@runnerlk, my friends, one day I shall describe in great detail the conversation that was had here today, and I want some of our most intelligent female members present when I do so. Suffice it to say, for now, that divorce isn't really what she wants - She doesn't even want a "trial separation", whatever buggery that is, because if I'm not home at night she doesn't "feel safe". Of course, what this is turning out to be is a power surged expression of what she doesn't like about me (and after 30 years of marriage, I imagine there's a lot). Once the screeching phase ended she took a day to give me a hateful look at every opportunity, and went to bed before dark. Ah, but after dinner tonight, reason, or rather that "I've got what I want to say put together now, and you are going to realize how horrible you are by the time I'm through" phase that seems to be unique to the fairer of our species locked down - I could literally see the anticipatory triumph in her eyes, but she was gripping the edge of the dining room table as if it was her anchor - If she lost her grip on the table, everything would go sideways, and quickly.
For now I'll leave you with this - sideways it went for her, it could have gone no other way. *I* wasn't furious, *My* heart rate was normal, I didn't know exactly which accusations to expect, but expected I'd heard quite a few of them before, so relief that we were finally getting down to brass tacks is what I felt.
You see, I already know I'm horrible. That's my secret. Oh, not horrible as in "killing machine" horrible, or "picks up bunnies and snaps their necks" horrible - But daylight approaches and I must to bed...Much more tomorrow. I just thought you all deserved to know as soon as possible that we're NOT in divorce territory here, and thank you for being there when I thought I was.