PM Doctor's and How To Find One That PRESCRIBE OPIOIDS


Nov 15, 2023
Besides the usual searching hours and hours of reviews online - is there a better way to go about this? Maybe another forum out there, dedicated to share PM drs that actual prescribe?

For what's worth, I have genuine and severe chronic pain. I have one the top 5 most painful conditions and I'm still treated like a damn china doll. It's never going away, it isn't curable. The least they could do is keep me pacified...

All the PM Drs I've seen so far just want to do painful and pointless injections (that I'm mostly allergic to anyways), some other non-FDA approved foo-foo procedures, insanely high doses of NSADIS / APAP which don't work anymore or even just painful fucking surgeries that I don't want anymore. I just want my quality of life back at this point.

Any knowledge out there, fam?

I'm in Ohio if anyone here has any specific Dr leads. Hell even if they're sketchy as fuck and require cash payments, I don't care anymore, I need help. :(

Besides the usual searching hours and hours of reviews online
This works? I’m surprised it’s honestly that easy if so.

Hours online seem like a really small price to pay for a script and I don’t even have a pain condition. All seriousness though, good luck and I hope things improve.

Look into Kratom, both raw powder and extracts in the meantime; as well as Turmeric and low dose DXM for NMDA antagonism. Other than that I got nothing. They come down extremely hard on doctors who’re liberal with the pad nowadays
This works? I’m surprised it’s honestly that easy if so.

Hours online seem like a really small price to pay for a script and I don’t even have a pain condition. All seriousness though, good luck and I hope things improve.

Look into Kratom, both raw powder and extracts in the meantime; as well as Turmeric and low dose DXM for NMDA antagonism. Other than that I got nothing. They come down extremely hard on doctors who’re liberal with the pad nowadays
Well, no lol definitely not that easy, but you can sometimes read a “bad review” of a doctor “shoving pills” or a good review saying something like, “they actual treat my pain like a compassionate dr!”

I’m sure you still have to go through failing all the dumb shit they throw at you like unapproved injections, spinal cord stimulator, etc. and also need proof of your conditions.

But it’s all I got for trying to locate someone, ya know? I’ve spent the past 6 weeks, any free time I get that isn’t in completely agony, researching. It’s actually how I found you guys and I’ll be exploring purchasing online if I can’t get going with a decent dr soon.

And thank you! I actually use Kratom now and have for years. Something changed though, I think it’s due to other medications I’m on currently but kratom isn’t working anymore.
I’m taking good shit and trying different strains + tolerance breaks, but idk, it’s not working like it once did. Either I don’t take enough to help or I take WAY too much (which is such a fine line for me now and never was a huge deal) and end up sick but still in pain. Doesn’t matter what strain, doesn’t matter where I get it. I’ve even stooped to an all time low (lol) and bought those extract shots from headshops (M!t45) and again, I get zero relief, even if I overdo it and end up sick, no positive effects whats-so-ever. It never used to be that way, I actually used to get decent relief with it!

I’m taking Gabapentin now (prescribed and I hate it) so I’m thinking that’s the difference. Or the PPI (proton pump inhibitor) I’m on. I guess that can help some drugs cross the blood brain barrier, so maybe it’s messing with how kratom affects me now.

The DEA need to stay out of health care, man. I have a connective tissue disorder that causes my joints to dislocate several times a day (among many other ugly conditions it’s caused) It’s never going away, I’m stuck with it for life and it’s progressing, meaning it’s getting worse and will never stop getting worse. I basically exist from my bed, I’m unable to work, unable to take care of my little one, unable to cook for myself, my family is exhausted of seeing me in agony. it’s bad. What’s the fuck ass idea of pulling meds from people like me that NEED it to survive. All it does is drive us to buy from the streets (or online streets) and possibly die from f3nt. (Sorry for the random vent, I gotta let it out sometimes.)
Besides the usual searching hours and hours of reviews online - is there a better way to go about this? Maybe another forum out there, dedicated to share PM drs that actual prescribe?

For what's worth, I have genuine and severe chronic pain. I have one the top 5 most painful conditions and I'm still treated like a damn china doll. It's never going away, it isn't curable. The least they could do is keep me pacified...

