
Mar 9, 2016
I have been getting numerous requests for info. on dieting, dieting for losing bodyfat and/or dieting for that coveted RIPPED!! physique...I wanna make this easy for EVERYONE, so I think this might be a good place to start.  I am going to post TWO strategies for manipulating your carb intake for the purposes of leaning out/losing bodyfat. ONE method in which you MIGHT lose some added muscle mass, BUT MIGHT be a quicker approach...and a SECOND method that will surely work, but will take longer to acquire your desired 'shredded' physique.

 What knowledge I do have on this subject has come from either my own trial and error...OR is available to anyone with access to fitness literature, whether in print or online. So...actually the research is out there, and so is the material for EVERYONE to research/study. I'm just condensing it.

BOTH of these methods will depend on your current bodyweight and what your macro(carbs, proteins, fats) totals technically SHOULD be and what you can reduce them to for desired effective measures to shed extra bodyfat. It is fundamentally and universally acknowledged that your TECHNICAL macro intake on a healthy diet plan of lean meats, complex(low-medium GI) carbs and healthy fats should be in sum six parts: 3 is carbs, 2 is protein and 1 is fat (3+2+1=6).

EXAMPLE: 200 lb. healthy male w/ an acceptable BF%
Total maintenance diet macros = 462.5g carbs(1850cal), 308.5g protein(1234cal) and 68.5g fat(617cal)
Total calories = 3700
3700cal/6parts = 617cal/part
Carbs are 3 parts, so 3 X 617 = 1850cal, 462.5g
Proteins are 2 parts, so 2 X 617 = 1234cal, 308.5g
Fats are 1 part, so 1 X 617 = 617cal, 68.5g

1850+1234+617 = 3701cal

The easiest and closest way to guesstimate what your caloric and macronutrient requirements are isn't EXACT but it's close enough and is as follows, and will also be your method of calculation:

2g of carbs per pound of LEAN bodyweight = total grams in carbs
1.5g of protein per pound of LEAN bodyweight = total grams in protein
.5g of fat per pound of LEAN bodyweight = total grams in fats

NOTE: Your lean bodyweight is your true weight...you can get this by after you have calculated your bodyfat%(calipers?) and multiplying that % by your total weight (225lbs at 10% BF...your LEAN bodyweight is 202.5lbs....225x.1=22.5...225-22.5=202.5)

So your 200lb. subject counts are: 400g carbs, 300g protein, and 100g fat. And this would be???? 3700cal ...YES!!! Get the idea???...I hope so, it's really easy and this is a foolproof method to figuring out your macro/caloric requirements!!

Okay...granted the first example/explanation is a lil' more involved/difficult and also slightly skewed as it generally assumes someone is already physically fit with a healthy lean muscle mass to bodyfat ratio, and also classifies him in either the mesomorphic/ectomorphic somatotype. We're all not so fortunate(maybe in either area), but don't be dissuaded as this is just a general guideline for the rest of you to get an idea how you can adjust your personal macro/caloric requirements(and subsequently, your carb intake) depending on your own personal metabolism/somatotype. Everyone should know their body enough(hopefully!!) to figure out what works best for them; if you are more of an endomorph...then obviously carbs would affect your weight more just as if you were more of an ectomorph(aka 'hardestgainer') and you need much more carbs and higher calories in general. HOWEVER, with a strong and thorough dedication to a good training program and diet program, anybody can influence thier body to gain healthy weight(muscle mass) or lose bad weight(extra bodyfat) easier. I DO BELIEVE THIS TO BE TRUE!!!...and bascially withOUT the use of compounds as they're not the magical beans, but we all know they can at least help us in influencing our genetics, lol!! BIG PICTURE THOUGH = DIET FIRST, and ALWAYS WILL BE!!! So that being said, we're moving on.
Now, the objective to losing bodyfat is to put yourself in a caloric deficit, and you do that by manipulating your carb intake. My own personal recommendation is to even elevate your fat intake SLIGHTLY while doing so...reasons being is that healthy fat don't make you fat, they ACTUALLY help you burn your fat stores(it's the bad fats you have to watch out for, that aren't good for ANYBODY) AND healthy fats also provide you with an added kick of quick, clean energy that your body will be cravin while embarking on a carb depleted diet plan. So Here it goes:

