I hate chemistry. Always my weakest subject in school. Very inconvenient for me since I have a fondness for designer drugs aka research chemicals. I get miffed when people say " oh ummm if you turn that into a freebase it will vape better" as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. ...
Thanks. But what are you saying exactly ,....that "Yes, people use this area to scam, but once in awhile a real vendor with actual stock and actual integrity shows up. On top of that, this place is run by quality people and so you just gotta take the good with the bad ??? " Something along...
I guess posts like this are allowed here but the whole way this vendor is presented by the OP just seems problematic on its face...or anytime this same template is repeated here, I scratch my head:
OP. presents some unknown site /vendor
OP says "I don't know about this vendor but something...
Well if they are truly legit, I would still recommend changing that store name. I keep wanting to ask them if they have any Ivory Wave or Disco in stock. (Okay that was a circa 2012/13 reference.) 🙃
I very much appreciate the concern and the detailed analysis. Without a doubt just taking a break would do wonders. 8 months doesn't sound too horrific. I've been on a pretty good clip now for awhile , so shifting it down is beyond the logical thing to do. But with quarantine and shit, I...
I have tried to hyperdose to get an effect with 2-FMA in particular, and 4F-MPH and it's just no dice. Same with Adderall. I believe it has to be the mechanism of action. I think all of these are straight dopamine releasers, whereas I seem to have better luck with dopamine reuptake...
Nothing here is necessarily screaming out SCAM to me besides the name of the shop. Makes me think of bath salts. Bath salts were indeed Megapowders lol. That being said, I'll shut my mouth and watch this one play out.
(Isn't 3-FPM nearly impossible to find in the US...kinda scratching...
I thought I might have done something to my brain chemistry with all the pyros and cathinones. One day the amps and dopamine releasers just stopped doing anything. Adderall , dexedrine, etc. So I thought maybe I blew a fuse. The caths/pyros still work. Maybe they overloaded the...
Key point. Thank you for clearing that up for me. From a demand perspective I can see why these chems died out once they were banned everywhere.
My personal preference would still be MDPV or a-PVP over cocaine/meth...but I understand that places me in a minority position. 4-MMC seems to...
Like with many fellow RC enthusiasts, I started on the scene when these superb chemicals were abundant, legal, and cheap. Then sometime in 2013 I believe, these exquisite powder sensations were banned outright and subsequently posted as Schedule 1 controlled substances, the party...