I've only had limited experience with some Pressed, so my opinion is just a drop in the bucket. But for me not as good reading material. Not as strong or as long of a read. At least compared to a few years ago. I'd like to try some powder and make my own PG solution and I think I'd get a...
Well that's odd if I click on the email and choose another email like Google it will add the address in the to section. If I choose to open with Proton it leaves the to address blank and list my Proton in the from box. Guess I can copy twice and paste into Proton
Tech save but for the life of me I can't figure out how to copy a vendor address into PM. Normal click and hold does copy and just a click opens PM with only my Addy no recipient address. So how do you copy and paste to send a PM?
True dat. On the ban. But with due diligence it's as safe or safer than pressed, at least you know your exact dosage. Most pressed brands are hit and miss on the dosage.
Not your normal kratom but super charged. 7 oh is a good vendor. I like buying 7 OH powder less expensive and more bang for the buck. Not sure if they carry the powder but their pressed is usually good quality.