Do we have a legit vendor selling SR-17018

Can you let me know if he actually sends anything, I’m waiting also. I hope I didn’t get burned. I’ll let you know if I get mine.
If you can wait until Feb or March, I'd just recommend waiting until Autogen, CnC, or Uncharted have it. All three are solid with reasonable prices. None of them will burn you (in my experience).
Just confirming that this guy is a scammer.

Do not deal with RCSceneDream@proton

Here is what he said when I asked for proof of possession and some other sort of verification of legitimacy:

“We have SR-17018, Xanax, MDMA, Methadone, Shrooms, Promethazine, and multiple other substances in stock. We aren’t scammers. I understand your concern and we can make a tracking label if that helps. But unfortunately, we don’t send/ship the order until the payment is received.

If you’d like we can send a photo of the 2.5grams of SR-17018 when I leave work. But again, we also have been scammed in the past by customers asking something similar, never paying after receiving the product. I’d be happy to cover shipping and even throw in something small extra, but we’re firm on our shipping policies.”
I WAS WRONG. THIS GUY IS THE REAL DEAL. When he offered to send a sample of I just covered shipping, I was skeptical to say the least.

Not even 24 hours later and the pack has landed.

Of course, there is a shortage, so prices are going to be higher than they once were until the supply is figured out, but this guy came through if anyone is in need.
I WAS WRONG. THIS GUY IS THE REAL DEAL. When he offered to send a sample of I just covered shipping, I was skeptical to say the least.

Not even 24 hours later and the pack has landed.

Of course, there is a shortage, so prices are going to be higher than they once were until the supply is figured out, but this guy came through if anyone is in need.
Can you dm me, I’m still a little cautious. I’m in talks now.
I WAS WRONG. THIS GUY IS THE REAL DEAL. When he offered to send a sample of I just covered shipping, I was skeptical to say the least.

Not even 24 hours later and the pack has landed.

Of course, there is a shortage, so prices are going to be higher than they once were until the supply is figured out, but this guy came through if anyone is in need.
did you test it to verify at leats subjective effects? Generally I advise spending 80$ on NMR and MS at Numeglabs USA
Does this compound really perform as advertised in the sense of producing the effects of a mu agonist but actually upregulating the receptors (reversing tolerance)? Is there a catch?

Please forgive the off topic question but I have "utfse'd" and read random things on r3ddit and so on but found nothing remotely definitive so far. I would be extremely grateful for even a simple "yes" or "no" let alone any kind of detailed information from anyone with obvious experience. It sounds too good to be true but the way it's spoken of here makes me unable to not ask

If anyone can enlighten me on the nature of it from personal experience, I will owe them a personal favor
Does this compound really perform as advertised in the sense of producing the effects of a mu agonist but actually upregulating the receptors (reversing tolerance)? Is there a catch?

Please forgive the off topic question but I have "utfse'd" and read random things on r3ddit and so on but found nothing remotely definitive so far. I would be extremely grateful for even a simple "yes" or "no" let alone any kind of detailed information from anyone with obvious experience. It sounds too good to be true but the way it's spoken of here makes me unable to not ask

If anyone can enlighten me on the nature of it from personal experience, I will owe them a personal favor
I can speak from personal experience.

I don’t know about reversing tolerance, per-se. I have not taken it long enough to say yes or no. I’d lean towards it possibly, minimally, reducing tolerance WHILE abstaining from your 0pi DoC altogether. Of course with abstaining comes natural reduction in tolerance anyways, so it’s very difficult to say how much or quickly it helped to reduce.

However, I have been a daily user 0D$MT ‘researcher’ for well over a year now. My peak usage topped out at 1250mg a day for 2-3 months just recently. That was, until I promptly ran out for a week due to mail carrier slowness. In my desperation, I somehow remembered I had SR laying around that I’d tried prior without much success. Decided to give it another shot.

This time around, it actually worked WONDERS for the physical WD symptoms. The psychological are largely still there, although those also were reduced slightly compared to without it. I was able to take 75mg 4x a day the first 3 days, then down to 40-50mg 3x a day for a day, and finally 50mg + 25mg on day 7. The only other comfort meds utilized were kratom extracts for the day, and benz0 for sleep. TBH I could have likely gone without even needing extracts and just used plain leaf Kratom and been just fine.

After a week tolerance break + SR use, I’ve been able to maintain at roughly 500-600mg a day and been perfectly content at staying at this dose.

I’ve WD’d from 0D$MT twice before this last time, and both were 10x worse, even with my tolerance being half of what it was. I’d say SR, when used correctly and on a consistent schedule, is an absolute godsend compared to any other 0pi0d rehab treatment out there right now, simply because it lacks any sort of high while being painless to come off of.

I know that personally, when some vendors restock it, I’ll be grabbing a couple grams for when I plan on quitting opis altogether, which is later this year.

I feel it should also be noted that this is simply my own anecdotal experience, and ymmv. Please don’t go taking SR expecting no tolerance reversal to occur, and then you proceed take your normal dose, and end up regretting it or worse. Doing so could lead to devastating consequences if your biochem is even a fraction different from mine, which as we all know in the RC world, that is always the case. If you take it with tolerance reversal as your goal, start low and slow just in case it affects you more than it did me.

