
Nov 10, 2024
Happy new year, DBG community!

Old man question for you all:


Do we have any legitimate DBG sources for this old school medication?

I read that IBOGAINE can be used for certain types of therapy

Cheers 🥂
Happy new year, DBG community!

Old man question for you all:


Do we have any legitimate DBG sources for this old school medication?

I read that IBOGAINE can be used for certain types of therapy

Cheers 🥂
No offense but that's one drug you don't want to do without someone who is familiar with dosing correctly. It is known to change the rhythm of the heartbeat doi g something to blood pressure that can result in sudden death. There's a podcast of joe rogans with information about it. There's a state that is looking into using IBOGAINE as legitimate treatment in q medical setting. This treatment may be widely available in a few years

No offense but that's one drug you don't want to do without someone who is familiar with dosing correctly. It is known to change the rhythm of the heartbeat doi g something to blood pressure that can result in sudden death. There's a podcast of joe rogans with information about it. There's a state that is looking into using IBOGAINE as legitimate treatment in q medical setting. This treatment may be widely available in a few years

@iamgroot emailed back. He has a couple of options on his menus — just like he always magically does 🕊

Already saving funds to buy and try my IBO of choice.

I too prefer to be around as many people as possible. Like a retreat, in my living room, with friends only…. No questionable vibes, right?

This has been a very very long time coming! Secondary: hoping to be enlightened or get help for overall addictions/anxiety 😵‍💫😵
@ClaytonWest What are you trying to come off? I've done that rodeo a few times and it works wonders BUT you need to be extremely careful. The two main concerns are your liver and your heart. The pharmacokinetics are extremely complicated with it being such a complex molecule (meaning your liver works overtime with all those metabolites). And the other concern is your heart as ibogaine acts as a hERG blocker meaning it blocks potassium channels which power the heart. The usual protocol for providers is to have the patient get a standard liver panel and an EKG. With the liver panel it just confirms everything is functioning correctly and with the EKG they are just checking that your QT intervals are within range. If the QT is in range and no other cardiac issues are known it's safe to assume the patient can tolerate decent amounts without the heart slowing to a stop.

WHATEVER you do just be sure to not take other substances within a week of taking the ibogaine. The exceptions are cannabis goes great with ibogaine, and sometimes a small amount of diazepam can help ease the tension. Stimulants, psych meds, even caffeine and some supplements are highly contraindicated. As far as the opioids DO NOT have fent or zines within like a month of dosing or more. Preferably patients are weaned to around 30-60mg morphine a day before they are given a dose. Morphine is the gold standard for that too, hydrocodone can work but be careful of the acetaminophen, technically codeine would be ok but it's too weak, oxycodone is too strong mechanistically (lowering dose doesn't compensate for it's added effects on beta arrestin 2) and same goes for pretty much all the other opiates as their binding strengths for mu tend to be higher than morphine.

For dosing you should DEFINITELY use the step dosing method. I did a flood (over 12mg/kg, may have been closer to 20mg/kg) in 2015 that almost killed me, left me unable to speak for days, and still in withdrawal. I was in full detox the morning of the dose and they started with a "test dose" which was 1mg/kg or less. That test dose took me from sweating and unable to lay still to completely calm and with minimal pain comparatively. A few months after my "treatment" someone died at that clinic (snuck stuff in and was still using when dosed) and they had to change the name.

For years after I wondered why they didn't just give me a low dose for ~5 days to get me through the detox instead of overdosing me all at once in that fragile state. Finally I found someone who pioneered that protocol. She was one of the original test subjects in that first trial after Lotsoff brought it to the attention of researchers. The person who went before her and after her died, which inspired her to come up with safer protocols. The way she did it was she got me to wean on instant release morphine over a month to a safer dose like 30-60mg/day then you start working in 100mg ibogaine in the mornings (little over 1mg/kg if you weigh ~100kg). Every day it builds because the metabolites stay in your system for days/weeks, so take note of that and be careful. By day 3 even 15mg morphine should make you sick, then just stick with the ibo for a bit longer to take care of residual wd symptoms. Force yourself to eat and hydrate throughout, cannabis can help. Coconut water is high in pottassium so it's great to drink a bunch before dosing just in case (even w the herg blocking having more available should help).

