Bit of info on 4 letter


Feb 6, 2017
@admin, please delete if TMI.

I understand why vendors use them.  Cheap, some vague thing about needing a warrant to open.  Believe me when I tell you the workers open all the time while in transit and steal things.  Mostly it is things they know they can resell like electronics.    

The adventure starts with priority or express.  Priority might be 1, 2 or 3 days.  There's a map that will tell you on the website what "zone" you are in.  Most people are 2-day.  The zone for 1-day is so small, don't even hold your breath.  You might as well drive to vendor and pick up.

Express is supposed to be next day.  By default, you must sign for it unless sender tells them not to.  They even have stickers you can put on that says signature waived.  You would think they would leave it in that case like everyone else.  But the individual worker has discretion whether to leave it in safe area or not.  In my experience, they do not leave it.  They put a sticker on your door or in your mailbox for first attempt for priority only, not express.  For express,  you have no idea they were even there unless you get a TN.  I usually don't ask vendors for one unless something is unexpected.  Luckily my vendor had it.  You then must arrange for a redelivery or pick up wherever your local office is.  Now I've seen on the board the vendors say NEVER call, but with this one, sometimes it's the only way.   You may try their awful confusing website online and it will say something like no redelivery at this address.  You must call for redelivery or pick up at the office, but it won't tell you which office.  If you are in a populated area, it gives you a list of closest offices.  I've gone to the office near my house 5 minutes before they close and gotten lucky.  It won't tell you online if it's there.  It's risky.  I wouldn't recommend it and I didn't like it.  But really, what's the difference?  They come to your house or you go to them.    If you have a one office town and you want some adrenaline, try it and see if it went back there.  The rules I read say for Express, there's no automatic redelivery.  You must arrange for it online or calling.  The tracking online may say, oh, don't worry, we'll deliver it again the next business day.  However, the rules say not with Express.   The only way is to arrange for it to redeliver or pick up, so I think it's best to go online and fill in the info for a redelivery.  I don't know if anyone has just let them try again next day, but I did the redelivery online just to be sure.  The first time they try, they do not leave the orange/pink sticky thing so it's imperative you have a TN with Express if it doesn't arrive when you expect it.  The rules say if you don't arrange for redelivery, it will languish then for 5 days at their office and then it will get sent back.   Your area may be totally different than mine and you may know your guy or gal and this is great.  I am in a heavily populated area, so I can only assume they go by these rules.  This is also info from my mailbox owner thrown in there and he's been doing this a long time.  The rules also say Express will deliver on Sundays and holidays.  But if you read more rules, not if it's a business address, only residential.  For business, it is next business day in the traditional sense of when the office is open, no Sundays or holidays.  I know because I just had 5 days to read all of these rules while waiting for my one-day delivery.  And don't even try calling.  The 8 number is only open when the offices are open.  Online says they tried on a Saturday, but I don't know.  I expected them to put it through the slot in the door or leave it, plus I expected owner to be there, but his employee showed up after attempt.  If you see a scan go through online and it says "delivered!"  No, it's not.  It could be 2 or 3 more hours.  That scan means it's left the building only and who knows when it will get to final destination.  That is, if you get any tracking information at all.  Sometimes it never happens.  It just kind of shows up at the address.  Don't stress.  Get the TN and sign up for the email notifications and have that sent to secure email like protonmail.  Then you don't have to check the number and hit F5 every 30 seconds.  Don't judge.  You know you have all done it.   I have heard if you check a TN too many times, it sets off red flags to carriers.  I don't believe it, but why drive yourself crazy worrying?  I did not get a delivery date or a change online until I filled out the redelivery.  I don't think it would have moved without this.  In this case, the safest thing to do would have been a residential delivery.  Easy peasy, no going back and forth to office, no talking to owner, no dealing with the website.  However, I hope this info will help you all in deciding where to send, when to send which delivery to ask vendor for, and if you do not get it when expected, what to do.  I really hate them.  

They also only seemed to update every 12 hours or only right before it’s out fir delivery. Mine will usually say it’s still in another state the am it’s supposed to get delivered . Then literally when I am losing it all the updates hit when the mail man leaves the office with it 

they are a nail biter ..

I am currently going thru it now. No updates in over 18 hours for a shipment 2 states away from me. Shipped 2 days ago. I hate the snail mail way. Never consistent and I am always biting my nails. 

I am currently going thru it now. No updates in over 18 hours for a shipment 2 states away from me. Shipped 2 days ago. I hate the snail mail way. Never consistent and I am always biting my nails. 
It’s the holiday.  Just people, please, send an online gift card so we can get our magazines!  You might have it before it updates online so hope for that.

Yeah I signed up for informed delivery. Since I did that several weeks ago, I have bought 4 packages(2 of which already arrived), not all magazines(3 of 4 were craft supplies). Not one of them ever showed up on informed delivery. Not impressed. The only thing it ever tells me is when my housemate is about to receive a letter, or when I’m about to receive junk mail. Sooo useful. 

I don’t think it can be true that it raises red flags if you check the tracking too often. When I receive normal, non-magazine orders I am absolutely obsessive about checking the tracking. Like, a dozen times a day(actually, I’m actually a lot more obsessive and impatient when I’m waiting for fabric to sew a new dress, or a new soapmaking mold, or eyeshadow palette than if I am waiting on reading material. When it’s magazines, I am fairly zen, oddly enough. But I don’t depend on anything I order). I can’t be alone in obsessively checking tracking. And if lots of people do it for non-magazine purchases, than it isn’t suspicious. 

