I used my cellphone to respond and made a mess. Sorry about that. Incredibly enough, coffee makes me sleepy too unless I take it with phen, Then I'm wired. I take Lex and lamictal for bipolar disorder prescribed by my psychiatrist and I also see a therapist. With all that help, many people think...
Thanks for clearing that up. Sometimes I'm so slow to figure things out. I thought I was that sleepy because of the high pollen count or because of the fake pills but it was the withdrawal. I ordered the Duromine from TTM on Sat. Capsules are easier on me because I'm bipolar and although I feel...
They came from our good friends over there at Palmira. I was vexed because I wrote to them at least 20 times to cancel my order after I found DB and of course they don't check their emails. I got gypped by another pharm not listed in DB a week before that so I've been on sugar pills or whatever...
About 10 bars with a lot of Tequila. I was in a lot of emotional pain and it numbed me. It numbed me so badly, I left my house midday wearing a sweater in 95 degree weather and got locked out. Beepers were "in" so communication was scarce. I don't remember how I got back in. True Story.
Awe darn and they're weak? Grrrr Just got a batch of phen from a blacklisted pharm and I think they're bars mixed with god knows what cause I'm sleepy as hell and kinda hungry.
So sorry, Marie. Jared Miles is not a common name. I did a search on zabasearch, FB, Tw, everywhere and nope, no Jared Miles in Middletown or anywhere else upstate. That really sucks. Hope he lost the money on his way home.
I must be the luckiest person ever when it comes to this. I've never had a bad experience anywhere. I think I have a good eye for scammers. Having lived in an undeveloped country for a while and having been scammed left and right has payed off after all! Who would've "thunk" it.
It can cause hyperthyroidism (not caused by thyroxine in my case) and trust me, although I lost a lot of weight, it was the most awful experience of my life. Wait, a really bad bout of sciatica is up there with the hypothyroidism. Yeah, don't mess with that.