I'm kind of a random character, my curiosities and fascinations tend to change with the seasons.
Writing has been a life long hobby of mine and I enjoy trying to portray things in a unique way; it's fascinating to me how a different word can change the insinuation of a whole sentence, or steer a poem or song in a different direction. I enjoy writing slice of life blogs that I never publish
and am increasingly interested in the process of music writing, specifically rap.
I'm a fan of oldschool rap from the late 80's, 90's and early 2k's specifically as the rap that was produced back then was always interesting and many songs had a unique and hard-hitting story to tell; I can't say that many new artists tickle my fancy in the genre nowadays, but I hope there's some artists that come to 'revive' the scene eventually. I love all genres of music as I can draw inspiration from any musician with a good knack for painting a lyrical picture or evoking a certain emotional state, whether it be through rock or blues or even country/folk music.
I have a nerdy side to me that blossomed in my teenage years and continues to this day in that I've always appreciated the art of animation, specifically of the Japanese variety. I don't like the fact that the majority of shows are filled with fanfare, but there are always some good series to be found that are more thought provoking. I especially enjoy marveling at the beautiful anime films that are produced by Studio Ghibli! Each frame is like a separate work of art with so much time and effort exerted into the production process to make such beautiful films come to life.
I also play guitar sometimes and so far have somewhat mastered two songs: Country Roads and Heart of Gold. I don't play very often so I just like to have a few tunes that I can play around a campfire somewhere!
Thanks for reading a little about me~