Finally: the form of ibogaine can be important as well. Ibogaine hydrochloride is markedly different than total alkaloid mixture which has ~50% ibogaine and the rest are other alkaloids that help modulate the experience. Studies have shown TA is easier on the heart than HCl at equivalent doses (for example 1g TA compared to 500mg HCl) TA is also much easier on my stomach.

🙏I wish you the very best on your journey. Please be safe and report back if you can!
Also, magnesium sulfate IV is given, alongside being hooked up to a Holter monitor.

I wouldn’t flood dose it without medical supervision. I did it in Mexico. It’s not a fun ride, but it can change your life if your struggling with addiction
Oxycodone can be used to titrate off fentanyl or methadone.

Ibogaine doesn’t play well with methadone either.
Yes exactly what @Juju38 said:

-Many studies using ibogaine are finding that magnesium supplementation helps with cardiac protection and also potentiates some of the lasting neurotropic effects.
-A Holter monitor is a constant EKG so that would definitely be superior to taking one randomly before and assuming you'll be ok based on that read. I ended up having medical supervision for the step dose experience as well so they just used a normal EKG but I was checked ever hour. Another option is for $139 you can get a 6 lead handheld bluetooth EKG off amazon called KardiaMobile 6L. The app allows you to export the scans and also alert you to issues like prolonged QT.

-Pleasure to meet another member of the tribe JuJu. Were you able to quit with the flood dose? Did you take the booster? I was only able to do the flood because I had an adverse reaction. I was told I had some kind of seizure like episode and they pushed diazepam IV 8 hours in. The intense part of the experience lasted 34 hours for me and 12 is the average for most people. When I came to it was like a movie where my eyes were already open it just went from blur to focused all of a sudden. And I realized I couldn't produce speech. I had to write to communicate with the nurse/staff. I smoked cigarettes at the time and couldn't smoke because I couldn't voluntarily inhale. Scared me really bad but after 3 days I left and regained my strength at a hotel before flying back stateside.

-Oxycodone can be used as a stepping stone down the equianalgesic ladder. All I meant to say is that if you mix small amounts of oxycodone with low dose ibogaine it potentiates it much more than you'd think and difficult for someone experienced with the two to even dial in. With morphine it's far easier/safer to work in low dose ibogaine while still staying well on morphine (once you've titrated to <60mg/day of the morphine) I've heard of people having mixed low dose oxy with low dose ibo and they were sweating and throwing up like someone whos never had a tolerance and doesn't like opioids. It potentiates oxy that much, even with the morphine by the time I was titrating the ibo up I took my last 15mg dose for sleep one evening and I didn't like it. It felt like taking too much and the emotional blunting was that much clearer after a day of the ibogaine glow.

-Methadone is also a hERG blocker so that plus being a long acting potent opioid make it an extremely dangerous mix with ibogaine. In the studies ICEERS did they were able to titrate people directly off methadone (starting extremely low dose ibogaine once patients under 30mg/day methadone) but there were complications and I think there was a death or near death involving bradycardia with atropine given.

-If you're looking to change your life perspective ibogaine is an amazing tool at all doses. I would try to stay under 6mg/kg per day with a day off after 3 or so days so it doesn't build up too much. I've done a mini detox on my own and 2mg/kg daily for 3 days was enough after weaning with morphine. (Remember to get total alkaloid instead of pure HCl if you can and when you dose remember its 50% ibogaine so 200mg in a 100kg person would be 1mg/kg) You'll definitely be laying down dreaming on that dose and it'll be enough to address the detox if you've weaned down as mentioned earlier. After you've been off the opioids a week cut back on the higher dose ibogaine and just microdose as needed for residual issues. You should also look into/consider doing 5-meo-dmt once you're off of everything and it's been at least a week since the last dose of ibogaine. The benefits of 5-meo-dmt and ibogaine are unmatched by the other psychedelics out there.

Keep us updated, we're rooting for you @ClaytonWest
Yes exactly what @Juju38 said:

-Many studies using ibogaine are finding that magnesium supplementation helps with cardiac protection and also potentiates some of the lasting neurotropic effects.
-A Holter monitor is a constant EKG so that would definitely be superior to taking one randomly before and assuming you'll be ok based on that read. I ended up having medical supervision for the step dose experience as well so they just used a normal EKG but I was checked ever hour. Another option is for $139 you can get a 6 lead handheld bluetooth EKG off amazon called KardiaMobile 6L. The app allows you to export the scans and also alert you to issues like prolonged QT.

