Palmira Drugstore

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Yeah, that was always my stance with them. Trouble is these days 'not expecting' is a reality with palm.
IDK about that.  I'm 100+ orders in with them and only one no-show, that was followed by a lengthy LL.  P did a courtesy reship after I sent copy of LL and that reship was rec'd in 2 days.  I have rec'd less than 10 TN's from them ever and they are a waste of time.  They have changed up shipping for reasons that should be obvious but I agree that upping to their old normal shipping rate for shipping times that do not coincide with that cost is poor practice. As previously stated, rate will come down again.  People stop ordering when it's as high as it is now.  Then they lower it.  By EOM it will be another "shipping special".  If you want to know when your order is on its way, skip TN, watch the card you used and when it moves from pending (or comes back from falling off) to a hard charge, it's on its way.  S-

I was a faithful customer of palmira/ toprx for the last seven years. I talked to Maria for years and it might have taken a few days for her to respond but she always did. My last order I placed and is my last, I ordered the real alprazolam and the Upjohn label stamped on them seemed fake. They were all crooked, none of them looked the same and the Valium I received did not have the karnel imprint. They were blue and chalky and literally fell apart when I would get one out of the bag. Lastly, I had to take a drug screen for my suboxone doctor and I did not have any benzos in my urine . I tested positive for barbiturates. Which I had not taken, so I know it was from the pills I had taken from palmira. Maria never returned my emails and I was charged twice, both were credited back to me by my bank, it was so said, I used to support them deeply, now I will never order again! Good luck to those who want to gamble with their money.

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I was a faithful customer of palmira/ toprx for the last seven years. I talked to Maria for years and it might have taken a few days for her to respond but she always did. My last order I placed and is my last, I ordered the real alprazolam and the Upjohn label stamped on them seemed fake. They were all crooked, none of them looked the same and the Valium I received did not have the karnel imprint. They were blue and chalky and literally fell apart when I would get one out of the bag. Lastly, I had to take a drug screen for my suboxone doctor and I did not have any benzos in my urine . I tested positive for barbiturates. Which I had not taken, so I know it was from the pills I had taken from palmira. Maria never returned my emails and I was charged twice, both were credited back to me by my bank, it was so said, I used to support them deeply, now I will never order again! Good luck to those who want to gamble with their money.

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Just out of curiosity, which UPJO alp strength did you order?  Also, what was the imprint on your blue 10's?  If LNE, the ones I received were rock solid, save a couple that got a little "smushed" in transit.  They blew away the K's IMHO.  What link do you use to order?  You do realize there is a "fake" link out there that is not safe and since you mention Topix, I just wonder if you actually were at the correct site.  Do you take FIO's by any chance?  That would account for the barb in system but the absence of BZ, IDK.  Would think your sub doc would be pissed if you had either in your system anyhow, just IMHO.  Not doubting your experience, but it does not jibe with mine or Humb's experience with the latest (January) product receipts.  S-

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Yeah I know the deal with palm quite well. I used to get tracking a day or 2 before order arrived, every order...ended approx 6 months ago. I received a few orders without tracking but considering my last order never showed I won't order again unless they start tracking again and/or get ship times back to same week or faster.

Not worth the gamble and headache anymore. Shame because they were always one of my go to sources.
Approx when was last order?  The one that didn't show. S-

I have no clue about topix, I don't use them for any source. And yes, I do know the fake site, I used the isometic link that I have used for the last two years. I can't vouch for the alprazolam honestly because my doctor who prescribes me my suboxone does prescribe me. 3 Valium 10 mgs a day. I know many suboxone doctors do not prescribe any benzos at all, but there is only one out of probably 40 around me that does. And I go to him because he does, it's very rare to find a doctor that prescribes benzos period but with suboxone almost impossible. I do not lie, I gave my 5 mg alprazolam to a friend, because I had plenty from topten and my sy vendor. But I can promise I've always ordered from them and was their no 1 supporter but double charges and butalbital in my urine, then why are they in the blacklist?

