Donation made: 27th Jan
Collected: 30th Jan
Dispatched: 7th Feb
Arrived: 9th Feb
Another perfect transaction. A little slower than normal but I know zone has been busy lately. Sig required for this batch (ordered double what I normally would) but I found this allowed me to track my item to...
Just an update on my recent interaction with zone.
Donation made: 13th Nov
Then it gets a lil fuzzy. Tracked the item to GB (arrived on the 28th; bout 4 days after it was shipped). Received the item just as I was getting a lil nervous as about a fortnight had passed. My half baked housemate...
Heya Jlb, I'm also in the UK. Zone collected MG funds on the 23rd and sent the order. Been tracking it since and it only arrived in GB late afternoon of the 28th. Although this is a lot slower than normal I'm not worried as I know postal services slow massively this time of year. It's odd if...
Heya guys, another superb experience dealing with Z.
Donation made: Tuesday 11th
Collected & order sent: Wednesday 12th
Arrived: Friday 14th
3 day turnaround. X@n@x as good as always. What more can you ask for ?
Seems like zone has caught up on the back log of orders since his vacation ?
Donation sent: before Z left for vacation in the hopes Z would be able to send my goods out before he went away.
Donation collected: 21/09
Good sent: 29/09
Received: 03/10
I appreciate how hard Z works. Lil...
Zone has a been a lil slower than usual lately processing orders. Think my donation was collected Wednesday and he mailed me letting me know he will be posting on Monday. I know he doesn't do business over the weekend. Guess he's just busy atm
Zone always provides a tracking # for my orders which allows me to see when my goodies have left his place of origin. After that it's in the hands of royal mail and have never had to sign for my delivery
Received my 3rd order from Zone yesterday. I'm not at a computer much so haven't yet had the chance to post feedback from my previous orders. Here's the catch up!
First order
Donation made: 06/08 (late Saturday afternoon)
Donation collected: 08/08
Shipped: 09/08
Arrived: 11/08
Second order...
I have emailed the vendor twice since receiving the order in regards to the incorrect mg of the tabs; hoping it was a genuine mistake but also perplexed as to why this should occur as their website does not claim to stock 5mg di@z... Only 10. I'm not at a computer often and only noticed the...
£59.81 taken by merchant ($78.09). International transaction fee was £1.78 and international purchase fee of £1. I donated £58 to these guys... that transaction showed up as what I expected it to, then this mystery one followed straight after.
I know these guys are expensive and the reviews werent great but i needed quick delivery. Heres my brief experience.
First order for x@n@× .5mg
Shipped: 18-08
Arrived: 20-08
No issues
Second order for di@z 10mg
Shipped: 25-08
Arrived: 27-08
No issues
Repeat of second order