-Pleasure to meet another member of the tribe JuJu. Were you able to quit with the flood dose? Did you take the booster? I was only able to do the flood because I had an adverse reaction. I was told I had some kind of seizure like episode and they pushed diazepam IV 8 hours in. The intense part of the experience lasted 34 hours for me and 12 is the average for most people. When I came to it was like a movie where my eyes were already open it just went from blur to focused all of a sudden. And I realized I couldn't produce speech. I had to write to communicate with the nurse/staff. I smoked cigarettes at the time and couldn't smoke because I couldn't voluntarily inhale. Scared me really bad but after 3 days I left and regained my strength at a hotel before flying back stateside.

-Oxycodone can be used as a stepping stone down the equianalgesic ladder. All I meant to say is that if you mix small amounts of oxycodone with low dose ibogaine it potentiates it much more than you'd think and difficult for someone experienced with the two to even dial in. With morphine it's far easier/safer to work in low dose ibogaine while still staying well on morphine (once you've titrated to <60mg/day of the morphine) I've heard of people having mixed low dose oxy with low dose ibo and they were sweating and throwing up like someone whos never had a tolerance and doesn't like opioids. It potentiates oxy that much, even with the morphine by the time I was titrating the ibo up I took my last 15mg dose for sleep one evening and I didn't like it. It felt like taking too much and the emotional blunting was that much clearer after a day of the ibogaine glow.

-Methadone is also a hERG blocker so that plus being a long acting potent opioid make it an extremely dangerous mix with ibogaine. In the studies ICEERS did they were able to titrate people directly off methadone (starting extremely low dose ibogaine once patients under 30mg/day methadone) but there were complications and I think there was a death or near death involving bradycardia with atropine given.

-If you're looking to change your life perspective ibogaine is an amazing tool at all doses. I would try to stay under 6mg/kg per day with a day off after 3 or so days so it doesn't build up too much. I've done a mini detox on my own and 2mg/kg daily for 3 days was enough after weaning with morphine. (Remember to get total alkaloid instead of pure HCl if you can and when you dose remember its 50% ibogaine so 200mg in a 100kg person would be 1mg/kg) You'll definitely be laying down dreaming on that dose and it'll be enough to address the detox if you've weaned down as mentioned earlier. After you've been off the opioids a week cut back on the higher dose ibogaine and just microdose as needed for residual issues. You should also look into/consider doing 5-meo-dmt once you're off of everything and it's been at least a week since the last dose of ibogaine. The benefits of 5-meo-dmt and ibogaine are unmatched by the other psychedelics out there.

Keep us updated, we're rooting for you @ClaytonWest

I told my doc to cure me or kill me. We went to damn near 20mg/kg of 75% HCL 25% TA

Also did 5 meo DMT 6 days later. Went 8 months with a sip of alcohol. Now I can drink a beer or two with dinner and it is just like a normal human (non addict) who just enjoys a Guinness now and then

It literally saved my life.

I work 3-4 months out of the year there now.
I also accidentally quit dipping. I forgot I needed nicotine and Copenhagen is hard to find in Mexico. Day 5 or 6 I was like “huh…..I haven’t even thought of a pinch of snuff this week”
If I were at home without a doc. I’d tell people to ramp of magnesium glycinate or citrate to at least 600mg everyday. Dose maybe 2-3mg/kg every 6-7 days. On the day prior to dose, ramp up oral magnesium to 800mg. Do this for 3 consecutive rounds. Cut drug habit in half week 1, then 10-20% the next two weeks.


50mg Percocet (normal daily dose)
25mg daily week 2
20mg week 3
15mg week 4…..

Continue 10% taper till clean. Ibogaine, after 3 weeks, drop to .5-1mg micro doses as needed no more frequently than every 4-5th day
@Juju38 Jeeeeez sounds like a hell of a ride. I completely relate on the "kill me or cure me" and it made the onset much easier because my body and mind surrendered to it so to speak. That's awesome you're paying it forward working at the clinic, much respect my friend.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?