I think it is pretty different for all people, something in your mind that clicks of when it has been there and didn't like it, so its like your other cells are just shutting down because you cant think about what is happening in that moment and you have no way of processing it so you get more and more panicked because nothing is changing and seconds feel like minuets, I think it is the same as when you get panic attacks it is for other reasons and so each person heals differently, so people just think one or another way is the way to fixing something because that is what fixes a large number of others and then when that thing doesn't work for you, your basically told your always going to be that way which is bull-shit, people wouldn't be trying to find new anti-biotics if there was a large source that was working in the majority, and so instead, for Me personally in life have been shunted of by the "Mental health service" because nothing has basically changed or worked for Me when it has came to my Personality Disorder and Chronic Depression, Luckily though for Me diazapam works fine for my anxiety but I obviously dont want to be on pills for the rest of my life and the ones im on for my P.D and Depression dont do anything except from helping me sleep. Yoga and Meditation are meant to be really good for anxiety in learning you to be in more control over your mind whilst its trying to shut down in the situations where you feel you need it the most, I am reading a book at the moment called "Wherever You Go, There You Are" and it has actually been helping me feel more calm when im stressed and panicking, Its not for everyone like I said, I think there is a book out there and different methods out there for everyone, You are never a lost cause and you can get better and heal and I wish you the best of luck in doing so.
After I have finished this book I can send it to you if you would like to read it, I have another book also that practises you certain mind excersizes and that that helps some people.
Are you on any other prescription drugs? I am on diazapam and imiprimime for anxiety and depression my panic attacks never used to be as bad as they are now but it is since I have been taking Tramadol that they have increased and got much stronger, I seriously thought I was having a heart-attack twice now and Doctors/Nurses and Psychiatrists have said I shouldn't be mixing they tablets together because your anxiety gets increased ten-fold.
Anyway Im sorry for the essay and for going on like a metalika song, also sorry if there's bits you dont understand- I am Scottish- Im not sorry for being Scottish, that is the one thing in life that I would never change.
Yours Sincerely
Iona Starr.