I'm really glad you're feeling better. Just because I regret it doesn't mean it's not the right choice for you. It has saved many people and I'm all for it for the right reasons. I definately should not have gone on it for pain relief. I wasn't in WD when I went on it. Best wishes for feeling...
I personally regret ever going on suboxone. I had been off opiates for several months when I decided to go on it. I wanted to try it for pain relief as I had built up such a high tolerance to everything else. I did feel normal while on it and did not crave anything else. Now that I no longer...
I'm so sorry for all you have been through and going through. I have been through a very similar situation and my primary Dr was very understanding with my anxiety and prescribed 4mg of clon without hesitation. That was 5 years ago and still have it prescribed monthly even though I don't need to...
As a chronic pain patient I can identify with each and everyone of you. I recently lost my pm Dr and he was the only one to prescribe medication, where the rest want to do steroid injections only. It's nice to see I'm not alone but on the other hand I don't wish this on anyone. I'm glad I found...
I was under the impression we needed to donate and have 500 posts before we could view the Mexican, email vendors and US vendors. Reading these comments I believe I have misunderstood!? Donation=access to vendors. 500posts=VIP Status for ?? VIP chat room.? Sorry for all my silly questions...
I am also new here and wasn't exactly sure where to introduce myself. So much reading to do. I'm glad to find this site. I'm in chronic pain, middle age, and live in NY. Looking forward to finding my way around this site. Thanks for letting me join.