Allowable questions to ask a Potential New Vendor


Jun 26, 2019
Hi everyone! I'm still very new here and this is my first post. 

Anyway, my question is with regard to what sort of questions are appropriate to ask a potential new vendor (both related to topic and number? I recently asked a vendor the following:

---Does the minimum order fee include the delivery fee?

---In general, what sort of dating do you provide on your product (2 years, 3 years, etc.)?

---the vendor offered phentermina at 30 mg. I asked if this was correct of if it should in fact be 37.5 mg.

in any event, the vendor responded that I asked too many questions and that he wasn't interest. Really appreciate feedback from you all on a better way of doing this.



I would say it's their lose. You have every right to ask what you won't as long as the question doesn't compromise their saftey or fishing for certain questions that don't really need to be asked. I would normally start of by saying i have a question but I understand if you don't want to answer because it might comprise the vendor. 

Those questions seem like standard questions to me. Who was it if you don't mind saying? 

Gonna agree with @Conceited, those seem like pretty basic questions to me as well.  There are brands that sell that particular chem in 30mg form and confirming pill strength seems like an ordinary enough question.  And nothing you asked seem like any kind of red flags nor can i tell how answering them would compromise anyone.  That said, anything you're buying is a gamble (Ph3nt3rmin3 is commonly faked) and Im sure most vendors prefer customers who are easy and don't ask questions but if you're a new customer creating some basic rapport can be essential if you want a recurring customer.  Of course i also think it's perfectly reasonable, when applicable, to reagent test things IRL b4 buying and ive definitely encountered vendors who don't appreciate that.  i don't care though, its my body!!.....Good luck, in my limited experience here, there are definitely vendors who don't mind basic questions like those.

Agreed. I have other vendors that I'm using consistently with great success, but it never hurts to explore alternatives. I thought the questions were pretty benign. Maybe he was having a  bad day (so is just lazy).

I'dont want to start anything, but his

Agreed. I work with other vendors consistently and with great success, but there's no harm In knowing what all your options are. 

Maybe this guy was having a bad day (or week, since it took 5 days to get a response from him). Or, maybe he's just lazy. Whatever.

With regard to the name, the 'good angel' on my shoulder tells me it's not worth the fuss and might jeopardize my relationships with my existing vendors. The 'demon' on my other shoulder says let's let if fester a bit and see where it takes us. For now, I can tell you it is listed in the US2US section and has a pretty good reputation from what I've read. 

Agreed. I work with other vendors consistently and with great success, but there's no harm In knowing what all your options are. 

Maybe this guy was having a bad day (or week, since it took 5 days to get a response from him). Or, maybe he's just lazy. Whatever.

With regard to the name, the 'good angel' on my shoulder tells me it's not worth the fuss and might jeopardize my relationships with my existing vendors. The 'demon' on my other shoulder says let's let if fester a bit and see where it takes us. For now, I can tell you it is listed in the US2US section and has a pretty good reputation from what I've read. 
Just put it down as a lesson learned. Some vendor are sensitive when questioning there ware's, although a reputable vendor should not act in that way. Unless their getting to big for their boots. At least you are sorted and forget about the other vendor whoever they maybe.

For now, I can tell you it is listed in the US2US section and has a pretty good reputation from what I've read. 
That's what I would expect. Only a vendor with plenty of satisfied customers can afford to be so offhand with new prospects.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!