I get method pharma somas and definitely feel they kick the shit out of the indian brands.
Ive been taking the pain o soma and prosoma brands lately, so I have a bunch of the method pharma
Nothing beats good ol ghb for some fantastic sleep. Not the best if addiction is a concern, but it is was they give to narcoleptics so they sleep at night.
only lasts for about 4 hours, but it feels like you’ve slept 6, and you can redose to go back to sleep. Has helped me loads when having...
still super interested in enkaphilinase inhibitors. Have yet to find a vendor that it outright about what it is, only a place with “blends” that I don’t trust. If you have found different, can you send me a pm?
I believe I’ve seen the Enkephinex-OA for sale, but I’m not certain exactly what they are. They don’t list a substance name. I am very interested in enjaphalinase inhibitors
I’ve had trouble getting my account authorized as well. On his email list, used to be able to order, but he said if you hadnt ordered in s few months its best to make a new account, which i still haven’t received authorization for.
@Lliwmc I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. I’ve had a few friends die in my life(not all directly from drugs but I supposed related), and I still get a tear once in a while, like this morning, before I even read your post.
i have shitty chronic pain and I have been clear of the orange...
I messaged a dragoneric months ago and just got a reply maybe 20 days ago. This person said they were taking a break but are back. Does anyone know if the real dragoneric was on hiatus and came back?
how recent are the imposters?
sorry that happened bud.
yeah subs are powerful and they give it as “maintenance” in absurdly high doses. There’s a reason they come in .8mg strips too.
youll be fine though, I used to take full 8 mg orange stop signs as a teen not knowing and the so worst to happen was nausea.
it is...
An attempt to keep content off search engines. Some say its futile, but generally less attention is better. And it makes you feel like you are in covert ops, of course.
There is loads of info on why ketamine works. I haven’t had an infusion but have had extensive experience in self administration and I do know someone who has had it. For people who have mood issues due to pain, or some other treatment resistant mood disorder, it can be the thing that gives...