I can speak from personal experience.

I don’t know about reversing tolerance, per-se. I have not taken it long enough to say yes or no. I’d lean towards it possibly, minimally, reducing tolerance WHILE abstaining from your 0pi DoC altogether. Of course with abstaining comes natural reduction in tolerance anyways, so it’s very difficult to say how much or quickly it helped to reduce.

However, I have been a daily user 0D$MT ‘researcher’ for well over a year now. My peak usage topped out at 1250mg a day for 2-3 months just recently. That was, until I promptly ran out for a week due to mail carrier slowness. In my desperation, I somehow remembered I had SR laying around that I’d tried prior without much success. Decided to give it another shot.

This time around, it actually worked WONDERS for the physical WD symptoms. The psychological are largely still there, although those also were reduced slightly compared to without it. I was able to take 75mg 4x a day the first 3 days, then down to 40-50mg 3x a day for a day, and finally 50mg + 25mg on day 7. The only other comfort meds utilized were kratom extracts for the day, and benz0 for sleep. TBH I could have likely gone without even needing extracts and just used plain leaf Kratom and been just fine.

After a week tolerance break + SR use, I’ve been able to maintain at roughly 500-600mg a day and been perfectly content at staying at this dose.

I’ve WD’d from 0D$MT twice before this last time, and both were 10x worse, even with my tolerance being half of what it was. I’d say SR, when used correctly and on a consistent schedule, is an absolute godsend compared to any other 0pi0d rehab treatment out there right now, simply because it lacks any sort of high while being painless to come off of.

I know that personally, when some vendors restock it, I’ll be grabbing a couple grams for when I plan on quitting opis altogether, which is later this year.

I feel it should also be noted that this is simply my own anecdotal experience, and ymmv. Please don’t go taking SR expecting no tolerance reversal to occur, and then you proceed take your normal dose, and end up regretting it or worse. Doing so could lead to devastating consequences if your biochem is even a fraction different from mine, which as we all know in the RC world, that is always the case. If you take it with tolerance reversal as your goal, start low and slow just in case it affects you more than it did me.

Wow... that sounds near miraculous!

So to make sure I understand, you were basically functional? Like able to go to work, or would have been hypothetically if you'd had to? Or just nowhere near as bad as it would have been otherwise?

Was the reduction in the dose of SR over the 7 day period intentional because you were able to and basically maintain the same degree of functionality/lack of suffering, or because that was basically how you had to ration out the amount of SR available since that was about all you had on hand? If you don't mind me asking

Either way that is REMARKABLE, and I will definitely be on the lookout for it when it returns! (And of course I appreciate and fully respect your ymmv etc. disclaimers, and fully idemnify and hold you completely unaccountable for anything foolish that anyone may do after reading this, as would any "sane" person (if only everyone held themselves accountable for their own actions - such research should be for responsible adults only, and this one fully recognizes data presented "for informational purposes only" ;)

But seriously, if there is ever anything I can do for you somehow, you need only DM me. I thought I'd killed the thread by going off topic, but just knowing the potential for something like that exists has me at a lack for words. Your report is solid gold to me, especially compared to everything else I've found on the web so far regarding that molecule. Thank you so much for sharing this with me!
Wow... that sounds near miraculous!

So to make sure I understand, you were basically functional? Like able to go to work, or would have been hypothetically if you'd had to? Or just nowhere near as bad as it would have been otherwise?

Was the reduction in the dose of SR over the 7 day period intentional because you were able to and basically maintain the same degree of functionality/lack of suffering, or because that was basically how you had to ration out the amount of SR available since that was about all you had on hand? If you don't mind me asking

Either way that is REMARKABLE, and I will definitely be on the lookout for it when it returns! (And of course I appreciate and fully respect your ymmv etc. disclaimers, and fully idemnify and hold you completely unaccountable for anything foolish that anyone may do after reading this, as would any "sane" person (if only everyone held themselves accountable for their own actions - such research should be for responsible adults only, and this one fully recognizes data presented "for informational purposes only" ;)

But seriously, if there is ever anything I can do for you somehow, you need only DM me. I thought I'd killed the thread by going off topic, but just knowing the potential for something like that exists has me at a lack for words. Your report is solid gold to me, especially compared to everything else I've found on the web so far regarding that molecule. Thank you so much for sharing this with me!
It was indeed near miraculous considering OD$MT WD’s, which considered ‘mild’ on the 0pi scale, are still severe enough to have you completely out of commission for 4-7 days. I was indeed functional enough to work the entire week while I was detoxing AND was able to make it to the gym + sleep through most of the nights (I’ve got a mentally taxing job as opposed to physically taxing, so needing to be present and able to talk to clients daily & meet deadlines is paramount). Was any of it easy? No, definitely not. There were still extreme cravings and overall I felt not so great. BUT the severity was no where near as bad as it would’ve been without the SR. For reference, without the SR I would’ve been in bed with cold sweats, nausea and the worst back pains/RLS of my life.

