You have never been my client, no order placed from me.
You have placed only one order from me and it was for liquids. Before completing payment for your order I sent you the disclaimer, which I am sending to every client who wishes to place an order for liquids -...
Because in USA the government released of legal and financial responsibility the pharmaceutical companies producers of the covid “vaccines”.
In Europe people before getting “vaccined” are signing “Declaration of Informed Concent” that the producer of the “vaccine” does not...
I am sorry but:
1/ None of anti covid “vaccines” is vaccine. A vaccine should contain the attinuated (weakened) virus, but since covid 19 had not been isolated, NONE of them contains it. So NONE of them is a vaccine. They are “gene therapies” on a testing period which ends in...
Hello everybody,
As a vendor I can give you some information about how to better get actual tracking info about your packets.
When you see USPS tracking info showing that “origin post is preparing shipping”, just go to the outgoing post official web site and track your packet there. What you...
Yes, as a vendor I would like to make sure that those who are posting reviews at my vendor’s thread are indeed clients of mine.
By asking their user name I am also making sure that they are really members of the Forum, not that they got my contact email from somebody.
Please note that your “review” was posted in my vendor’s thread.
And even if only here, still how can you post opinions on a vendor for who:
1/ you have never been his client
2/ you have not had even email communication
We couldn’t have exchanged emails either because I always require first user’s name. And you as a username are not at all in my list.
Thus you couldn’t possibly evaluate our “communication” even because there was no such.
I don’t accept “positive reviews” who have not been my...
If you got my email address from “other source” and had not placed any order from me, then why would you be posting a “review” in my vendor’s threads?
Reviews are ment to inform other members about a personal experience from a real sale from that vendor.
If users when placing order from a vendor don’t provide their user name, then any member (old or completely new) can post a review at the vendor’s thread of any vendor without ever placing any order from that vendor.
This would be really crazy, not providing their user name wnem placing an...
This is either from long time ago or you had nit given me your correct user name here.
Because “downunder” is not in my list of members to who I’ve sent my price list
As a vendor for over 3 and half years it was happening to me members posting both positive and negative reviews in my vendor’s thread without being my clients.
If I am not requesting member’s nickname at the Forum and just accepting and completing orders by email, I could’t know if a review...
When I receive by email a menu request, I am asking the client from where does he have my email address and what is his user name.
This is to make sure that only sponsors of the Forum can place orders.
Also to make sure that only members who have placed orders from me can post a review in my...
@hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
@Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now