Method 1
1): Take your current bodyweight, and calculate your macro requirements in grams
2): Now that you have your 3,2,1 totals in grams, forget about the protein and fats...and CONCENTRATE on the carb figure as this is the one you are going to fool with!!
3): You start out on week 1(for lack of a better definitive point of embarkation). For week 1, you cut your total amount of carbs in half and eat that number of carbs(in grams) for that first week, everyday!!
4): Now week 2, you cut the amount you ATE for the FIRST week in half again and you will eat that amount of carbs(in grams) for that week, and this will also be where you stay for the remainder of your carb depleted diet until you reach your goal!!
So let's look at how this would pan out for our 200 lb. subject:
Week 1 = 200g carbs
Week 2 = 100g carbs
Week 3(and beyond) = 100g carbs

When you get down to your "steady-state" carb intake(in this case 100g), get those carbs in during the first part of the day..the AM hours and try to get it in at breakfast if you can. Always get your protein and fat totals taken in throughout the day as well, those values don't change. The benefit to this method is that you gradually drop off your carb intake, and let your body adjust to the deficiency in carbohydrates...and we all SHOULD know that carbs are our main energy source. This method aids your body in adjusting it's search for energy elsewhere(hopefully looking for fat stores, and not your muscles) and alleviates you from going into a lull state...and therefore to all the unwanted side effects of such lull state as carb depletion can and might do.

Method 2
This one is a wee bit different, as it is more of a carb-cycling approach to losing unwanted bodyfat, and it goes by days in the week.

Monday = cut carbs(.5g to 1g per pound of bodyweight)
Tuesday = cut carbs(same as Monday))
Wed. = bump carbs(1-2g per pound of bodyweight)
Thursday = cut carbs(same as Monday)
Friday = cut carbs(same as Monday)
Saturday = BLITZ carbs(2-3g per pound of bodyweight)
Sunday = cut carbs(same as Monday)

Now this schedule can be manipulated depending on your workout schedule. The blitz day should be a day or two before your leg/back workout day OR a combined bodygroup muscle day(ex. chest/back). The idea is to have at least 2-3 cut days before you bump or blitz your carb intake.

Okay!!!...NOW HERE'S THE KICKER to this all!!! You have figured out how your body can lose weight now(fat), and whenever you want to start packing on more mass...well, you just up your carb intake again until you discover that comfortable equilibrium point. This 'point' is where you think you are gaining more mass in comparison to just adding fat, and that is how you figure out what your specific metabolism is and how to work with it!!

I will use myself for an example:
early 30's, 220(ish) lbs. and under 10% BF
My own personal bodytype is ectomorph

MY macros(usually):
Carbs: 100-150g/day(leaning out),200g/day(maintenance), 300g+/day(muscle building)
Protein: 200-250g/day(maintenance), 300g/day(natty muscle building/leaning out), 400g+/day(muscle building-gear assisted)
Fats: 75-100g/day(maintenance and muscle building), 100-125g/day(leaning out)

ALL THIS IS, IS KNOWING HOW YOUR BODY GAINS AND LOSES WEIGHT, and there you have it!! Have fun guys and gals!!!

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Broken down its very simple really you can pick and choose that was my aim.at the end of the day what gives you longevity in life is learning to understand your own body and what you do or do not put into it. Fat lose or dieting is probably one of the most common topics in life, yet the one that's least understood. All this shows are various ways on how you can manipulate your carb intake to produce a desired rate of fat lose. If yourself or anyone need help with the  mathematical side just put up your stats or pm me and I'll give a personal breakdown. But I'm no genius. I should've mentioned both but I'd already written quite a lot  :3_grin:

I got myself a touch portly a few years ago, and dropped my carb intake significantly , I started day with a good whey protein shake with some lecithin 95 added, and took my carbs only from fruits and vegetables, none from bread/pasta/rice/potatoes etc. I got only a little more active than I had been previously. I lost a good bit of water weight I was carrying anyway. This is all great info though, and I appreciate the time taken to post it. 

