AWESOME!Ordered 9/29
mailed 9/29
postmarked 10/1
Do they feel like how hydro usually feels? And if not...can u kinda explain the feelingOkay, the hydro, took two of them and have some pain relief, I guess that is all that can be expected from 2 in my book.
They rate almost as equal to the Ty4...
One stamp says 9/25. Another is smeary and maybe says 27? The package is very fresh and clean though.Do you mind stating what day it was shipped on? Apparently there is a stamp on the underneath that gives the exact ship date? TY!
I haven't sampled that particular item, but consensus from the mods here is that if it's not coming from "SY" it's not real hydr0. I have tried samples of the 30 & 60mg c0de1ne caps from TTM though. I had no legit rx to test them against but they sure made me itchy and had some of that "feel" of 0p1ates I have tried before (vikings, perkz). They worked well enough for me, I got 'em for toothaches but had none left by the time one struck...So happy for you guys all getting your letters!
I'm sure someone has answered this before but I can't seem to find an answer-is there anyone that likes the hidro bit from this vendor? I know I've seen people say they are crap and some people say they like them but how do they compare to regular hidro?
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Okay, guys and gals, I was wrong. I assumed the LL I received was for my 9/29 order but I was wrong (the LL did not say what the date on the letter was). MUCH to my surprise when I checked my mail today there it was! I am missing two orders from waaayyy back so I guess the LL was referring to one of those! Jesus, that had to have been before last summer, possible into 2013!! Who knows but I thought you all should know this. Glad to see it. It was kinda like getting a present I wasn't expecting. So, there you have it. I hope this helps you all out waiting around that time period! Best of luck and stay safe.Got an LL on what I'm assuming was my 9/29 order today. According to the LL they snagged it on 10/23. I love the way our government lets Ebola infected people in to do as they please but a guy that works hard, pays taxes and just wants to chill out with a couple @lps in the evening gets f**ked. Headbanger, you are lucky. I've had two this year from east and west. I think I'm out of the game for a while....I just can't afford to throw that kind of cash away and certainly do not blame TTM. They have been great. I have two more that never arrived so I can't be for certain that that is the one but I'm pretty sure these are the 9/29s. On a positive note, that means some of you may be seeing yours arriving from late September. Good luck to you all!! I'm just going to have to ween back.