All the PM Drs I've seen so far just want to do painful and pointless injections (that I'm mostly allergic to anyways), some other non-FDA approved foo-foo procedures, insanely high doses of NSADIS / APAP which don't work anymore or even just painful fucking surgeries that I don't want anymore. I just want my quality of life back at this point.

Any knowledge out there, fam?

I'm in Ohio if anyone here has any specific Dr leads. Hell even if they're sketchy as fuck and require cash payments, I don't care anymore, I need help. :(

Doctors that will prescribe heavy pain meds won't take insurance. it's all cash.
Doctors that will prescribe heavy pain meds won't take insurance. it's all cash.
I’ve read that a few times and maybe I’m just an idiot here but how would I go about finding a doc like that?

I’m not sure how long I could sustain appointments like that since I’m barely working right now. But I’m desperate enough to try.
I’ve read that a few times and maybe I’m just an idiot here but how would I go about finding a doc like that?

I’m not sure how long I could sustain appointments like that since I’m barely working right now. But I’m desperate enough to try.
it's all who you know, my roxycodone dealer was also an addict and he broke down and told me where to go so I can give him extra pills. I was living in the boondocks of NY at the time and would have to drive to Brooklyn to see him. The doc didnt give shit he would write whatever i wanted unless the DEA said not to. So fentanyl patches, opanas, morphine, methadone, roxycodone (not the blue 30s DEA came to his office to tell him not to write 30mg roxy) etc. he charged 300 per visit. I moved and im trying to find one in my area but its not like there are google reviews for these guys. I also had a pshychatrist that was the same 200 per visit and he would give me adderall, xanax, kolonipin, valium, and what was great is since i had two doctors prescribing i didnt have to worry about the other prescriptions flagging me on a drug test.
The biggest issue these days is if you can find a doc to rx is finding a pharmacy that will fill. Just bouncing up outta the blue at even a local mom and pop and not bringing a pharmaceutical relationship to them but only the hot topic products is probably going to get you a "NO" as they all have been pressed with limits and want to make sure they are taking care of their regulars who are filling all of their pharmaceutical needs.

Just my two cents worth.
The biggest issue these days is if you can find a doc to rx is finding a pharmacy that will fill. Just bouncing up outta the blue at even a local mom and pop and not bringing a pharmaceutical relationship to them but only the hot topic products is probably going to get you a "NO" as they all have been pressed with limits and want to make sure they are taking care of their regulars who are filling all of their pharmaceutical needs.

Just my two cents worth.
Yeah I’ve read about this. During those pill mill heydays not only did you need a doc, you needed a pharmacist associated with that doc too.

Never went down that path. I was too young during the peak of it all. If there are any “compassionate” pain docs left they’re sure as shit not gonna be advertising online. That is a federal case if caught. Idk. On one hand it’s great to have a safe pharmaceutical supply of a known dose but that’s not on some greedy shitbags mind when they abuse the Hippocratic oath for $$$

I always wondered if they have a set group of C2 meds they’ll strictly write for or if you can like literally tell them what you want 😂

M’done 10s (the old school coffins) and some kind of hypnotic benzo would be enough to keep me happy and rarely ever have to come on this site tbh
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What part of ohio? I'm in akron/canton/wadsworth/Medina ISH area and know of a few really good Dr's that will help you. Depending on your insurance or if your a cash pay patient...I spent 10 years hitting different PM clinics and family practices searching for one that will help me out. I used to take a pillow to sit on everything I went to the doctors and take 2 whole minutes standing back up when they have you lean forward and check your back. Got blacklisted everywhere, now that I actually need a good Dr I wish I wouldn't of fucked myself but I still know of some that are active. Lmk if I can help.
The biggest issue these days is if you can find a doc to rx is finding a pharmacy that will fill. Just bouncing up outta the blue at even a local mom and pop and not bringing a pharmaceutical relationship to them but only the hot topic products is probably going to get you a "NO" as they all have been pressed with limits and want to make sure they are taking care of their regulars who are filling all of their pharmaceutical needs.

Just my two cents worth.
I hear ya. I've been with the same pharmacy since I was a kid (32 now) and they fill about 12 other monthly meds of mine currently. I do know there's a massive shortage going on and it's only going to get much worse. But, I gotta start with a doc first, ya know?

