Welcome!! I have seen so many people in different forums complain about ioplist. They seem to be a forum of mostly rude members who just talk down to everyone they aren’t already in cahoots with.
I love JDM! I'm glad they chose him and loved him on SUpernatural. I think they do pretty well for the most part on special effects but this past episode with the CGI deer was an embarrassment.
Finished The Cursed Child a few days ago. I loved it! It was really nice being able to read a new story from the series again. Any other Potter Heads here? What are your thoughts on the new book?
Hopefully this is the correct section to ask this in.
I have some Adco-Napacod. They are pink in color and round tablets. They are supposed to be 10mg Codeine and 500mg paracetamol
My question is, does anyone have an experience with these? Do they help with headaches and back pain? Also, do...
So sorry you're going through that. 30 years is a long time and does seem like a wtf moment to just call it quits after all of that time. All of your feelings are valid and it's awful going into such a dark place. I hope things can work out for you. Just don't give up. Easier said than done, I...
I love Daryl! I'd hate to see him go. Also love Carol and hope she sticks around too. I heard that they plan on doing mostly CGI for the tiger. Not sure if anyone cruises any spoiler sites but there's a place called The Spoiling Dead where super fans and inside sources post info about the show...