Hey everybody! I was lucky enough to be one of the people selected to receive a sample, and I’m here to share my experience.
I hit giantsquids like really late last Sunday night over email, about getting a sample of the O-des, and he replied only a few hours later, and by monday night we had a...
Damn. I ordered June 02. Have received nothing. I waited till 30 business days to contact. They are currently offering a50% store credit and don't recommend getting pellets. However, I placed an order with much less reputable vendor with pretty poor stealth from the same place chem is located...
Unfortunately so @DoomKitty, 20mg at the very minimum. I very much appreciate your well wishes as well. The consequences were very serious, and I’m pretty damn lucky they weren’t any worse. I read up on/research everything drug related. From stuff I don’t ever intend on taking, to what I think...
Thanks for your insights @DoomKitty. The “vendor” my post references is benzoking. For as long as I’ve been a part of the IOP community I’ve never gone out on a limb like that with any vendor. Only did it this time because I was so curious about certain substances I would otherwise have no...
I could also be 100% wrong on this. As I did not use reagent testing on anything I received, this is merely my experience and some thoughts I figured I would share. I ended up taking a chance on a vendor that was spamming up my email with promotions, despite the fact there’s almost no info on...
You could give fluclotizolam a shot? I’m not going to be able to quote my sources or anything useful, but I if I’m remembering correctly it’s supposedly got around a 4 hour half life, and is reported to be approximately 3x more potent by weight. The only major negative I recall turning up in my...
Same here. I donated to sapphire membership and now have access to all the forums, with the exception of VIP, and password access; which I was under the impression I would get access to. Anybody with some insight on this matter??
@Ayyy7393 I’m far from an exper, but from my understanding 2N-AI is supposed to the chemical most similar to real methamphetamine. I actually hate meth after the first hour or so but god damn I love that perfect mix of serenity, euphoria, and creative and empathetic explosion it gives me. The...
No I literally do want stims too. I just have a really weird relationship with Them. order some 4f-mph but that’s looking like a lost cause at this point. I really really really wanna try 6-APB, and then I’m super interested in 2M-NAI, which hopefully I’ll get my hands on by the end of the...
Thanks for all the input y’all!! I hears lot of great things about 4-HO-MET. I always wouldn’t mind trying 3-HO-PCP. 2F-DCK, DCK, or preferably just straight up ketamine are the ones at the very very top of my list. If I could find a vendor without RAMAN complications I’d literally order some...
I’ve got a couple orders out, that hopefully make it to me, but I still plan on putting in another order or two with different vendors. in the meantime I’m looking for recommendations on which RCs to analyze. I’m interested in all categories, besides for noids. Which experiences stand out in...