What part of ohio? I'm in akron/canton/wadsworth/Medina ISH area and know of a few really good Dr's that will help you. Depending on your insurance or if your a cash pay patient...I spent 10 years hitting different PM clinics and family practices searching for one that will help me out. I used to take a pillow to sit on everything I went to the doctors and take 2 whole minutes standing back up when they have you lean forward and check your back. Got blacklisted everywhere, now that I actually need a good Dr I wish I wouldn't of fucked myself but I still know of some that are active. Lmk if I can help.
That would be great if you could! You're welcome to DM if you don't want to list them out in the open.

I'm southern Ohio, about an hour south of Columbus. But I'm able to dive 1.5hrs in any direction. My small town doesn't have all my specialists as is and I have to drive for care, so it's no biggie.
Yeah I’ve read about this. During those pill mill heydays not only did you need a doc, you needed a pharmacist associated with that doc too.

Never went down that path. I was too young during the peak of it all. If there are any “compassionate” pain docs left they’re sure as shit not gonna be advertising online. That is a federal case if caught. Idk. On one hand it’s great to have a safe pharmaceutical supply of a known dose but that’s not on some greedy shitbags mind when they abuse the Hippocratic oath for $$$

I always wondered if they have a set group of C2 meds they’ll strictly write for or if you can like literally tell them what you want 😂

M’done 10s (the old school coffins) and some kind of hypnotic benzo would be enough to keep me happy and rarely ever have to come on this site tbh
I'm really not even looking for a crooked doctor, I'm just looking for one that hasn't jumped on the Opioid Hate Bandwagon that 99% of doctors seem to be on.

I have legitimate, documented, chronic pain - pain that will never leave me and is only going to get worse. But, because of my age and because of the Opioid fear, I can't access anything other than muscle relaxers and gabapentin. Both are helpful for my nerve and muscle pain, but they don't stop the debilitating bone and joint paint that I deal with.

Things are so bad that I'm seeking Palliative Care at the moment. It's hard finding an agency doesn't doesn't just cater to people that are over 60 or that have cancer, but my diagnosis are consider serious, complex and life-limiting. There's also the insurance side of things. Location. So many factors. This process could take months to years, or it could land me no where and with zero help. So I'm trying to find someone that's had some luck with a dr here in the meantime.

And I totally understand they wouldn't be advertising themselves - I'm just hoping for word-of-mouth. I'm desperate to gain a life back for my kids and family's sake. Although I understand there's little to no hope in asking like this, it's still a slight chance that I may get somewhere and so I have to try.

That would be great if you could! You're welcome to DM if you don't want to list them out in the open.

I'm southern Ohio, about an hour south of Columbus. But I'm able to dive 1.5hrs in any direction. My small town doesn't have all my specialists as is and I have to drive for care, so it's no biggie.
You might check, from what I remember unless you are a sponsor y6iu aren't able to DM. But check it out to make sure.
You might check, from what I remember unless you are a sponsor y6iu aren't able to DM. But check it out to make sure.
yeah, after I sent that reply, I went to DM them and couldn't find the option. oops. I'm very new around here, if that weren't already painfully obvious :')
yeah, after I sent that reply, I went to DM them and couldn't find the option. oops. I'm very new around here, if that weren't already painfully obvious :')
Lol it's all good, I'm a noobie to the site too. I'll post the ones I'm pretty sure are still active, all of them are in prison and few fled country to avoid arrest. Idk if you remember hearing about Comprehensive pain management in stow (Dr. James bressi), Adolph Harper in Akron, Dr. Lazzarini in canton (recently got like 100 years in prison). These other ones slowed their roll for a while or cut the amount of patients they prescribe narcotics too. Anyways here they are.

Dr. Michael Bianco in Wadsworth. He's awesome, when SWIM was going to him he had her on 90 30mg ir Adderall, 90 perc 10, 60 2mg xanax at once. 60 Morphine sulf 60mg with 90 perc 10s for breakthrough pain. Oxy 40/perc 10s..dilaudid 8 60/month/Vic 10s for breakthrough. He's one of those doctors that asks YOU what worked best for you in the past.

Dr. Aminamnbu* in akron. might of butchered the last name but if you look it up he should pop up. Great benzo and oxy doc

Summit psychological in akron - guaranteed 90 bars a month.