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I have no clue about topix, I don't use them for any source. And yes, I do know the fake site, I used the isometic link that I have used for the last two years. I can't vouch for the alprazolam honestly because my doctor who prescribes me my suboxone does prescribe me. 3 Valium 10 mgs a day. I know many suboxone doctors do not prescribe any benzos at all, but there is only one out of probably 40 around me that does. And I go to him because he does, it's very rare to find a doctor that prescribes benzos period but with suboxone almost impossible. I do not lie, I gave my 5 mg alprazolam to a friend, because I had plenty from topten and my sy vendor. But I can promise I've always ordered from them and was their no 1 supporter but double charges and butalbital in my urine, then why are they in the blacklist?

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I will save you some reading because I believe what you are saying.  A good while back, it appears a bad employee (not one of the 6 year olds, but an actual adult) got a hold of the mailing list and promised US / US shipping overnight of S2 meds as prices too good to be true but only by WU / MG, no CC taken.  RED flag #1.  So a member stepped up and took the plunge on small order.  Rather than wait for results, a bit more than several members could not wait and they jumped onto the lemming bus and ordered from this as well.  Needless to say, no one rec'd anything.  Was a scam and while not likely Palm as the actual perpetrator of the scam, both M and D went radio silent despite numerous attempts to allow them to explain the situation.  That is main reason they are here in BL... plus as you know, there are quality issues with some of their meds which experienced customers know to avoid like the plague.  But the poor quality didn't land them here, it was the US/US BS that was never explained.  But, people should have waited as they exasperated the situation before the one member could report DO NOT ORDER the US/US.  But BL is justified due to lack of explanation. 

On the Alp, I just cut open a pack of my .5 UPJO and the .25 UPJO from my latest (January) order... I'm not seeing crooked imprints but that's just me. 

Butalbital is the active barb in FIO's which is why I asked if you have taken any.  As far as double charges, I have not experienced that but you say they credited back both charges, so it appears that they rectified that and gave you your order for free.  Their recent MO is to read emails and normally fix an issue but not respond to it, even using the .es address.  S-

Thank you for believing me, I did receive the LNE imprint, I used to always receive the ones with the karnel triangle imprint, what happened to those and why did they change to the LNE. And I'm not saying I was ripped off, because my bank did put the money in my bank. I never do charge backs because I'm not a thief and I think it draws attention to me. I probably sound like an idiot but what is an fio, I would like to know so if that was the case, I do not want to make the same mistake again. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer. As far as the .5 alps I just texted my friend, he has no problem with them, so I apologize if I spoke to soon. They looked funny to me, but he is prescribed klonopin from his doctor and it doesn't help his anxiety, he says these do work.

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Thank you for believing me, I did receive the LNE imprint, I used to always receive the ones with the karnel triangle imprint, what happened to those and why did they change to the LNE. And I'm not saying I was ripped off, because my bank did put the money in my bank. I never do charge backs because I'm not a thief and I think it draws attention to me. I probably sound like an idiot but what is an fio, I would like to know so if that was the case, I do not want to make the same mistake again. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer. As far as the .5 alps I just texted my friend, he has no problem with them, so I apologize if I spoke to soon. They looked funny to me, but he is prescribed klonopin from his doctor and it doesn't help his anxiety, he says these do work.

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No worries.  FIO's are Fioricet (brand name).    They are for tension headaches, etc and provide mild pain relief, euphoria.  Aside from the barb, they contain APAP and caffeine.  Not sure why they made the move from the K's unless it was a supply chain issue, but the LNE's are Hondo area made as well and are legit.  They are sold in actual brick / mortar (just like Palm) pharmas locally there.  S-

Wow, I've been doing this stuff for years and continually am learning, yes I have done fiorcet, thank you so much for the valuable info for future urine tests? Do you know how long it stays in your system, I appreciate your help and clearing up issues!

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Wow, I've been doing this stuff for years and continually am learning, yes I have done fiorcet, thank you so much for the valuable info for future urine tests? Do you know how long it stays in your system, I appreciate your help and clearing up issues!

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Butalbital has a half-life of about 35 hours, so it stays a while.  /default_sad.png

Sucks but it is not as bad as others and does help my headaches, I really appreciate all your help , you cleared a lot of things out for me. Thank you!