Excellent post. Some interesting info here. I'm a git for eating loads of strong mature cheese. And pasta also :-/ 

All out of likes! But thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it. @PTFC couldn't have really done it better myself that's the right approach just a couple of tweaks and your laughing.

@Wa7n3one I like a good serving of pasta too and strong white cheese and I mean a good serving. Remember you can incorporate any food into your macro's. And even if you go over there's the law of thermodynamics > calories in v calories out. So you just make sure that on days that you have the cheese,  pasta..perceived unhealthy or not optimal for fat lose foods. Your output that day or the next is higher to compensate. My intake changes on almost a weekly basis. Use the mirror not the scales predominantly and listen to you body too. If I feel I could be looking fuller or I have excess I want to get rid off I just change my macros accordingly. Life's too short to be obsessed but this is a guide that once you get the hang of becomes second nature.

please what ever ya do dont use testostrone to  burn fat you,ll end up with bitch boobs or gyno as its called and its 10/15k to have the mamorie gland removed each side 80% diet 20% exercise 

@jjooe please elaborate further for the masses since that was such a sweeping statements. It's a side effect just like any other when you put any compound in your body, Albeit a very costly one. However if you do the proper reset and follow the guidance of those more experienced then it is avoidable. Not 100% but no side effect is. Unfortunately some are predisposed to it from birth. Nowxthatvreallyvsucks.

peace & positivity

Benzo d said:
I have recently changed my diet to 3 high protein and large amounts of fruit, salad and veggie meals a day with 2 'snack meals' inbetween. Eaten at the same time each day to help speed metabolism. I have cut out as much carbs as possible (potatoes, bread,pasta etc) I am doing high intensity exercise every day bar one each week and have managed to lose 2 stone (28lbs) in 2 months. This regieme is starting to show a loss of fat and can see the muscle definition coming through. I need to lose a bit more body fat before introducing carbs to bulk my muscles out more and your post is very helpfull and detailed for this purpose.
This is more or less what I done also, a few years ago, cut out the "starchy" carbs and only consumed protein, some fat and fruit and veg. It's amazing the amount of water you carry due to these carbs. I also felt a sort of fog lifting from my mind after 5 days or so, I had been advised I might feel this and was dubious, but I really did! Passed so much water too.........

There's a saying when cutting weight (so many sayings) try not to drink calories. People track food religiously but forget about liquids. Ironic that you've given up smoking weed (personally I don't either after spending most of university baked) but a large majority of bodybuilders do as it it puts you it's a deeper REM sleep thus promoting more muscle growth. Or that's the theory. Fun fact for the day! If I can help you out in anyway apart from the useless trivia just let me know.

sorry I haven't been quite as active PTFC, my cat died ran away just whilst we were on holiday and I move house on Thursday! Crazy mental right now.

Not at all @Hammerblow! Sorry to hear that too, that's a bit of your family gone!  Not moving too far I hope? You've put a lot into this section and it is appreciated. Lots of great info, even for those who aren't gonna use steroids. Some of your set and rep cycles have been implemented! 

Yeah it feels like we've lost a,like part of our family our other cat doesn't know what to with herself they grew up together and are only 4. I think we"re going to rescue a wee kitten so she has company again besides the dog. No not moving far at all just out the burbs and back to the west end of G-town. Missed it too much. I'll still be all over this section with my 'knowledge' I'm glad some of its already been put to good use. Believe it or not there's so much more to come! I think I can here some groans ha! 

This is more or less what I done also, a few years ago, cut out the "starchy" carbs and only consumed protein, some fat and fruit and veg. It's amazing the amount of water you carry due to these carbs. I also felt a sort of fog lifting from my mind after 5 days or so, I had been advised I might feel this and was dubious, but I really did! Passed so much water too.........
@PTFC. So true. I've had similar problems and it worried me how many times I needed to pee. Try having cats who will do battle to claim your lap as theirs and then you need to move to pee. I've been known to waited close to 2 hours when busting as I did t want to disturb the cats lol. 

