I’ve never had trouble contacting him, like I said, he responds within 30 mins no matter when I email him. Except for now, when he tells me to email him for who knows what, he hasn’t responded when I emailed him yesterday right after him asking me to. Still going with I got scammed with this...
I found you here, I definitely emailed you directly with your contact info. Prior to your thread I had never heard of you, so I’ve 100% been talking to you. Emailing you now though.
This isn’t a quick review, as I’ve already explained this has gone on for three weeks. Do you often have to check with your mail clerk, multiple times for tracking and not get back with an update? Do you often get a request for a reship/refund due to the time elapsed or do you really need me to...
Pretty sure this dude ripped me off too. Originally asked for something, they said they didn’t have the mag. I said “dang no worries, the mag is rare these days” then all of a sudden I get another email saying they do have it. Interesting.
Paid two weeks ago, waited about a week before...
I have the hook on it, domestic and Canada, fire and cheap. Mags are priced amazing, as its supposed to be since it's so cheap to get in bulk anyway. I've never ran out haha