@Blue Machine Dream Can you stop being a drama queen in my thread please? I have no idea who you are but I have seen and talked with Jeff and iversus in donor threads before and they know what they are talking about. If you have a source, post it in the thread like a normal person. It is very...
Looking to see if anyone can recommend me a US domestic ODSMT vendor. The two in the approved section aren't taking new orders atm, and I have a pack on the way from China but it won't be here for another 2 weeks most likely, and I'm running low and don't want to be dealing with major withdrawal...
I asked him if his stock was still the same as in the pastebin, and he said he "isn't selling and never was". Does he only sell to trusted buyers or something?
This is a US domestic based vendor that has been around for a while, but most of the reviews of his stuff were on now banned subreddits so I can no longer access them. Has anyone done business with him recently? It is extremely hard to find US domestic...
I haven't used any benzos in over 2 yera (Xanax) so I bough the 30ml /.5.ml clonazolam) solution from absolute chems and it was bunk. Havng no tolerace after 2years 1mg to 1.5mg dose did nothing for me, add at he end of the bottle, even a 3.5mg dose didn't do it for me. must assume the...