The reduction over the course of the 7 days was purely due to not feeling like I needed as much. For example waking up on day 3 I went the first hour+ of my day without any major WD’s.. so when the first symptoms crept up, I took a smaller dose to see if it helped, and indeed it did. I was also being conscious of the fact that SR is in short supply these days, so I wanted to be able to have some left over for a few rainy days, if needed.

Keep in mind I was also taking other comfort meds (kratom, benzos, the occasional 7-0H tablet) through this experiment, so without those I don’t think it would’ve been quite as effective.

regardless, I appreciate the kind words, friend! Know that my [DM] door is always open as well, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions! That’s what this community is for after all. Helping one another to stay as safe as possible, while losing as little as possible to faux vendors/substances 🙂.

@CnC5 link to shop or pastebin? As said cant be opned from EU or VPN via your profile link
The link isn't working for me either, were you able to get the bin with membership? I just wanted to check out the menu/pricing for CnC5..... Can never have too many backup mag v3ndrz
The link isn't working for me either, were you able to get the bin with membership? I just wanted to check out the menu/pricing for CnC5..... Can never have too many backup mag v3ndrz
This thread is about SR…

Become a sponsor and you’ll be able to access his menu and many others. It’s only 25 bucks man.
So SR has to be used for tapering off. I’m in many opiod back rooms and we have been researching this chem a long time as some know and many have my trip report, we are noticing the people that keep using it as maintenance - well it’s having the opposite effect obviously tolerance is going up ect, WDS, they need more and more.

So far, there has been studies that this chem MAY reduce tolerance to MORPHINE based opiates. (Rats). That could be all encompassing we just don’t know yet.

From what we are seeing 1 month or less on this. You can use it in conjunction with your drug of choice for a week or 2 (fucking tapering not just combining ;) )then jump to SR and continue to taper down.

Or taper down on your DOC low as possible then jump to SR and taper off.

Both have been successful methods of getting many off of zenes, carfent (yes it got synthed domestic, not that Canada crap) as well as many other rare opioids, and all types of lower level opiates.

Quite a few are trying to use it as maintenance and they find out they fucked up even though they were told…

Use it right and it’s..quite incredible.

Heavy habit? 7 grams will send you home safe. And I mean at least using that shit that starts with a F
I can finally say I successfully used the SR I bought a few months ago from China (they’re out of stock now so don’t ask) to completely get off protonitazene. God bless this chemical. I ordered 5 grams and started at 120mg in the morning and 100mg at night. Tapered by 10-15mg each day. Very little wd if any. This substance is truly amazing.
Last edited by a moderator: I'm an idiot, figured it out 🤦. But so this guy's legit? And has a small stash of SR available for reasonable prices?
I WAS WRONG. THIS GUY IS THE REAL DEAL. When he offered to send a sample of I just covered shipping, I was skeptical to say the least.

Not even 24 hours later and the pack has landed.

Of course, there is a shortage, so prices are going to be higher than they once were until the supply is figured out, but this guy came through if anyone is in need. I'm an idiot, figured it out 🤦. But so this guy's legit? And has a small stash of SR available for reasonable prices?
They said they got a magazine delivered. Is it actually SR though? Could just be a random magazine or a magazine about 0d$mt to make it read like it’s in fact SR.
Last edited:
He said he got a pack. Is it actually SR though? Could just be a random magazine or 0d$mt to make it read like it’s in fact SR.
He also said it landed in less than 24hrs, which I didn't even think was possible even with the fastest services.... Services which would certainly cost a LOT more than the $30 trial subscription... Right ?
He also said it landed in less than 24hrs, which I didn't even think was possible even with the fastest services.... Services which would certainly cost a LOT more than the $30 trial subscription... Right ?
I know ON is possible and offered by a few vendors but I do believe it costs more than $30.
I know ON is possible and offered by a few vendors but I do believe it costs more than $30.
So I talked to the guy last night, and he SEEMS legit. He's got a tiny menu, with very small amounts of what he has; something about taking a vacation for awhile or something. He was asking for 135/g or something really close to that and I asked if I could buy a .25 just to test the product, since he's a completely unknown entity to me. He responded by saying he'd do a g for 100, but that he didn't sell samples because too many people never came back and bought the quantities they promised afterwards... I dunno, I WANT to believe him, but this is a slow time of the year for work for me and I'm not too keen on gambling 100 some odd bucks. But then hit me up again 3 hrs later while I was asleep to say he was gonna be dropping off packs for the day I'm a few hrs and to let him know if I wanted a sample size. I responded within an hr saying I was willing to spend 50 bucks on taking the risk and haven't heard back since (that was like 6:30am)
And dude who said he was legit never returned to this thread after saying he's got the goods... And if he was running low on SR a month ago, with the demand for it right now? There's just no way he'd have any left ((supposedly 6.5g). He also hinted at large amounts of freebies he'd hook me up with if I ordered for 100... Probably the one time that some guy is actually just trying to be cool and not bend people over on prices for something he definitely could, but I'll never know.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!