Ig I m Greggy and I have dealt with BI polar and clinical anxiety for longer that I can recall. At first my biggest 'gripe' was the depression as that was the time when I became non functional. the anxiety was still there but iwas in my early twenties[ side note ; all these symptoms have gotten worse as time has gone on].
I started seeing a psychiatrist about the depression, neglecting the 'mania' as I imagined that the mania might be my normal mood[ doenst everyone paint their room at 4 am]
and so was prescribed anti depressants. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
Well that went me into a permanent unbreakable mani thelike of whichihad never seen before, I was hiding in my bathroom unable to leave the house or even answer the phone.
I tried several antidepressants with thw same effect and gave up
at which time I started to self medicate on alcohol and other drugs this nightmare lasted for many years until I got sober and have remained sober till I lost 4 members of my family in nine months plus was audited by the irs and lost my nest egg.
Ihave been found to be 100 percenty disabled and that is weird for someone who is used to working.
Moreover I have bad coverage for drugsand so am seeking them here I have read many books about bi polar and found that some meds have a good effect I was trying lithium but I am sadly having terrible side effects and since I form kidney stones constantly lithium is out, so I am trying abilify and tryongto get some klonopinon this site.
I am wondering is any bodyout there that beat thisthing enough tobe able to leave their house go shopping and maybe fishing [ which I love more than anything]
what drugs do yuou take , therapy a,d whwatever.
I am ready to be done withi this
I don't thing any of us deserve to feel this way I think we deserve a good like itys not our fault
I started seeing a psychiatrist about the depression, neglecting the 'mania' as I imagined that the mania might be my normal mood[ doenst everyone paint their room at 4 am]
and so was prescribed anti depressants. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
Well that went me into a permanent unbreakable mani thelike of whichihad never seen before, I was hiding in my bathroom unable to leave the house or even answer the phone.
I tried several antidepressants with thw same effect and gave up
at which time I started to self medicate on alcohol and other drugs this nightmare lasted for many years until I got sober and have remained sober till I lost 4 members of my family in nine months plus was audited by the irs and lost my nest egg.
Ihave been found to be 100 percenty disabled and that is weird for someone who is used to working.
Moreover I have bad coverage for drugsand so am seeking them here I have read many books about bi polar and found that some meds have a good effect I was trying lithium but I am sadly having terrible side effects and since I form kidney stones constantly lithium is out, so I am trying abilify and tryongto get some klonopinon this site.
I am wondering is any bodyout there that beat thisthing enough tobe able to leave their house go shopping and maybe fishing [ which I love more than anything]
what drugs do yuou take , therapy a,d whwatever.
I am ready to be done withi this
I don't thing any of us deserve to feel this way I think we deserve a good like itys not our fault