I don't body build or compete athletically but I've heard that hgh is good for women's skin and can be helpful to get best gains from cardio. Also. I feel old as fuck
Three days start to finish. He is so patient. Everyone in my area is having troubles sending wu/mg. Its because they do them so infrequently and often fuck up finalizing them. I can't recommend him enough. Been on this site forever it feels and ive switched away from Alex to thus guy or...
Have missed using Alex and am excited to use him again. His products and services are hands down some of the best. I thank God I was able to receive the email addy after using him exclusively for nearly a year plus.
@Def_Starr and @Zone.. exactly what the problem was! The Gmail account used on my end had all of his/your emails in a spam folder. You are not spam my friend!! XOXO
Will be sending donation soon.
@wibblechops. This vendor is absolutely legit and if you were able to see another new vendors...
They aren't going to report you to LE. This happened with MG once with me. Too many Hispanic receivers and some concern regarding money laundering? Lol
Anyway...Throw in a middle initial. Change the phone # and address on the account and you are no longer you. You have Walgreen where you're at...