thanks for the warm welcome guys!
ive learned alot from here already. that seems to be almost as fun as the end result. ha ha.
i guess weekend warrior to me is partying at home. to forget about work on monday.
thanks for the invite mr galls! 98 isnt a birth year so dont feel old. quite a ramble there. still trying to understand what all that means. but thanks anyhow.
hi there. left coaster here weekend warior. fun seeker. i believe in personal freedom even if illegal i think responsibility is on yourself.
i can see there are great contributors on here and nice people. looking forward to contributing. and being nice. ha ha
use an ace bandage to secure the bottle to your upper inner thigh. close enough to nuts and you wont even need the heatpack. urineluck works great. never trust my piss
Ive personally used urineluck 4 times without any problems ever. comes with an easy to use squirt bottle and heat pack.
pro tip: wrap an ace bandage high on upper thigh. slide bottle with heatpack inside the ace bandage (inner thigh) as high to your jewels as possible for extra natural...
I think this is the same as fast p meds requires using a visa vanilla card. I'm pretty sure I got scammed too as I ordered yesterday and haven't heard a word from them so far. It'd be great to get these guys shut down.
@SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!