Bright view in canton- completely free 90 8mg subs right off the bat with or without insurance. Completely lenient about dirty urines and urine WITHOUT sub in them even lol.

Dr. Labadibi in Akron. Pain management. SWIM knows he will help you still.

Jennifer pamphilee* MD - Barberton OH. Another good oxy dr.

SWIM knows of an active methadone clinic near akron/cantoN/medina/barberton/Jackson area that has no wait list. Litterly same day dosing start. super lenient. Raises dose 20mg a week until your as high as you want it to be. SWIM was at 200mg in 2 months. Pink methadose liquid here and not the nasty crushed up pills in water like other. This place isn't crooked but is completely superior to any other Methadone clinic ones ever heard of or been to. Each urine without any other opiates you get another take home, dosnt matter how long you've been there for. You can be dirty and full of dope every urine and it will never affect your dose or get you kicked out, EVER. tHis place is really a hidden treasure, SWIM knows of people with 10, 20 year iv fent/heroin habits that got clean here. Alot of SWIMs cherish this place and from what happened to the site recently, I don't wanna post it publicly to possibly draw unwanted attention to it. If your interested in this place lmk and I'll ask one of the mods if there's a way to send you the name without stating it publicly.
Lol it's all good, I'm a noobie to the site too. I'll post the ones I'm pretty sure are still active, all of them are in prison and few fled country to avoid arrest. Idk if you remember hearing about Comprehensive pain management in stow (Dr. James bressi), Adolph Harper in Akron, Dr. Lazzarini in canton (recently got like 100 years in prison). These other ones slowed their roll for a while or cut the amount of patients they prescribe narcotics too. Anyways here they are.

Dr. Michael Bianco in Wadsworth. He's awesome, when SWIM was going to him he had her on 90 30mg ir Adderall, 90 perc 10, 60 2mg xanax at once. 60 Morphine sulf 60mg with 90 perc 10s for breakthrough pain. Oxy 40/perc 10s..dilaudid 8 60/month/Vic 10s for breakthrough. He's one of those doctors that asks YOU what worked best for you in the past.

Dr. Aminamnbu* in akron. might of butchered the last name but if you look it up he should pop up. Great benzo and oxy doc

Summit psychological in akron - guaranteed 90 bars a month.

Bright view in canton- completely free 90 8mg subs right off the bat with or without insurance. Completely lenient about dirty urines and urine WITHOUT sub in them even lol.

Dr. Labadibi in Akron. Pain management. SWIM knows he will help you still.

Jennifer pamphilee* MD - Barberton OH. Another good oxy dr.

SWIM knows of an active methadone clinic near akron/cantoN/medina/barberton/Jackson area that has no wait list. Litterly same day dosing start. super lenient. Raises dose 20mg a week until your as high as you want it to be. SWIM was at 200mg in 2 months. Pink methadose liquid here and not the nasty crushed up pills in water like other. This place isn't crooked but is completely superior to any other Methadone clinic ones ever heard of or been to. Each urine without any other opiates you get another take home, dosnt matter how long you've been there for. You can be dirty and full of dope every urine and it will never affect your dose or get you kicked out, EVER. tHis place is really a hidden treasure, SWIM knows of people with 10, 20 year iv fent/heroin habits that got clean here. Alot of SWIMs cherish this place and from what happened to the site recently, I don't wanna post it publicly to possibly draw unwanted attention to it. If your interested in this place lmk and I'll ask one of the mods if there's a way to send you the name without stating it publicly.
Yoo this was way cool of you to post this list. Do you think these doctors would allow people from out of state to come and fill them?
I love the spirit of the list. I’ve had connectivity-tissue disorders and back issues that cause chronic pain. When I lived in Hawaii and Oregon I had good doctors. Dr Shawn Sills at Interventional Pain Medicine Specialist in Medford Oregon still hooks up real blues and coffin 10s. Dr Laurence Badgley in Hilo Hawaii will give light pain meds and b3nz0s if you have a real condition. A few decent resources for Dallas, TX - Neighborhood Medical Center, Dr Martin McElya will fill a few scripts if you’re in a pinch. Lovette Okoh can help with small amounts of ADHD and b3nz0s. Both places in Texas knew I had drug issues too.
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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!