All really good suggestions and I did a pretty drastic taper which worked. Kinda. I completely took one of those 220mg doses out and just took one a day for a couple weeks. I got a little sick after a few days but more a less was just super lethargic and drained. Started pooping again...
There are cheap test kits. 40 bucks and you can rest a small sample of whatever. It doesn't tell you all ingredients but it does tell you if it's, morph, oxy, meth, mdma, and a few others. Won't detect street paint though. ;)
Hey folks I need a little help. I am up to 7- blue Roxanne 30's at a time twice a day. It's out of hand! I just read a thread on a potentiator concoction. I will give this a shot next time I have a chance to gather the supplies. Now there are some things I'm not interested in mixing but. I...
To answer your question on price. Supply and demand. For those who use these recreationally the op's aren't nearly as fun, as well as the fact that you can only take oraly. Some people like to IV or snort. The Roxannes are more because they are more sought after and the only oxycodone that...
I have been referred to a PM doc in Northern Utah. I've jumped through all the hoops my primary care doc asked. Physical therapy, alternative drugs I.e Motrin, muscle relaxers. Injections of something. And reg Tylenol. I'd like to know if anyone in northern Utah is familiar and recommends a...
I'm new here as well. I too have done a lot of research on here as well as. The consensus is read read read. You will get the info you need. Please be aware though. I attempted my first transaction expecting success. Lots of $$ and no word on anything yet. So I must admit I'm skeptical...
Just wanted to introduce myself in what seems to be the correct place. I believe I did it the I first time in the wrong section. Well... Good to be here and tons of good information. Donation/sponsorship on the way! Soooo much information and so glad I stumbled about this avenue. Thanks for...
I have been doing much research for the last couple weeks. I stumbled upon this group and have been extremely surprised by vast pool of knowledge in these forums. I have done my due diligence at this point and am not one to dilly dally. I believe I have acquired enough information to make...