Are there any known RC’s, supplements nootropics exc that actually can help lower opiate tolerance?


Aug 12, 2023
Obviously if one is able to, taking a break from ingesting any and all opiates is the best way to reduce tolerance but I was wondering besides that, anyone know if there are any legit evidence backed things to try that can lower tolerance to opioids?
forgot to mention that someone on Reddit a couple years ago recommended trying nigella sativa (black seed oil, thymoquinone) and I did but I did not notice anything it’s possible I didnt stick with it long enough or get one with enough thymo in it but idk…
lol I had a smart ass answer which is one we all know… “when a vendor somehow gets messed up and although you plan somehow you are left figuring life out for days even weeks” buttttt in all fairness I have heard Kava can. Now I would recommend tremendous research but it does have some ability to reduce tolerance to Benz and ops. From what I’ve heard and had slight experience with. I’ve never seen it through though.
lol I had a smart ass answer which is one we all know… “when a vendor somehow gets messed up and although you plan somehow you are left figuring life out for days even weeks” buttttt in all fairness I have heard Kava can. Now I would recommend tremendous research but it does have some ability to reduce tolerance to Benz and ops. From what I’ve heard and had slight experience with. I’ve never seen it through though.
Thanks For the reply bro. I actually did give Kava a try wayyy back talking like 7-8 years ago for anxiety relief and didn’t notice much but I def didn’t give it enough time or stick with it I think I even recall reading kava can have reverse tolerance where the more you use it the more effective it is over time but idk anyway I wasnt doing it for lowering tolerance obviously but for anxiety relief but perhaps worth another try with a good brand and stick with it for some months…

I did some light research and came across some things like “ULDN” ultra low dose naltrexone which seems to be the most backed up of all of it for lowering ones tolly short of taking an extensive break….

Then there’s nigella sativa which I tried but don’t think I went far enuff with should’ve ordered another jar of powder when I ran out of the first if it did anything it was too subtle to tell….

I took Agmatine sulfate for many months for both this reason but also bc a buddy whose big into supplements told me it’s “good for you, good for brain recovery from substances” along with DLPA and didn’t notice.

I wish I was in a position to be able to take a nice 3-6 month long total opiate break but it’s currently impossible for me.

Man oh man imagine how Fkn nice it’d be if tolerance wasn’t a problem lol could just get that same relief from benzos and opiates years in as we did in the beginning I know my quality of life would be a helluva lot Fkn better than this pile of shit.

✌️ ✌️
You are exactly right. The low does nal seems like it would work in theory but I could see it being a bit of a rough ride under certain circumstances. Keep researching at least you are at the place you want to. Hell I think we all want to. Sativa is a funny little creature. Tried to green thumb it a bit but the heat said no.
Hey… late response and a lot of people have heard of this one, but SR-17018 is very promising based on the studies that exist (still relatively new but mostly positive) plus a lot of positive anecdotal evidence that if used correctly can reduce opiate withdrawal and lower tolerance at the same time and rather quickly. You take SR alongside your opiate while tapering the opiate and then after tapering, you stop your opiate and then just use SR. And I’ve heard it works!

People go about the dosing and the length of time they taper diffetently, depending on how on their unique situation. But it’s shown some good results with getting off even the most brutal stuff.

***people have to be careful once off their DOC bc if they want to go back on the DOC or whatever else, you obviously can’t start at or near the dose you were on when actively using. Bc ur tolerance is not that any longer. Or ya know….. death is a possibility***

I’m sure some people here can point those who are interested in a more informative direction. It’s also pretty affordable. This is such a basic rundown but doesn’t speak to dosing and all that.

Be safe! Research! Get more informed advice.

Hey… late response and a lot of people have heard of this one, but SR-17018 is very promising based on the studies that exist (still relatively new but mostly positive) plus a lot of positive anecdotal evidence that if used correctly can reduce opiate withdrawal and lower tolerance at the same time and rather quickly. You take SR alongside your opiate while tapering the opiate and then after tapering, you stop your opiate and then just use SR. And I’ve heard it works!

