So I received a batch of these yellow ○P€€ 40's today and they're definitely different. They are a tannish color inside and also very soft. If everyone can give their opinions so I can show the vendor im not lying I would appreciate it. Thank you
Everything turned out ok.. it was put on the wrong truck. It never updated on tracking saying it was out for delivery again or anything. It just showed up randomly.
@wjazz I just signed up that address for Inf. Del. And it doesn't show up under packages,, so maybe the wrong address was put on the pack. It definitely would fit inside the box and the address definitely wouldn't be a flagged address or the name it's in... I'll try to call them later and see...
So I had a us 2 us coming and it said out for delivery, then at the end of the day it said available for pick up at the post office?? No slip was left or anything.. has anyone experienced this issue before? I definitely do not want to go there
Just an update about my magazine from early july... it's been sitting at the local post office for a couple weeks now.. I haven't gotten any kind of letter saying to pick it up or anything but since it was tendered to a military agent at one point I'm just assuming it's a goner. Is it strange...
I too have a weird situation going on. mine hit ISC early july then said arrived in jamaica ny a day later, it was then stuck at, in transit for over 20 days then ping ponged back and forth between cities then back to jamaica where is says it has been tendered to a military agent lol seems to...
mine has been sitting in NYC being processed by customs since March 19th.. im also starting to worry.. longest I ever remember waiting was like 20 days probably. Hopefully you get yours..
Just to give an update.. I ordered the test strips and they tested positive. So now I know why daniel willingly refunded me but also confused as to why he said never email him again lol its not my fault they're fake. Anyways thanks everyone for your input this saved me from eating fentanyl..
Just ordered them thanks.. I know they're fake but the vendor is not going for it and just said he's going to refund me and never do business with me again lol I didn't even ask for a refund but that's fine with me. Thanks everyone for your responses
@alixjones2018 thanks for the info, i immediately noticed these were off, not only was the number 1 different, i also remember this brand being thicker than what i got.. Do you have a place that offers fast shipping for those test strips? thanks again