Hi @Gator, how's it goin'.
I get the same reaction from X@ns. Booom! I'm out cold and my wife is waking me up a coupla hours later. They just suck a few hours out of my life. I mean I get how they must be the med of choice for serious panic attacks and can be really cool recreationally but I'm pretty sure they can do a lotta damage in the process if you mix and keep taking 'em.
However, I do have Rx @tiv@n (L0r@z) 1mg x 3 a day, but I just take a half when I need it. I like it so much better (not like, like I wanna take more and more, I just find it effective) because of the main thing it does for me: I can actually take .5mg (one half milligram) during work and it settles me, un-panics me, but most of all, it doesn't effect my mental acuity! I'm really lucky in that way; I don't know if others get this really valuable benefit. I can't say that about any of the other benzo's I've been prescribed over the years (I really resisted going on benzos at first so we had to do some trial-and-error). For me, I don't see a recreational value in @tiv@n, tho, but everyone is different.
My experience with V@ls has been positive mostly because, on occasion, I can take just a little (maybe 2-5mg) and not think about it for the rest of the day. It really helps me with muscle soreness, too, but yeah, for me, too it makes me sleepier than I'd wanna be on a regular basis. I mean I really can't take it at work or if I am doing anything that needs focus and concentration. It's kinda like a breakthrough-benzo, if that makes any sense. Now if I go and take 15mg of Val you won't hear from me for a coupla days.... Booom! Just like X@n's - to me, anyway.
Enjoy your day and be safe!