Blasting Anadrol on TRT?


Jul 21, 2019
I usually blast with test and deca, but a lot of y’all here at tnation say how bad deca is for cardiovascular system and studies showing interference with brain neurotransmitters etc. if I had access to anadrol (keeling safety in mind) think it be a good idea to blast anadrol for 3-4 weeks just to add some weight and hopefully trt keeps some gains? Or all most the gains temporary?

I apologize as I cannot help you here, and i do not mean to hijack your thread, but I am thinking you or someone else who stops by may be able to answer my question.

I basically used to be a monk. then got sick, real sick, they can only manage the symptoms. I know [at least i think i know] what drugs to ask for...

After dropping from a very healthy 160 to a skeletal 120, my doctor asked me if I wanted to try test. II can't thank him enough but that's besides the point...

im taking 1ml / 200mg two times every week. Not the usual trt dose but i dont think body builders would blink at that. not sure though.

point is... I couldnt work out. I was just taking it and living [and eating right,] and it has been great in every way. 

My question - 

is there anything thats worth to add at all to this testosterone?.. Even though im not working out anymore, Im fighting muscle wasting / neuropathy, and ever since have been curious. Im thinking anything that wont fuck me up, [worse than test. forever, ] but might increase bone density or something good so i dont fall and break at 35? Not looking to hulk out or die, just enhance what I can through chemistry. Most of the time I am partial to living.

Much <3

I apologize as I cannot help you here, and i do not mean to hijack your thread, but I am thinking you or someone else who stops by may be able to answer my question.

I basically used to be a monk. then got sick, real sick, they can only manage the symptoms. I know [at least i think i know] what drugs to ask for...

After dropping from a very healthy 160 to a skeletal 120, my doctor asked me if I wanted to try test. II can't thank him enough but that's besides the point...

im taking 1ml / 200mg two times every week. Not the usual trt dose but i dont think body builders would blink at that. not sure though.

point is... I couldnt work out. I was just taking it and living [and eating right,] and it has been great in every way. 

My question - 

is there anything thats worth to add at all to this testosterone?.. Even though im not working out anymore, Im fighting muscle wasting / neuropathy, and ever since have been curious. Im thinking anything that wont fuck me up, [worse than test. forever, ] but might increase bone density or something good so i dont fall and break at 35? Not looking to hulk out or die, just enhance what I can through chemistry. Most of the time I am partial to living.

Much <3

Am I reading this right in that youre doing 400mg a week? What ester testosterone are you using? Thats an awful lot as you are probably aware for TRT.

Perhaps look at bringing that test dose down and adding a little nandrolone if looking for something prescribed clinically for osteoporosis?

@trinity From what I have read, in regards to typical T.Replacement Therapy, he's got me juiced to the gills. And yeah, that's test cyp. - Is that what you asked regarding which ester?

I wish i could post pictures from a wedding pre a post. i looked so scary.

I have no complaints at all, I am just wondering what else could possibly help in this world of chemicals, because I would have never asked for test and it helped a lot.

I doubt he would be willing to add anything more himself, as I am no athlete and not training for anything. Hes keeping me looking healthy and looking from being wasted away so his job is kind of done, but never hurts to ask.

I just want to ask here first so I know what is even possible, as I have a feeling these drugs, when used right, might just enhance our health in ways and extend aging and quality more than we admit. Im rambling and not saying anything new. forgive me.

Regardless, thank you. 

Anadrols definitely my favorite oral and probably my favorite steroid. Pretty harsh though so if you’re taking it I would consider it a cycle and not part of trt.. also as far as gaining muscle and bodybuilding results anadrols bard to beat but by no means would I consider it healthy or a means of anti aging lol. If your goals health and anti aging test and hgh is probably ur best bet. 

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