So just wanted to recommend this vender again cause I can’t find my original review... they are a Top notch Vender with an updated clear net via email site which is...
check it out... they have more options now and a sliding scale discount... I have NEVER been...
I have been using ParaCelsuS for 4 months now and have place 10-15 successful orders. Communication is great, shipping is fast(if you order before 9pm MST your order will go out the next day), & quality is spot on. Here is his pastebin which is updated regularly...
ImPatiently waiting my small order as well... paid on the 15th after an email response from him saying all was good and now I’m ghosted... people go through stuff I get it... but i could respond to all my paying emails(lets say 200) with at least a happy face or any response In an hour or so...
Any luck finding disso-s (any but 3-me-ohhh will do) from a USA vender or any fast delivery vender... I used to use chemical story out of NL a while back but they disappeared and PGC here in the USA was amazing a few years ago... They are back but don’t have anything worth researching) I...