hooter1 said:
This would have been more clear to you if the lengthy post I made on pg 39 had not been deleted. Not only do you come across as being anti pharma, explaining how they all but force docs to use their drug, but you further attack my character, acusing me of "blaming" anyone, based on a very simple explanation of how events unfolded. You further lecture on how I should have educated myself to the point that I know every effect an rx might have as a result of using said med, then, in the same paragraph, you explain that the docs themselves don't understand the effects, thereby expecting me to know more about the effects than a doctor.
Then, and then, the best part of your retort, is that you resorted to using quotes from my "second" explanation to reinforce the invalid points you attempted to make in the first post, as if to illustrate why you were right to begin with, even before you had any of the information from the second post.
THEN you try to appear to take the high road in describing how you understand that everyones problems are different (even though you have NO idea about my life), but then you immediately go south with the statement
implying that I'm not rational because I sought help from a doctor.
In the end, all I really got from you is that I'm uneducated, or undereducated, irrational, and sad.
Although you explain that you don't want to offend anybody?
Holy shit Frank. FUCK YOU.
I'll stop here before.......................................
Sadly, my post from the air mail thread was deleted; thankfully we can continue here.
So according to you I "come across as being anti pharma, explaining how they all but force docs to use their drug". Well, I am personally against the pharmaceutical industry, the health insurance industry, and, in many situations, feel that doctor's use the ignorance of their patients to their advantage. This is why I use the board for info on how to circumvent the system, especially without having any health insurance plans, like many Americans.
I'm not sure what you mean by "accusing you of 'blaming'... but it would probably help if that original page 39 post was still around. Next, I did not lecture, I more or less labelled you a complete fucking retard for putting something down your throat, multiple times a day without doing
any research on your own. I mean, youe genius fucking mind ate the same pills day after day, and then ate more when the dosage didn't work until your tolerance was so high that quitting cold turkey was a withdrawal-nightmare.
Anyone with any bit of common sense would have understood this process, as it was occurring, as physical dependence. Not you apparently. I've seen doctors prescribe benzo's, pk's, and amphets to people and never once heard them explain 'this is what the effects will be, both daily, and long-term'-- hence why I stressed educating oneself on some of these issues. It may come as a shock to someone so slow, but most of the texts that doctors use in medical school, are actually available to the public!! And of course if that's too much work for you, then you can find plenty of credible sources on the wonderful internet. Additionally, someone like you is not capable of knowing more than
any doctor, anywhere, and therefore you should continue to blindly accept everything they tell you to do as if it were a vital truth; I mean, your benzo prescribing doctor obviously cared so, so much about your long-term well-being, as your withdrawal story shows us.
"Then, and then, the best part of your retort, is that you resorted to using quotes from my "second" explanation to reinforce the invalid points you attempted to make in the first post, as if to illustrate why you were right to begin with, even before you had any of the information from the second post." Now I'm just guessing what you're
trying to say here is this: that I made a reply to your original post (in this thread) and then when you replied back to me (also in the above thread), that I used points from your "second explanation" in order to further explain what I had previously stated beforehand. In what way is that illogical?? Especially when your "second explanation" literally starts with this sentence: "I actually don't know how you got to this based on what I thought I said, but I'll try to make it clear"... you were further explaining the
same point you had already made, you just included more personal details Einstein.
In your original post you said "[o]nce upon a time in Cali. (they have very generous medical care there) I was up to 4-6 mg a day. The hard reality is that once in awhile you just HAVE to detox. Go cold turkey for just a couple of weeks, then after you no longer feel like you're going to die, I promise, the 1 mg will do the trick again."
In reply to that, I said: "I know everyone's problems are different, but I cant see how any rational person would place themselves in this type of situation, and if you need to blame your doctor then IMO it's rather sad. Benzo dependence and withdrawal is fairly publicly known as one of the worst that there is. Why would anyone willingly place themselves in a position to face that level of anxiety? If the pleasure of eating benzos is that 'worth it' to you then I think maybe there's a discipline issue."
IMO blaming a doctor for this situation is rather sad and IMO maybe there is a discipline issue. And again,
in my opinion, I cant see how a rational person would put themselves in this^ situation. I was not implying that you're irrational because you went to a doctor for a health issue, you dumbass.
I do understand everyone's problems are different: for example, I understand your problems led you to eat benzos daily, gradually increasing the dosage to about "4-6 mg a day", according to you, until you quit and went through withdrawal. Something an educated, intelligent person would have seen coming a mile away. And I understand that about you, "even though
have NO idea about [your] life", because you spelled it out on an internet message board open to the public.
In the end, all I really got from you is that you're definitely super-educated, even over-educated maybe, logical, and rational.
Oh and I have now meant to offend you, retard. You'll "stop here before......................................." what exactly?