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Like today the regular tracking(using the TN) says I am supposed to receive a package(just art/craft supplies, but it’s a big deal to me), but when I log onto informed delivery it says I have no expected packages at all. Well, hopefully it gets more reliable after the holidays. The way it is now it’s useless. 

@LunaLovegood there is no red flag for checking tracking either lol. If someonr said that then they have probably been up too many days in a row 😉 

It is best just to be patient and let it be what it is. 

@INFINITeXpRESS like I said, I’m pretty patient. I got informed delivery as a way to ascertain that *something* actually got shipped out, not because I am particularly antsy. When you order something but it doesn’t come with tracking, and then the thing doesn’t show up, how do you know the vendor ever sent out anything at all? For all you know the vendor lied and never even sent anything out. It seems like it would be an easy way to scam; never send anything and claim the package was lost in the mail. To me, that’s the real benefit of getting a TN when ordering magazines, particularly for vendors you haven’t done business with before. It’s verification. 

@INFINITeXpRESS yeah the OP mentioned that they’ve heard that checking the tracking too many times can raise red flags, though he says he doesn’t believe it. I was just saying I don’t believe it either, because I’m sure lots of people obsessively track packages. Just because it isn’t magazines doesn’t mean people aren’t excited and impatient for it to arrive. 

@LunaLovegood That's interesting nothing shows on your ID.  Every pack sent thru postal shows up on mine as soon as the label is made.  I wonder if it not working for you has to do with location or something? 

     And as far as checking tracking goes, security-oriented people say not to check via the postal website not because anyone's checking server logs in real time but because the postal website stores those logs and those logs would be admissible in court to show you in fact were expecting the package.  Whether this has happened or not i doubt so, as culpability is way easier to prove by other means, but IP logs have definitely been used in many other kinds of court cases to prove culpability which is why people say to just avoid and to use other sites like packagemapping to track packs. 

@LunaLovegood my gosh. That's paranoia speaking. IP address can not be used because it cannot prove without a doubt in court as to who was accessing. Even if one person lived there. Secondly, it would have to be the agency sending a c0urt signed document to your isp requesting the info, but before that would ever happen they would of already had you with poss. Or poss intent to distri. So it would be a waste of time and money. All these are myths that have been dispelled after ORD happened in 2007. 

So bottom line, check 500 times a day. It won't change anything. I promise. ☺ 

I forgot to mention too, some providers have a pool IP, so it changes all the time and takes more time and effort to pinpoint for isp to a specific individual. This has been like this since early 2000s.

Oh i completely agree!  i was only letting her know what the idea was and why people still say it all the time or it was always in the DNM bible and such.   There are definitely a lot of paranoias and misconceptions and people can get waaaaaaay overboard in their security consciousness when doing questionable things.  On the flip side though, some people still think you can't be found using TOR or that tumbled bitcoin can't be "untumbled" or that cops won't pull a CD at a PO,  even though all of those misconceptions have been disproved as well.

Anyways, to get back-ish on topic: 4-letter is a mess and refresh that tracking page as often as you need folx!!!  Oh and Informed Delivery now allows for online signature to sign for a package so you don't have to be there.  Obviously since its the the four-letter word, who knows how well it actually works, since obviously ID itself doesn't work for some people!!!

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I’ve never actually tracked a magazine package. My general policy is to simply follow the vendor’s instructions and wait patiently. The only reason I got ID was to verify if a missing package ever got shipped. I only checked once, and at the time I had other, non-magazine packages due as well. My reasoning was this: ID doesn’t require you to search for a particular piece of mail. It simply tells you everything that is on the way. Since I had several non-magazine items coming, how could anyone tell which particular package I was looking for? 

In any case, for various reasons I don’t anticipate needing to use it again for that purpose. I’ve been using it for other mail(e.g. the new phone case I ordered), and all I’m saying is that it isn’t even much good for that. 

@LunaLovegood my gosh. That's paranoia speaking. IP address can not be used because it cannot prove without a doubt in court 
Yes, it can, but I’ve never seen it done for a parcel package. To prove it’s not your IP is a lot of hassle. I have seen it done for illegally streaming movies or pay per views and pretty regularly now they can easily check phones and computers.  It’s pretty regular to check Facebook as well.   And Comcast or AT&T hands over the person connected with an IP with a piece of paper.  It’s not really paranoia, but probably not worth it for anyone to try unless it’s all connected with a higher crime. For instance, a bar buys a pay per view and hundreds of people come to watch.    In the case of pay per views being stolen, someone is losing money.  In the case of the big 3 carriers, are they losing money or making money?  They would gain nothing unless the govt cracked down on them.

@Handsley apples to oranges. Like you said, you haven't seen nor have any sound info about parcel. Thank you, thus, what I said is true. For what they are talking about, because they don't own a bar and are not p2p'ing music, what you said has nothing to do with my point. It won't happen. Trust me, I do know. Trust me when I say there are people on these types of forums that know. 

@Handsley apples to oranges. Like you said, you haven't seen nor have any sound info about parcel. Thank you, thus, what I said is true. For what they are talking about, because they don't own a bar and are not p2p'ing music, what you said has nothing to do with my point. It won't happen. Trust me, I do know. Trust me when I say there are people on these types of forums that know. 
I suppose my point, maybe badly made (please forgive), is that it can and is done (tracking an IP to a person), and I was also agreeing with you that it's targeted at people they can get money from.  It's just a hassle for the person doing it (stealing online, counterfeiting), so I was giving just a bit of warning to my friends here for that kind of thing.   And yes, had nothing to do with your point.   I tend to do that.  I'm glad there's people around that know.  The govt does move around what it's "after" or cracking down on and I know we get updates once in a while on this.  I don't like to check tracking personally too often because the OCD kicks in and it's just a time-waste.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!