At the suggestion of another DBGer, I decided to try this. I ended up finding it quite useful, and I am sure other people around here could benefit similarly.
Agmatine has three reputed effects I was interested in: as an anxiolytic, as a potentiator for 0pis, c@nn@bis, etc., and thirdly as a 0p WD reducer. After experimenting with it some, I didn’t have much luck with it for my anxiety, nor did I notice a potentiating effect.
Well today I finally tried it for WDs, specifically mild meth@d0n3 WDs. I took a very small dose of the agmatine, 250mg. Sometimes larger doses made me dizzy, and I did NOT want to experience WDs *and* dizziness at the same time haha.
I am honestly shocked at how well it worked. I took it with 2.5 g of kratom, but not on a totally empty stomach(I’d had some coffee) 2 hours later, don’t even feel the slightest bit sick now. This is remarkable. I feel fine. Usually, 2-3g kratom helps me somewhat for about an hour, but it only decreases the WDs, it doesn’t make them go away completely. I’m on 100mgs md0n3 daily(but slowly tapering down), i.e. my 0pi tolerance is obscene. So it definitively isn’t the kratom alone doing the job(2.5g kratom is to 100mgs md0ne as Mercury is to Saturn). For my WDs to be totally gone for several hours seems like a miracle. I’m a bit angry I didn’t know about this stuff years ago when I was still using street 0pis.
I will update when I have had the chance to experiment some more with agmatine. Even though I have only used it for WDs once, the result are so promising I had to share(and I’m confident I can rule out placebo, etc. 0p WDs don’t just vanish spontaneously, lol). Thanks
@LatsDoodis for telling me about this stuff.