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Approx when was last order? The one that didn't show. S-
Placed late nov, can check my email for a specific date. It was quite a 'doozy' of an order as my confidence in them was high after just receiving but had a vibe things were getting shaky w them so decided to try for a big one before shit hit the fan.

Seems it was an abberation and zee shit has yet to really hit the fan, but until they get back to reasonable S+H with good consistwnt delivery times I will stay away.

Funny cuz if it was any other iop that I had a no-show from I'd be pissed but with palm I figured (for whatever reason) it was bound to.happen sometime and they were good to me in the past so it's water under the bridge at this point.

Interestingly, I DID receive an order around the same time as your ll, so it really is always a gamble with any iop.

Placed late nov, can check my email for a specific date. It was quite a 'doozy' of an order as my confidence in them was high after just receiving but had a vibe things were getting shaky w them so decided to try for a big one before shit hit the fan.

Seems it was an abberation and zee shit has yet to really hit the fan, but until they get back to reasonable S+H with good consistwnt delivery times I will stay away.

Funny cuz if it was any other iop that I had a no-show from I'd be pissed but with palm I figured (for whatever reason) it was bound to.happen sometime and they were good to me in the past so it's water under the bridge at this point.

Interestingly, I DID receive an order around the same time as your ll, so it really is always a gamble with any iop.
Yeah, funny how that goes.  Odd you didn't get a LL if was a big order thought.  Mine was a pretty large one that got snagged but M&D did reship in 2 days.  They never answered me when I em'd the LL copy, but 2 days later, there it was.  Strange SH**. 

Yeah no loveletter which made it even more off-putting in a way as I had no evidence it was shipped. Not huge order, only bulk was val but 3x the cart amount on a few other products so not too measly.

I have heard on other forums totally unsubstantiated rumors of palm doing goid biz until a large order is placed and then never shows up. I really don't think (and hope) palm is blatantly scamming on large orders, but they have lost my business for the time being for more simple reasons of unreliability and hassle. If I need to sign it's nice to have a fairly accurate idea of when it's going to arrive. Can't always have the gf or friends waiting to sign for me when I don't even know when/if it's going to arrive.

Yeah no loveletter which made it even more off-putting in a way as I had no evidence it was shipped. Not huge order, only bulk was val but 3x the cart amount on a few other products so not too measly.

I have heard on other forums totally unsubstantiated rumors of palm doing goid biz until a large order is placed and then never shows up. I really don't think (and hope) palm is blatantly scamming on large orders, but they have lost my business for the time being for more simple reasons of unreliability and hassle. If I need to sign it's nice to have a fairly accurate idea of when it's going to arrive. Can't always have the gf or friends waiting to sign for me when I don't even know when/if it's going to arrive.
Not that it's any consolation, but almost all of my orders have at least 1 or more bulk items in them.  S-

I used that "" site listed from the first page of this thread. The site looks extremly shady including all the extra fees. I ordered on 1/14 and got a confirmation email. I noticed today there's no charge to the credit card, but I could have sworn it was pending at one point. Is that normal or did I just get my credit card skimmed?

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I used that "" site listed from the first page of this thread. The site looks extremly shady including all the extra fees. I ordered on 1/14 and got a confirmation email. I noticed today there's no charge to the credit card, but I could have sworn it was pending at one point. Is that normal or did I just get my credit card skimmed?
Normal. It'll pop back on when it's been shipped. Watch for it.

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I used that "" site listed from the first page of this thread. The site looks extremly shady including all the extra fees. I ordered on 1/14 and got a confirmation email. I noticed today there's no charge to the credit card, but I could have sworn it was pending at one point. Is that normal or did I just get my credit card skimmed?
That's normal. Last order my card was pending for a few days the pending charge credited to my account. 3 days later it was gone and order arrived the same day. So fear not. You should be fine.

Hi.  Just did a little test to see if shipping was still where it was.  Guess what, it isn't.  It actually WENT UP another 5 to 50.  WTF?  Now, if they actually were hitting 2 day mark, I could live with that.  But the range of 7-14 days anymore no way.  Will keep checking but no way, no how until shipping comes down.  And for what I order from them, I can literally wait until the end of summer or maybe even a bit longer before I would be close to out. Where is that 19.95 spam when you want it?  S-

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for