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  • I know I'm too new to let you in your shop do you happen to know any folks that don't have some crazy minimum of like $500 cuz like honestly man I don't have that to throw around and necessarily Pharma isn't really what I'm specifically looking for I can go get Pharma from people up the road from me and that's not a complaint it's just I'm looking for more of the RC type of thing like a 4.5 of flew out brom
    Hey friend, I just wanted to say hello and I miss talking with you! I seee you havent been online in a very long time! Is everything okay?? Hope your able to check in with everyone sooner than later. God bless
    hi how are ...i haven't received your email since long , are you ok ? you have been so nice with me over the years its to lose contact and not see you ones in a while like in past
    Will you please contact me I am if at still exists here. The changes in the site have me little confused
    I would just like to talk a little and see what's going on in your world maybe this will work I don't know. Please contact me.
    I know the new site may be confusing at first, I still sometimes need to pause and think because I am so used to the old one. Check your inbox!
    Hey I haven't seen you post in awhile @2earls I just wanted to check in with you and see whats up?
    I was wondering if you are the same friend from DC’s CO-OP? Hope so been a while, hope all is my old friend
    Could you email me since I can't do pm's yet? I'm assuming moderators have access to our email? It's important or I wouldn't bother you. Thanks!

    I'm new so forgive me if I'm going about this wrong but I left a post on Mexican blacklist board about west coast express. Got my first order in 2 days but 2nd has been a week and a half with nothing. Email replies from richard, but nothing definitive about order. Wondering if I'm out 800 and need to move on or not. Anyone else have problems? Thought I had a reliable source but now not so much. Any advice would be appreciated 

    thanks, J

    I'm having the same issue (also hoping I am not doing this the wrong way).  First order went perfect.  Second order is MIA.

    I'll just post here for anyone who is having an issue with WCE. I don't think anyone will be ripped off, but his shipping has always been unreliable. One order you may get ON, next might take 2 weeks. I have written to Richard and told him that he needs to get shipping on Monday. I'll be checking back here for anyone who can't pm me yet and make sure that everyone has been taken care of.

    yes the first went great.  He got back to me and said he could ship monday.  Thanks for the help.

    Hi 2E, 

    I have not heard from you lately, I know you have been busy but I want to make sure your ok? Please send me a quick message and let me know you are doing ok. I miss ya..:)



    You need to email me if you still have my address please. I need to talk with you @pilotoffer

    How the heck do I message Admin? :)

    Hi 2E, 

    I am so happy you are feeling better. I was right there with you just sick, ugggg. I seen the post on the reviews and I will certainly make them very inconspicuous yet enough so the review is understandable. I know you have been very busy considering all that has occurred. If there is anything I can do please let me know. I just wanted to send a message and make sure you are doing well. :)  Have a great evening and "ONE RING" HA! I had to throw that out there figured you may have a smile. hehe. Oh yes one more thing, I cannot see my like button, on my posts there is no like button haha that is weird. In any case you have a great evening and I am happy you feel better. :)



    Hi, could you please PM me? I'm travelling today. I'm halfway to my destination. I asked for my address to be changed to my destination when the delays occurred. I need to make certain package is  headed there. So I need a TN or an email from Rick M. I've send email but haven't heard back TY in advance if there is anything you can do!

    Hi 2earls, just a short ask for direction to a good steroid vendor. I'm new to all this and haven't got a jar of glue (clue) lol- with what I'm  doing. I'm sinking, help lol

    Hi there,

    Would like a little help in getting started. 1. more info on donation 2. would like to know what I can say outright 3. contacted Star lite received half of my order, re contacted & he confirmed he sent 2nd order. But I never received, over a month has past. Don't want to do any undo boat rocking. I am happy to have found this site and wish to participate as a positive member.



    Hey there - sorry to bother you but I need help.  I'm not receiving an answer from Eiffle which is odd.  I paid Tuesday received tn Wed but package has not been picked up by ups since Wednesday. the problem is I'm leaving this address in NYC tomorrow, so I need to ensure it gets here tomorrow or change the address.  Just a response as i have a lot of $$ in this subscription. Also VERY unlike them.  I use them flawlessly all the time.