I've been stuck on prednisolone for years, on and off, the water weight they put on you is ridiculous. I put on nearly 4-5 stones in my first 6 months on high dose oral pred. When I have had the chance to cut and come off, the water and moon face tend to leave in a fairly short time but the last stone is always the hardest to lose, for me in anycase 

There's a saying when cutting weight (so many sayings) try not to drink calories. People track food religiously but forget about liquids. Ironic that you've given up smoking weed (personally I don't either after spending most of university baked) but a large majority of bodybuilders do as it it puts you it's a deeper REM sleep thus promoting more muscle growth. Or that's the theory. Fun fact for the day! If I can help you out in anyway apart from the useless trivia just let me know.

sorry I haven't been quite as active PTFC, my cat died ran away just whilst we were on holiday and I move house on Thursday! Crazy mental right now.
I have found a particular brand of melatonin that really takes me into sleep really quickly and also gets me dreaming so vividly. I've used different types of melatonin over the last 6 years and was about to give up but this stuff is incredible. I mean it's like a really strong benzo effect. It has 3mg of melatonin but has GABA, thealine ( spelling) valerian and chamomile in the small tablets. I would normally crush any solid pill but this one really doesn't need it. I've been talking in my sleep again and I remember my parents (RIP) told me this was a regular occurrence as a child. My partner taped me a few nights ago and I was busting a gut with laughter at the utter shit I was talking. I guess I need to not take this every night though ?  I was on a big dose of amitriptyline, not for depression but for sleep. I've cut that down to 10mg from 200. It would leave me hungover next day and in a really bad mood with such loud ringing in my ears 

oh, I am still just about 52, just to give some perspective on previous posts on this topic 

@PTFC. So true. I've had similar problems and it worried me how many times I needed to pee. Try having cats who will do battle to claim your lap as theirs and then you need to move to pee. I've been known to waited close to 2 hours when busting as I did t want to disturb the cats lol. 

I've been stuck on prednisolone for years, on and off, the water weight they put on you is ridiculous. I put on nearly 4-5 stones in my first 6 months on high dose oral pred. When I have had the chance to cut and come off, the water and moon face tend to leave in a fairly short time but the last stone is always the hardest to lose, for me in anycase 

I have found a particular brand of melatonin that really takes me into sleep really quickly and also gets me dreaming so vividly. I've used different types of melatonin over the last 6 years and was about to give up but this stuff is incredible. I mean it's like a really strong benzo effect. It has 3mg of melatonin but has GABA, thealine ( spelling) valerian and chamomile in the small tablets. I would normally crush any solid pill but this one really doesn't need it. I've been talking in my sleep again and I remember my parents (RIP) told me this was a regular occurrence as a child. My partner taped me a few nights ago and I was busting a gut with laughter at the utter shit I was talking. I guess I need to not take this every night though ?  I was on a big dose of amitriptyline, not for depression but for sleep. I've cut that down to 10mg from 200. It would leave me hungover next day and in a really bad mood with such loud ringing in my ears 

oh, I am still just about 52, just to give some perspective on previous posts on this topic 
Hey @Jools,what is the melatonin brand? And where do you get it from?  PM if necessary!  ☺ 

Hi @PTFCI sent a message. I did say what brand it is in other posts but then thought that, as I am a newbie, I could maybe be thought of as being a salesman of rep. I just want to be careful and not get banned. If I hear it's ok then I can put it up for others to read. 

Just an example of last night. I had a shit day so took some 0.5 pfizer zannies. I was still pissy and agitated and down to something my partner did, she can be very selfish to cut it short. I then waited around 2 hours to see if maybe I would habe a delayed reaction but nothing. I habe periods when food and drugs don't work as normal and due to Crohn's and how that affects the digestion and uptake of everything. 

Anyway, took this melatonin and 20 minutes later I was gouching in my chair. I went to bed and feel much better today. 

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!