I've read a few reports on other forums:
1. One says it's a great anxiolytic without being hypnotic, very functional.
2. Another says it's actually heavily hypnotic and helps you sleep.
3. A third just dismissed it as bunk.
Obviously, dosages, times of day, personal tolerances and...
Thank you for sharing such a positive experience! My psychiatrist thinks Wellbutrin is the perfect med for me - I have learned helplessness fatigue and depression, GAD, lots of other stuff, and Wellbutrin is eerie in how specific it is at treating those.
But... it's associated more strongly...
I'm so sorry 🥺 I just had 3 in the past week make it through Jamaica NY in a day or two - maybe tje workers at the time yours were sent were doing like a silent strike or something? But seriously, I feel for you.
Weird - like an hour before PHX suggested it, I bought nasal spray from CVS for this purpose and will prep it today (mix in in to the pre-made spray). It needs to be 100mg/ml to be convenient, so fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞
🤗🤗🤗 Thank you so much!
I'm 100% getting the same experience with 4metmp - it's friendly at about 20mg IN, very pleasant, but short-lived.
4f - for some reason I lost any effect orally up to 15mg, as high as I dared go. I tried 20mg IN several times in different situations but it is just too...
Did you guys know that Wellbutrin, in addition to being formulated by itself, is also part of a new antidepressant that is a mix of it and FUCKING DXM. Yes, the one teenagers robotrip on.
This is it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dextromethorphan/bupropion
Turns out DXM is an SSRI and SNRI...
This is an overdue review:
Communication was off the charts fast, and when I mentioned how cool that was, I got a lovely little note in response that was very friendly and honestly made my morning 😊
Shipment was blazing fast, even though it was a h@liday week@nd. Just nuts, they are so...
Getting scammed by KhemWizard is what brought me to this forum. After getting scammed, I started researching and found this wonderful place!
So thank you/fuck you, KhemWizard.
And your idea of locking this is wonderful, IMO. No reason at all to have this thread be an option.
It felt clean to me as tia can feel. They have it priced well and you can even use PayPal 😄. I don't get why this hasn't conquered the market. Perhaps they didn't have much when they went live, jumped the gun a bit and then couldn't actually sell the damn stuff because they didn't have it.
Thanks for the advice on the sequencing!
I have the 4f but haven't researched it. What amounts are you playing around with?
We might just crack this and turn these new batches around! You're leading the way 😊
I've tried every racetam and none except pramiracetam did anything for me. Pram seemed to have some psychotropic effect within 20 minutes! But it literally turned my tongue yellow, so no more of that.
Very interesting that it at least did something for you. The racetams have their fans but...
The RC that etizers love to hate ... from my point of view, there is no reason to pregame with this before a night out, and if it were brought out at a party, you might not get too many people coming to your next one 😄 BUT BUT BUT in this sphere there has never ever been a better sleep aid, and...
@hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.