Wow that’s scary! I’m glad you are doing better (hopefully). What you went through is no joke. Do you happen to have any auto immune disorders? I have a friend with RA and she went through the same thing years ago.
I have a pituitary adenoma (benign tumor) that has been growing for the past...
While I appreciate their fast shipping, I’m a little hesitant about the product itself lately. I took 1 tab early in the day on morning no problem and I stupidly missed a step on my stairs and fell quite hard, which warranted a trip to the ED thinking I broke my arm and a few ribs. Nothing to do...
@Stimchild729 @Kaykr1 I feel for you guys!!! The mental health field has become so complex as the brain is so unique to each individual that it has become hard to treat each individual. A lot of it sounds like it starts in childhood. Seems like there are a lot of underlying causes which are...
@Dickslapperman I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I wouldn’t put him at fault as this type of business is considered high risk for any CC processing company to approve. Are you out or going through WD right now? If so just go to the ED and they will piss test you to confirm if you have...
so just checked the site this morning and they updated it! Unfortunately it does seem like they are struggling with their CC processing company. They claim it could take 30-45 days! (But hopefully sooner). Once available, they will have unlimited capacity.
Yikes!!! But I hope they can get...
@Kaykr1 honestly was using DRC right up until it shut down. Then found out about elite through some reddit thread as the brand/bottom stood out to me. I was tempted to use absolutechems but I’m not familar or comfortable with powder. So I just used the dark net.
Was just looking into BlueKem...
That’s too bad! Hope they arent going down like DRC did.
I too liked the CC aspect... made things easier. Plus their fast shipping was great! I hope everything works out soon. Would rather not resort to the DN, but whatever.
Keep us posted!!
@SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!