     Having very little sleep has made things even more difficult...of course I'm sure that you can realize that too. Setting my blessings, Karen

    I would like to say hello and good morning to you,I hope this finds you and your family well. As this  past month has been crazy . My son has been in and out of the hospital  so I have been having to drive when I can over to visit and have had to pack things to take with me when I had to stay off and on a few nights , then I feel so bad as I have a friend who I did recommend the TTM too.  so I am sorry if I posted what I did I was just upset and concerned  for her and I . As I have or had also been wanting to place another order. I did send a message asking about placing an order yet I have not heard anything back this past week from support atTTM. I truly hope that your back is doing OK ! As I always keep you and everyone in the forum in my prayers and thoughts knowing that we all have health problems and or issues and  need some extra help at times as life can be very difficult, and  when you can't get the help that you need. As I'm very sure that you are aware of yourself. I have a problem this morning not just  dealing with diabetes..& of course  my son and the ongoing search for doctors for any help for the lower back pain and sciatica.  How nice (ha,ha) another new situation has been brought to my attention this morning as I received an email in my inbox  from a company claiming that I submitted or someone submitted contact information. And checking my outgoing mail I see no such thing sent from me to them. They also seem to have my phone number. ?? I have the name and address of the company as Lyf Apotek -Phamacy for Everyone. with a address of http://lyapotek.com  I sent them an email this morning explaining that I do not see anything that I sent they responded simply with yes sure sir have a nice weekend.  Just wasn't sure now what is happening next and this roller coaster ride we call life wondered if possibly you or anyone else  has received such or if any of the other moderators have heard of the company and in them sending  emails . I can't thank you enough for all of your time and your effort that you and everyone put sent to the forum. I am still hoping that I might get a message back about placing a order with TTM. I know my friend will be awaiting as arrival date should be this next week  with possible delivery date of Monday - Wednesday. Don't believe it would get there as early as this Saturday today. Again truly my best to you and all. Just can't seem to figure out how this company  sent me an email and has my phone number?? Stay safe and take care my best again as always, Karen

    hey is this how I pm you? format looks different - wanted to pm re: @lex -      not for all eyes. -SA

    No, there's something wrong with your pm function. I can't send you one either and I could last month. Let me get with admin and see what is up. This is not private!

    ok, glad i checked. not a big whoop, lemme know...


    Been going through the same cinerio with Z lately. Sent WU Over 24hrS & no reply. Being patient. I Will also keep a look out. 


    Thank you @2earls xx I will speak to my sister tomorrow. Is there a particular admin I should message after Paypal has gone through?  Bitcoins is something I am a tad ignorant about but I will definitely look into Bitcoin as well. Have a lovely Saturday night and thanks again xx

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  2. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Hey Dolor! Hope you're having a good week friend, and everyone too! And hopefully everyone getting hit by this latest snowstorm is staying safe and warm and off the roads if ya can!
  4. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  5. D @ DolorCero: @bigblueallda - i replied to your inquiry
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: bam bam bam bam bam bam bam!
  7. L @ Layne_Cobain: @drdso usually rocky has great ❄️ at a great price but currently oos hasn’t replied yet when will be back…check out cnc he’s got good ❄️ and like 5-6 different offerings different prices from like 55 a g all the way to his highest qual ones at 75 and 90
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @crimp half the website is flat out broken, i wouldn't touch this
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @PennyE first come first serve you might be able to get a sample from new vendors but if you're contacting an established vendor as a new *customer*, it's not very likely
  10. P @ PennyE: So I'm back after about a year, quick question. And y'all's opinion, How often do vendors offer new customers discounts? I've been doing a little shopping and it doesn't seem to be as normal as it year to be
  11. P @ PennyE: Sorry 🤦🏻‍♂️
  12. D @ drdso: good cheap coke anywhere from a solid vendor?
  13. D @ DolorCero: @PennyE yes i replied to your email
  14. P @ PennyE: hola @DolorCero . sent you an email.
  15. D @ DolorCero: hola to all DBG familia. hope everyone had a nice weekend.
  16. T @ timyboy: @crimp I would stick to the vendor's avail here. Read the reviews, go through different lists and sections. Email diff vend0rs and see what they got.
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @crimp not what the shoutbox is for. (also I have never heard of them before)
  18. crimp @ crimp: http://Chemicalslab.com is this site a scam?I don't know if I'm searching correctly but nothing is popping up when I use the search bar.
  19. P @ PennyE: appreciate you putting that warning out there @LW815
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Thank you for the warning @LW815 !