People go about the dosing and the length of time they taper diffetently, depending on how on their unique situation. But it’s shown some good results with getting off even the most brutal stuff.

***people have to be careful once off their DOC bc if they want to go back on the DOC or whatever else, you obviously can’t start at or near the dose you were on when actively using. Bc ur tolerance is not that any longer. Or ya know….. death is a possibility***

I’m sure some people here can point those who are interested in a more informative direction. It’s also pretty affordable. This is such a basic rundown but doesn’t speak to dosing and all that.

Be safe! Research! Get more informed advice.

Thanks for the good info Anna appreciate it! Might give SR a try I have seen it mentioned a decent amount on here need to research it myself …
One of my friends had great success with SR @Layne_Cobain and there are promising studies!
It definitely sounds and seems legit based on everything I’ve read on here and the basic research I’ve done on it so far. I’ve been on methadone ( 🤮 ) for a little over 3 years now and that along with the heavy fent habit I had prior (as well as a long relapse I had using on top of the methadone) just completely destroyed my tolerance. I dont wanna start using zenes just to be able to get some relief for a little while then be even more fucked than I already am.

It rly Fkn sucks bc besides benzos (which I also have an enormous tolerance to from being scripted daily for many years now) opiates are basically the only thing that makes my life bearable with my shit mental health and chronic pain/illness so this SR stuff seems 100 percent worth a shot when I finally make the move hopefully soon to start tapering the ‘done to take along side that. Also seems like it could potentially help with making the methadone taper smoother and less paws since I know everyone says what a nightmare ‘done is to get off of.

Man did I rly fuck myself up by staying on my benzo all these years long after it stopped doing a Fkn thing bc I was afraid to be without it and afraid to taper and feel even worse and same with the methadone which is like water to me and rly doesn’t help much at all got myself stuck on like the two worst things you could end up being “parked” on, long term benzo and methadone and not even getting any relief from either yet in no condition to even attempt to come off either atm. Trapped trapped trapped 🤬😳🤯
our story is very similar @Layne_Cobain with respect to everything mentioned but I’ve stayed away from Z. please stay away from that trash. not one to judge but it can really fuck up ur internal organs like cuts and shit and some people have lost limbs no joke. imagine needing that severe of an item just to not be sick but not getting any enjoyment. I hate being a prisoner to benz bc like u I only take to not be sick. Had terrible insomnia and a crushing death in the family years ago and people weren’t bringing food to the hiuse, they were bringing xanax lol I’m not joking either. it was the only way to sleep but I had to go and fuck around and find out. It’s not too high of dose but still it doesn’t take much.. will never forget the dissociation I felt for the first time when I was stretching 1 dose to cover two doses. Holy shit. The sheer terror that comes when I think I may run out is worse than the actual symptoms or equal. Read a fascinating study that showed that exact thing. People who were given the real med but were told they were given the placebo reported significantly more discomfort and WD than prople who got the placebo but were told it was benzo. Crazy.

I’ve only heard of SR with opi WD but perhaps there is something out there for benz? besides rehab. Lol.
our story is very similar @Layne_Cobain with respect to everything mentioned but I’ve stayed away from Z. please stay away from that trash. not one to judge but it can really fuck up ur internal organs like cuts and shit and some people have lost limbs no joke. imagine needing that severe of an item just to not be sick but not getting any enjoyment. I hate being a prisoner to benz bc like u I only take to not be sick. Had terrible insomnia and a crushing death in the family years ago and people weren’t bringing food to the hiuse, they were bringing xanax lol I’m not joking either. it was the only way to sleep but I had to go and fuck around and find out. It’s not too high of dose but still it doesn’t take much.. will never forget the dissociation I felt for the first time when I was stretching 1 dose to cover two doses. Holy shit. The sheer terror that comes when I think I may run out is worse than the actual symptoms or equal. Read a fascinating study that showed that exact thing. People who were given the real med but were told they were given the placebo reported significantly more discomfort and WD than prople who got the placebo but were told it was benzo. Crazy.

