our story is very similar
@Layne_Cobain with respect to everything mentioned but I’ve stayed away from Z. please stay away from that trash. not one to judge but it can really fuck up ur internal organs like cuts and shit and some people have lost limbs no joke. imagine needing that severe of an item just to not be sick but not getting any enjoyment. I hate being a prisoner to benz bc like u I only take to not be sick. Had terrible insomnia and a crushing death in the family years ago and people weren’t bringing food to the hiuse, they were bringing xanax lol I’m not joking either. it was the only way to sleep but I had to go and fuck around and find out. It’s not too high of dose but still it doesn’t take much.. will never forget the dissociation I felt for the first time when I was stretching 1 dose to cover two doses. Holy shit. The sheer terror that comes when I think I may run out is worse than the actual symptoms or equal. Read a fascinating study that showed that exact thing. People who were given the real med but were told they were given the placebo reported significantly more discomfort and WD than prople who got the placebo but were told it was benzo. Crazy.
I’ve only heard of SR with opi WD but perhaps there is something out there for benz? besides rehab. Lol.