're lashing out. But I don't see how I deserve to be the scapegoat here (no pun intended).

Yes, I do use of lot of smilies. I love them. Inner child coming out ? Who knows ? I find that they really help translate my feelings. I never use them to be sarcastic nor hypocritical.

And when I end my post by an expression such as "Take care". I really do mean it.

So, lets bury the hatchet and DO take care /default_wink.png

thank you, G for your kind words and sentiments. firstly, i wasn't relaying or taking any ownership of your post thinking it was towards me in any way. i was merely making a point in that your post was a good point albeit the sensitive info was posted again instead of it being left well enough alone... secondly, i never mentioned YOU were the one that was posting sensitive or "illegal" subject matter against DBG's forum rules, so you have got me wrong. i apologize for my vagueness if you felt that way, but again NOTHING was intended for you nor was my "honest hypocrisy" geared towards you and any so called "insults".. you are much to paranoid or perhaps narcissitic to think that way, no?. and i whole heartedly agree with you and others about not mentioning certain substances. i was not lashing out in any bit of way, i was merely pointing out the hypocrisy other than yourself that has evolved onto this thread and then lecturing like they are innocent. you are certainly not a scapegoat. if you were believe me you would know as i have a problem sometimes where i speak my mind with bluntness and honesty. again i apologize if i had made anyone feel uncomfortable.

and as for the hatchet, i certainly hope you can bury it as NONE of my words or questions were directed at you but i suppose i can see where you could feel mislead because i started the post with your name, and i am not a violent person, more pacifist than anything. but i accept your kindness and honesty and i believe the future looks bright. i harbor no hard feelings and i think everything will be just fine.

have a great day fellow earthling! /default_smile.png happy DBGing!



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thank you, G for your kind words and sentiments. (... )I have a problem sometimes where i speak my mind with bluntness and honesty. Naw !Ya think?? /default_tongue.png (...) you are much to paranoid or perhaps narcissitic to think that way, no? Well, I don't think so; I've never been described - to my knowledge anyway - as paranoid nor narcissistic, but I certainly did not take enough time to really understand your post and I obviously misread it. I certainly am at fault there.

(...) I suppose i can see where you could feel mislead because i started the post with your name, and i am not a violent person, more pacifist than anything. but i accept your kindness and honesty and i believe the future looks bright. i harbor no hard feelings and i think everything will be just fine.

have a great day fellow earthling! /default_smile.png happy DBGing!


No hatchet to bury, but maybe some calla bulbs, and maybe a shrub or too.

Cheers /default_smile.png


Received my package today /default_biggrin.png

I guess the first one got seized by customs as this one was my second order, anyways im 100% satisfied

shipping time to canada was 16 days

Orderd/Mailed: April 16th

Received: May 1st

Ordered: April 17

Shipped : April 18

Letter from Customs (LL) that my order has been seized: May 2 (20 minutes ago)

Oh well, you win some, you lose some. That's the nature of the "game" we're unfortunately involved in.

All the more reason for me to stick with what works, and not take chances ordering from anybody else. Trouble is, some IOP's have certain meds, that others don't.

Life goes on regardless....


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Ditchless, sorry to hear about LL. If you don't mind saying, where are you located? I was getting ready to place an order, but now I don't know.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for