He’s responded to my email since I posted. He’s blamed everything from the elements (for them being crumbly) to Watson changing their formula.
No. I’ve been in this way too long. I knew these were counterfeit the second I laid eyes on them. A fake also doesn’t make me piss clean for opiates. 🙄
I’ve used him before with no issue. I hadn’t been on here in a while. He also said he had m three o seven in stock. I’m beyond pi$$ed.
I waited a day for him to respond to my email to give him a chance to make it right but of course I’ve received zero response.
I finally got my letter but they were all counterfeit. These two pills are the same pill with the same markings? No way. They are very crumbly as well.
He’s had my money for almost a week and was supposed to be overnight. He said he took the day off to buy a present for his son then he had shipper issues etc. Now he’s not responding. I guess nobody has placed an order to pay for mine since that seems to be the way he does business.