I’ve only heard of SR with opi WD but perhaps there is something out there for benz? besides rehab. Lol.
💯 percent can relate to literally everything you said about the Benz Anna it’s crazy sucks doesn’t it to be a slave to these pills and not even rly get any relief from them whatsoever anymore after all these years but still have to take them like you said to not be sick and feel even Fkn worse or possibly seize and die or feel so horrible we’d wish we were dead…I’ve gone thru it too many times when trying to stretch scripts also after going thru them too fast but I’ve been better about not putting myself in that bad spot for a long while now but it still sucks….i feel like I’m stuck in tolerance withdrawal or something with all these weird physical symptoms I have everyday but it’s impossible to tell rly what could be from the benzos and what’s just the anxiety/panic/rest of it that’s just continued to get worse and worse thru the years 😥

And so true about the placebo effect as well I mean with everything obviously but specifically w benzos it’s so intense get so stuck in your own head you can psych yourself out into literally any and every symptom there is…with all the drug shortages on benzos, opi’s and stims my usual teva clons I get from pharmacy the minty green ones have been out for months I’ve been getting either these dark blue ones made by advagen or these green scored ones by aurobindo and I swear they’re so much less effective but I know more than likely it’s just in my head…

Hey also I noticed on the shout box you mentioned how you’ve had an order stuck on “pre shipment label created” on the tracking and it was in the future…I’m dealing with the same exact Fkn thing since Thursday I checked early morning like 6 am and it said label created at 12:30 pm later that day Fkn weird and still no movement on it just checked….has yours updated yet or still just showing that pre shipment BS?

Hope you don’t mind me asking I just saw it in the shout along with that other person who had same issue and it’s starting to worry/piss me off lol…thanks
Will pm you @Layne_Cobain

Ok nvm lol didn’t realize you don’t accept DM’s. No big deal.

The ball moved after half a day, and then nothing since. But if it STILL just says label, that’s BS.

Best of luck man!
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@AnnaSofia yup it’s still just sitting at pre shipment label created after 8 days man this Fkn blows!! why can’t anything ever just go smoothly ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️

I wish I lived in late 19th-early 20th century America when you could just walk down to the local mom and pop pharmacy and get your laudanum/opium, tranqs, ‘cane, amphet and whatever else OTC and not have to deal with “mag” dealers lol…
i just wanted to jump in and say i have heard a lot of good things about Ibogaine drastically reducing opioid cravings and withdrawals.
i've never tried it, but it's worth looking into if you are interested
Will pm you @Layne_Cobain Ok nvm lol didn’t realize you don’t accept DM’s. No big deal. The ball moved after half a day, and then nothing since. But if it STILL just says label, that’s BS. Best of luck man! AS

@AnnaSofia , Your Highness 👸

IBOGAINE: Are there any legitimate DBG sources left for this psychedelic?

I’m wondering if it’s basically just becoming a regional candy 🍭 (no international black market for IBOGAINE, it seems)


Any thoughts/comments?

@AnnaSofia yup it’s still just sitting at pre shipment label created after 8 days man this Fkn blows!! why can’t anything ever just go smoothly ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️

I wish I lived in late 19th-early 20th century America when you could just walk down to the local mom and pop pharmacy and get your laudanum/opium, tranqs, ‘cane, amphet and whatever else OTC and not have to deal with “mag” dealers lol…
You thin
@AnnaSofia yup it’s still just sitting at pre shipment label created after 8 days man this Fkn blows!! why can’t anything ever just go smoothly ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️

I wish I lived in late 19th-early 20th century America when you could just walk down to the local mom and pop pharmacy and get your laudanum/opium, tranqs, ‘cane, amphet and whatever else OTC and not have to deal with “mag” dealers lol…
Exactly!. To say Prohibition doesn't work would be a drastic understatement, hence why it didn't last long for alcohol, yet continues with drugs.. Hopefully one day some sort of happy medium can be reached and harm reduction achieved?. The "WAR" is not only counterproductive, it has been as epic failure of the worst degree. No one has the right to police what a person chooses to put into their bodies!..
To reduce tolerance to opioids, it is best to take a break, and you can also try to change drugs, use adjunctive medications, combine with physiotherapy, or gradually reduce the dose
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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