I sent a money gram at CVS on June 2nd and used an electronic kiosk. It was the first time that CVS has asked me for my ID. I purchased several things at the same time and wondered if that was the reason ID was required. Ive been tied up with construction at my house and I havent made another...
I have a question, I hope I can get it answered in this thread. I have tried Flexeril and I cant keep my eyes open after I take one.
A couple of years ago I started having lower back pain and a friend of mine helped me out and sent me a few 2mg zanaflex. I would take 1mg and
they worked...
Its been years since I had a problem with sciatic until a couple of weeks ago I started having problems with it. I know it started from sitting at this computer for
hours, I had a lot of reading I needed to do. Ive had to limit my time sitting anywhere and make certain I get plenty of rest...
Unless you just have to have that phone, I wouldn't contact them about anything. Fingers crossed you might not hear anything else about this.
Did you say if you could tell if the package had already been opened when you received it? How would they know what was in it. And Im wondering why...
Tenuate did nothing for me, didn't curb my apatite or give me energy or anything. I believe what works for one may not work
so well for someone else when it comes to weight loss meds. REAL phen terr mine is hard to find online these days. O but I can remember
when!!! Rit might work for...
No I never got it to work. I have been sick with a cold/flu? for more than a week and I haven't tried again yet. I think I will give it a go with a different browser
and maybe I'll have better luck. I'll let you know.
Do yourself a favor and look back at some older threads about paying with MG online. It wont be hard to find, that question has been
answered 1,000 times.
Not everyone vapes those huge machines! I don't. That vapor looks like a steam engine. To each his own, but your not carrying that when you go out in public are you?
I was never able to make the Ria transaction go through online. I tried several times on 3 or 4 different days. Right at the end to send the money nothing would happen. I tried several times
trying to figure out what I did wrong. I think I will see if there is any place around here that...
Most of the juices that ive tried go bad if kept over say 60 days or so. Unless you knew how to make your own juice I cant see stocking up for very long.
The government is having a fit that they are not getting lots of tax dollars from ecig. This is not a passing fad they are here to stay. ...
I had a friend who was sending me zanaflex (2mg) a couple of years ago for back pain. To me they were strong and I could
only take 1/2 tab at a time but they worked really well!!! Im still having problems with my back and last month
and my doctor gave me a script for Zanaflex (4mg). I was...
2Earls, yes Ive had experience with his adders. Ive also taken adders purchased from a pharmacy. Comparing them, I don't know if they are exactly
the same but they definitely work for me.
I ordered from SY for several years and stopped about 3 to 4 years ago. At that time I don't believe...