A quality review as usual, I already expected it to be and have included additional product with your current order as usual. Thanks for always taking the time to write up a review of your experience. Have a great evening!
Now this is undeniably a quality review. You can definitely look forward to receiving the upper limits in terms of additional product for such a fantastic review on your next order. Once again I really appreciate you taking the time to write this up and I hope you have an excellent week!
Wow thanks for such a great review before the product has even landed you can definitely look forward to some additional product on your next order, just be sure to remind me of this conversation. You have a great upcoming week!
Definitely an 11/10 review @LittleDarkAge. On your next order you can definitely look out for at least 150mg of additional product, maybe a little more based on the quality of your review.
Ok thank you very much @Lunch00 I put up a notice on my website a moment ago. I to have received phishing emails attempting to get me to log on to Proton to change my password and others prompting me to update my password on DBG. My experience was the same as yours as in hovering over the...
Definitely not! Thank you for double checking and keeping my habits in mind (basic OPSEC, no writing in clear text) as well as for coming forward so that way I know it was not just the single client that was targeted.
So just to be sure the email they contacted you from was...
Ok but I will not be conducting business with you because of the multiple violations of sending order's formatted incorrectly.
Just like ordering from new vendors makes you nervous and makes you wonder if they're legit even after 30 pages of positive reviews, I to am extremely wary of new...
I have been told by a client they were scammed by somebody impersonating me. So I'm waiting on them to respond with their email so I can include it but I'm just giving a warning out to ahead of time. My email has not been compromised and only one client was targeted as of this moment.
I get...
Yet another fantastic review after checking my records I believe you were not given your complete 150mg bonus but no worries on your next order I will give you double the maximum allotted amount just due to the quality of your two reviews. I very much appreciate it!
Yes I saw your email it mentions making an order in it's subject header so it's going to remain unanswered and i will not be able to be conduct business with that email address due because the rule violation equates to automatic blacklisting
Yes I saw your email it mentions making an order in it's subject header so it's going to remain unanswered and i will not be able to be conduct business with that email due because the rule violation equates to automatic blacklisting
Thanks a lot @Lunch00 for taking the time to write out your experience. The next time you place an order remind me about this review so that I can be sure to through you some additional product.